Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1042: Purpose

Seeing the stalker appear, Ouyang Jian, who had been prepared for a long time, did not show any surprise and took action directly, covering them all within his own attack range.

The cultivation level of Guishen Duanci is similar to that of Zhang Xingda, and they are both equivalent to human mid-level Yuan Shen monks.

The spy sent by Emperor Bawu only had the strength of the early stage of Yuanshen. He was good at sneaking and investigating, but was not good at combat effectiveness.

As for Zhang Xingda, he can no longer display much combat effectiveness.

His divine body is about to collapse, and now he has almost no power to stabilize his divine body.

The sharp sword energy that filled the sky encompassed all three enemies, leaving no trace of a flaw.

The indestructible sword energy moved back and forth, almost omnipresent and pervasive. Although the three enemies resisted with all their strength, they were still overwhelmed and unable to resist.

Ouyang Jian fought one against three, looking relaxed, happy and at ease.

Although True Lord Mo Qing has to preside over the ceremony and use secret techniques to deal with the sleeping natural ghosts and gods.

But from time to time, he spared his energy and used some secret techniques to secretly help Ouyang Jian against the enemy.

There are many secret methods in the magic spells that confuse people’s hearts and shake their minds, and they were performed silently by Zhenjun Mo Qing.

It was already difficult enough to deal with Ouyang Jian, but they also had to deal with the secret plot of the devil, which simply exceeded the limit of their abilities.

Only a moment after the battle started, the Yuan Shen stage spy who was with Ghost and God Duan Ci was beheaded by the flying sword raised by Ouyang Jian.

His out-of-body soul wanted to escape from here quickly, but Zhenjun Mo Qing made a big move from a distance and shattered it.

Ouyang Jian did not choose Zhang Xingda as the first target to kill, not because he was showing mercy to his old friend, but because he was picking on the weak.

Injured ghosts and gods are still ghosts and gods. In a place like the underworld, it is not so easy to kill them completely.

On the other hand, this Yuanshen-stage monk from the underworld obviously lacked experience in fighting in the underworld, and was easily killed by Ouyang Jian.

Now, only Duan Ci and Zhang Xingda are left. They can barely parry Ouyang Jian’s attack and may be killed at any time.

On the other side, most of Zhenjun Moqing’s energy was still focused on this ceremony.

The purpose of his and Ouyang Jian’s trip was to completely destroy the sleeping soul of the natural ghost and god, and try not to hurt its body.

The magic secret method used by Zhenjun Mo Qing directly penetrated into the soul of the born ghost.

Ouyang Jian’s disciple Ouyang Huajin only had his soul left, so he happened to enter his body and help kill his soul.

Ouyang Huajin’s soul has been entering the opponent’s body for some time.

Ouyang Huajin holds a sharp sword transformed from the secret method of magic, displays his sword skills, and strives to kill the enemy’s soul.

After this natural ghost was severely injured more than a thousand years ago, he fell into a deep sleep here, trying to slowly recover from his injuries in his deep sleep.

After so many years, most of the injuries on his body have recovered.

But the injuries on his soul were still serious, so he never woke up on his own initiative.

While in deep sleep, without much defense, he was attacked by the magic secret method. The soul of this born ghost made an instinctive resistance.

Because this is a battle inside his body, his powerful divine body cannot be used at all.

If it were a face-to-face battle, even if he was seriously injured and had not recovered, with his powerful natural body of ghosts and gods, he might not be afraid of Ouyang Jian and the others.

But now it is the soul that faces the enemy’s soul, as well as the threat of the devil’s secret method.

This born ghost feels a huge threat, and his soul, which has not yet fully awakened, is fighting hard.

Shou Zheng was distracted and hid in the back, and has not been exposed until now.

He is waiting for a good opportunity to take action.

He urged Meng Zhang and the others through the mark of divine power, asking them to speed up their progress.

Meng Zhang, who was on his way, looked at Shouzheng who was opening the way ahead, and his heart was filled with admiration.

When Shouzheng was distracted and following Ouyang Jian and the others, he also sent him news in real time, telling him various situations along the way.

However, due to insufficient cultivation, even if Meng Zhang knew this information, he could not effectively use it. When moving forward alone, he could never increase his speed.

Now that Shouzheng, a powerful ghost and god, is in the vanguard, the progress is suddenly much faster.

It seems that we can reach our destination within two or three days.

In that valley, Ouyang Jian fully demonstrated the strength of the swordsman and his mature combat experience, without giving the opponent the slightest chance to make a comeback.

Even if the two ghosts and gods from Yindu City fought at home in the underworld, they were still no match for Ouyang Jian.

First, Zhang Xingda, who was seriously injured, was beheaded. Before his death, he stared at Ouyang Jian with resentful eyes. His unwillingness and hatred turned into reality, causing clouds of smoke to rise in the valley.

Unfortunately, Ouyang Jian can basically ignore the mere resentment.

Not long after the duel, Duanjian realized that he was no match for Ouyang Jian and wanted to find an opportunity to escape.

But Ouyang Jian entangled him tightly, and with True Lord Mo Qing watching eagerly from the side, he never had a chance to escape.

In the end, Duan Ci was unwilling to die at the hands of Ouyang Jian, so he seized an opportunity and blew up his ghost body.

Caught off guard, Ouyang Jian, who didn’t know enough about the bodies of ghosts and gods, finally suffered a moderate injury.

When he saw Ouyang Jian being injured, Shouzheng was distracted and was about to take action. But after communicating with me, I went to Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com He forcibly suppressed the urge to take action and chose to continue waiting.

As a veteran of Taiyi Sect, Guishen Shouzheng is well-informed and experienced. His vision and knowledge are far beyond what Ouyang Jian and Zhenjun Mo Qing can match.

When Meng Zhang summoned Shouzheng, he told Ouyang Jian and others all the items purchased through the merchants of the Datong Merchant Alliance.

Shou Zheng thought for a moment and remembered the purpose of these items.

These items can be used to perform magic secrets, and are extremely lethal to the souls of ghosts and gods.

Especially those born as ghosts and gods have very poor resistance to this kind of magic and secret techniques.

In fact, the main purpose of developing this kind of magic secret technique was to target the souls of inborn ghosts and gods.

After so many years in the underworld, Shouzheng has also seen demon cultivators use such items to perform demonic secrets and directly attack the souls of inborn ghosts and gods.

There are also strong and weak among the natural ghosts and gods. If you weren’t a particularly powerful natural ghost, you really wouldn’t be able to withstand such a secret technique.

After the souls of natural ghosts and gods are destroyed by secret techniques, their bodies will remain basically intact.

After listening to what Meng Zhang said about Ouyang Jian’s actions, Shouzheng guessed at that time that Ouyang Jian and the others were probably preparing to destroy the soul of a certain born ghost.

The divine body left behind by the innate ghosts and gods also has an irresistible attraction for Shouzheng.

Shou Zheng has been in the underworld for many years, and his cultivation has almost reached the limit of acquired ghosts and gods, and it is very difficult to continue to improve.

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