Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1048: Trace

It is not difficult for cultivators, especially those in the Yuanshen stage, to enter the underworld.

But it is not easy to get to Yindu City safely.

The underworld is vast and boundless. If there is no place in the underworld, who knows where you will go when you cross the gap between yin and yang from the yang world.

Once lost in the underworld, even the True Lord Yuanshen is likely to encounter life-threatening danger.

Without the special passage owned by the royal family of the Dali Dynasty, even monks from large sects such as the Hailing Sect would have difficulty teleporting to the vicinity of Yindu City, let alone other people.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Meng Zhang spent a lot of money to trade with Princess Chunyu to get the opportunity to come to Yindu City.

Among the cultivators under the Dali Dynasty, many people are eager for such an opportunity.

In and around Yindu City, it is very safe. As long as cultivators don’t run around and stay near Yindu City, there will basically be no accidents.

There are a large number of special products from the underworld for sale in the Yin Capital City.

Even the monks with the lowest authority can purchase more or less, saving themselves the trouble of running around in the underworld to collect.

At least so far, everything Meng Zhang has done is within normal circumstances and not suspicious at all.

After Meng Zhang returned to Yindu City, several days passed before Ouyang Jian and Zhenjun Mo Qing returned to Yindu City looking seriously injured and embarrassed.

According to the two of them, they were going to a certain place in the Devil May Cry Mountains to help Ouyang Joaquin transform into a ghost and **** with the help of the geographical location there.

But during the transformation process, the ghosts deep in the Devil May Cry Mountains were somehow disturbed.

The powerful ghosts coming like a tide were too much for them to resist.

In desperation, they had no choice but to break out and escape separately.

Ouyang Joaquin, who was transforming into a ghost, was swallowed up by the ghost.

Zhang Xingda, who was originally invited by Ouyang Jian to help gather earth energy, was also trapped in a group of ghosts. Unfortunately, he died without any bones left.

Ouyang Jian and Zhenjun Mo Qing were seriously injured and managed to escape with their lives.

Of course, the ghosts and gods who rule Yindu City will not easily believe Ouyang Jian’s words.

After repeated questioning, they did not reveal any flaws.

And it seems that Ouyang Jian and the others are also victims and have also suffered huge losses.

The injuries on their bodies were real. Ouyang Huajin, Ouyang Jian’s close disciple, was also swallowed up by the ghost.

Zhang Xingda is an old friend of Ouyang Jian, so he took the initiative to help. Now that he died in the hands of a ghost, even if the Yindu City officials were dissatisfied, they couldn’t say anything.

As for the ghost-god Duanqi and the Forbidden Army spy who were following Ouyang Jian and the others, they also did not return.

Ouyang Jian and Zhenjun Mo Qing naturally knew nothing about the guy who was secretly following them. Judging from their performance, they had no idea the stalker existed.

There is a reasonable speculation in Yindu City that the follower followed too closely and was also overwhelmed by the crazy influx of ghosts, and died.

If it were an ordinary person, the higher-ups in Yindu City might have used some tough methods to search for souls.

But Ouyang Jian is an old minister of the Dali Dynasty, and he is very senior. Many ghosts and gods in Yindu City are his juniors.

And he has a wide network of friends. In addition to Zhang Xingda, he also has many old friends in Yindu City with whom he can talk.

Zhenjun Mo Qing, a demon cultivator, directly obeys the orders of Emperor Bawu and is not subject to the control of others.

Although there are many doubts about Ouyang Jian and Zhenjun Mo Qing, they cannot escape from the disappearance of Guishen Duanqi and his companions.

However, it is really difficult for the senior officials of Yindu City to deal with them without definite evidence.

Finally, an old bureaucrat came up with a solution.

The Yin Capital City is located in the underworld and governs the ghosts and even ghosts under the Dali Dynasty.

As for living people like Ouyang Jian and the others, they should naturally be left to the disposal of living people.

So, according to the wishes of the senior officials of Yindu City, the royal family members in Yindu City prepared to **** Ouyang Jian and the others back to Shangjing City and hand them over to Emperor Bawu for disposal.

In this way, Yindu City is tantamount to handing over this hot potato to others.

Because this matter involves two official ghosts and gods in Yindu City.

The soul lamps enshrined by Zhang Xingda and Duan Ci in Yindu City have been extinguished, indicating that they have fallen.

The senior officials of Yindu City must not ignore it and must find out the truth of the matter.

Yindu City began to prepare to organize a team of ghosts and gods to go deep into the Devil May Cry Mountains to investigate the death of the two ghosts and gods.

Of course, even though the investigation has not officially begun, the senior officials of Yindu City know that this investigation will probably not go smoothly.

There are too many hidden dangers in the Devil May Cry Mountains.

For the sake of this nearby place, Yindu City has organized teams to explore it many times. After paying a huge price, they have not been able to go too deep into it.

You can imagine how difficult it is to investigate the truth about Ouyang Jian and the others’ whereabouts in the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Although they knew that the investigation would be difficult and costly, the senior officials of Yindu City still had to do it.

It’s just that it’s unclear when the truth will be revealed.

In the following time, Ouyang Jian and Zhenjun Mo Qing were put under house arrest in Yindu City and could not go anywhere.

They didn’t take it seriously and showed no dissatisfaction. Find Shuyuanwww. They stayed quietly and took advantage of this opportunity to take good care of their injuries.

In this way, Meng Zhang and Ouyang Jian, two seemingly unrelated groups, stayed in Yindu City.

It is a rare visit to the underworld. In addition to fully experiencing the various outputs here and enriching his own knowledge, Meng Zhang took advantage of the special environment here to carefully understand the great avenues of heaven and earth and understand the power of the great avenues.

As for the golden stone egg that he accidentally obtained, Meng Zhang did not dare to take it out for investigation in Yindu City, fearing that it would be exposed.

He had already carefully received it into his own mustard space, preventing it from leaking the slightest breath.

Meng Zhang’s mustard space has been continuously sorted out by two spiritual pets. Not only does it have a lot of storage space, but it can also allow living creatures to survive in it.

What makes Meng Zhang a little strange is that the Hailing sent envoy left Yindu City early and acted alone since they arrived in Yindu City. No one knew their whereabouts.

Seeing that the day for the opening of the space channel is slowly approaching, the Hailing Sect monks still have not returned to Yindu City. Many people are a little worried that they won’t get stuck there and won’t be able to return in time.

Fortunately, this worry did not become a reality. Two days before the opening of the space channel, the team of monks from the Hailing Sect finally returned to Yindu City safely.

Although almost everyone in the team was injured, the team was well organized and there was no attrition. Moreover, the faces of this group of people couldn’t hide their joy, obviously they had successfully completed their mysterious mission.

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