Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1037: Start

While Meng Zhang continued to move forward arduously, Ouyang Jian and the others were almost reaching their destination.

Meng Zhang was alone and had no idea about the dangers of the Devil May Cry Mountains. At most, he had heard some hearsay.

Ouyang Jian and Zhenjun Mo Qing obviously have accurate intelligence support and have a general understanding of what they will encounter along the way.

The great monks in the later stage of Yuanshen are still sword cultivators who are good at fighting. They are also assisted by weird and unpredictable demon cultivators. The ghosts and beasts they encounter along the way are basically eliminated easily or with a little effort. expulsion.

When Zhang Xingda lost his physical body and only had his soul left, he had a cultivation level in the middle stage of his soul.

His cultivation level plummeted, but he successfully transformed into a ghost and **** in Yindu City. After so many years of practice and accumulation, his strength has slowly returned to the middle stage of Yuanshen.

Especially in a place like the underworld, it is basically the home ground of ghosts and gods, allowing ghosts and gods to fully exert their full strength.

He doesn’t take many shots, but every time he takes a shot, it is extremely powerful and can play a big role.

In terms of time, their group was five or six days ahead of Meng Zhang.

The two groups of people who followed them did not encounter much trouble because they followed closely and benefited from them.

Like some natural dangers, such as the almost ubiquitous ghost cries in the Devil Cry Mountains. Because they were prepared in advance, Ouyang Jian and his group knew how to avoid it.

The two groups of people following behind were both cunning enough. They noticed something was wrong from their actions early on and knew how to evade in time.

In this way, the two groups of people following them became the easiest and most labor-saving.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that Ouyang Jian and the others really made sufficient preparations before taking this trip. All kinds of items for the harsh environment of Devil May Cry Mountains are basically available.

Demon cultivator Mo Qing Zhenjun is very restrained against ghosts. In addition, everyone prepared a lot of talismans and disposable magic weapons to deal with ghosts. Their group did not spend too much effort to clear a safe path. path of.

Ouyang Jian and Zhenjun Mo Qing were covered with spirit beast bags, which were filled with forcibly controlled low-level spirit beasts for temporary exploration.

When encountering natural dangers such as the cry of ghosts, these spiritual beasts can be used to explore the way first.

Zhang Xingda was full of praise for Ouyang Jian’s performance along the way and praised them for being well prepared. Yindu City’s previous exploration of the Devil May Cry Mountains had never been so smooth.

They spent more than ten days and finally reached their destination smoothly.

This is a very secret valley, sandwiched between tall mountains.

When he arrived at the end of the field, Zhang Xingda looked around and asked Ouyang Jian with some confusion. There seems to be nothing surprising about this place. Do we really want Ouyang Joaquin to transform into a ghost here?

Ouyang Jian patiently explained to him.

Many years ago, a cultivator was exploring the Devil’s Cry Mountains. In order to avoid being chased by ghosts, he accidentally broke into this place.

This cultivator happened to be an excellent earth master, and he soon discovered that this place had a special location and excellent feng shui, making it a very suitable place for transformation into ghosts and gods.

The cultivator later returned to the underworld.

He and Ouyang Jian have a good relationship and have frequent contacts.

Not long ago, Ouyang Joaquin had an accident, and Ouyang Jian failed to help him rebuild his body. Ouyang Jian had to prepare himself and tried to send Ouyang Huajin to the underworld and transform into a ghost.

After the cultivator learned about this, he took the initiative to find Ouyang Jian, and not only provided him with a secret method to transform ghosts and gods, but also told him about this place.

Thus, Ouyang Jian and the others came to visit.

Zhang Xingda controls the earth’s energy by relying on his special ability as a ghost. He himself is not a geologist, has no knowledge of geography, and cannot see what is special about this place.

However, since Ouyang Jian said that the information was provided by a good friend, it was not easy for him to say anything more, lest Ouyang Jian misunderstood that he did not trust other friends.

While Ouyang Jian was talking to Zhang Xingda, Zhenjun Mo Qing had already started walking around in the name of exploring the earth’s veins.

Zhenjun Mo Qing has a mysterious origin, knows a lot, and has great abilities.

According to what he said, he also knows a bit about the knowledge of earth masters. Now the ducks are on the shelves, barely used to cope with emergencies.

Zhenjun Moqing walked around the valley, found a secluded place, and began to arrange the altar.

In a moment, the altar was successfully decorated.

He began to hold rituals to communicate with the world.

After a while, a looming human-shaped shadow appeared above the altar.

The name of this humanoid shadow is Lu Gangfeng, and he is a very rare celestial master.

Lu Gangfeng was originally a Tianji master who worked for the Dali Dynasty, but many years ago, he was caught by True Lord Mo Qing, and then fell into the control of True Lord Mo Qing step by step.

The inheritance of demonic cultivators comes from outside the world, and their actions are rejected by this world. Among demon cultivators, it is almost impossible for a Tianji Master to appear.

After taking control of the secret master Lu Gangfeng, Mo Qingzhenjun regarded him as an important trump card. If it is not an important matter, he will generally not be used easily.

Lu Gangfeng has the cultivation level of the early stage of Yuanshen. Generally speaking, he should have a lifespan of one or two thousand years.

However, he repeatedly used the secret technique to deduce the secrets of heaven, which caused him to be counterattacked by the law of heaven.

He had a lot of hidden injuries on his body, and his life span was also greatly reduced.

As a Tianji master, he certainly knows that cooperating with demon cultivators will be very harmful to him. Looking for Shuyuan may even make him rejected by the law of heaven.

However, as he fell deeper and deeper, he could no longer escape from the control of True Lord Mo Qing.

As a last resort, he had to deepen his cooperation with Zhenjun Mo Qing and find another way out for his family.

Lu Gangfeng is a Tianji master with a systematic inheritance. He has practiced Tianji art to the level of a Tianji master, and he can completely deduce people or objects at the level of Yuan Shen.

If he is willing to pay enough price, he can even deduce a higher level of existence.

Ouyang Jian and the others were escorted by his heavenly skills during this operation.

If there are any problems during the operation, he can deduce them in advance.

After Zhenjun Mo Qing contacted him, he immediately began to ask if there were any problems with their actions.

Lu Gangfeng had a bitter look on his face. He conducted various deductions before and after this operation, but paid a huge price.

He told Zhenjun Mo Qing that their actions would encounter some obstacles, but in general they had a high chance of success.

Lu Gangfeng did not give a too clear answer. It was not that he deliberately pretended to be a ghost, but that this was the result of the Tianji Technique deduction.

The result of Tianjishu deduction is just one of countless possibilities.

There are too many variables in the future, and even the most powerful Tianji master cannot control them all.

The higher the Tianji Master’s cultivation level and the more he pays, the more accurate the result of the deduction will be, and the closer it will be to the most likely future.

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