Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1036: Tracking

Meng Zhang took a little risk and found out from Princess Chunyu the origin of the ghost and **** who was monitoring Ouyang Jian and the others. Knowing that Emperor Bawu was also suspicious of Ouyang Jian and the others, he made arrangements in advance.

While chatting with Princess Chunyu, Meng Zhang told Shouzheng the news through the divine mark on his hand.

In Meng Zhang’s view, with the official interference of the Dali Dynasty, no matter what Ouyang Jian and the others had planned, it would be difficult to succeed.

After Shouzheng was distracted and received the message from Meng Zhang, he was not at all happy, but his mood became solemn.

After a while, Shouzheng was distracted and summoned Meng Zhang again.

Ouyang Jian and the others’ plan is most likely to capture a treasure. It is inevitable for me to keep this treasure. If official monks or ghosts from the Dali Dynasty were involved, it would be hard to say where the treasure belongs.

The message from Shouzheng stunned Meng Zhang, and then he cursed in his heart.

No wonder Shouzheng insists on participating in this matter. It turns out that he is preparing to seize food from the tiger’s mouth and seize the treasure from Ouyang Jian and others.

But if the official monks of the Dali Dynasty were involved in this matter, would it be difficult for me to handle it?

The Taiyi Sect is still a subordinate of the Dali Dynasty. How could Meng Zhang openly compete with the official monks of the Dali Dynasty for treasures.

Shou Zheng, an old man, has now given Meng Zhang a huge problem.

Meng Zhang chatted with Princess Chunyu and soon returned to the Requiem Inn.

After saying goodbye to Princess Chunyu, Meng Zhang returned to the small courtyard where he lived alone.

At this time, Meng Zhang could finally calm down and think about the whole thing carefully.

If it was just to destroy Ouyang Jian’s plan and seize their treasures, then Meng Zhang would be happy to do so.

But now that the official power of the Dali Dynasty is also involved in this matter, the situation becomes complicated.

Wang Zhengzheng meant that he had to seize the treasure, even if it meant going to war with the official monks of the Dali Dynasty.

Meng Zhang didn’t know what kind of treasure it was that made a powerful ghost like Shouzheng determined to obtain it.

Even what Shouzheng said may not be true. Until now, he is still hesitating, refusing to tell himself the whole truth.

Of course, this does not necessarily mean that Shouzheng does not trust himself.

Before this, his words revealed that the other party had Tianji Master involved.

Meng Zhang is a Tianji master himself, so of course he knows how terrifying the Tianji master is.

If Shouzheng reveals more information to himself, Tianji division may discover anomalies during the deduction.

Meng Zhang has always had a very regretful thing, that is, after entering the Yuanshen stage, Tianji Technique has not made corresponding progress, and has always stayed at the stage of Tianji Master.

For this reason, Meng Zhang thought of many ways. Not to mention daily homework such as reciting the Taoist scriptures and studying the Taoist canon, I put a huge amount of energy into the “Dayan Divine Calculation”.

But for some reason, Meng Zhang, who had always been very successful in his cultivation, encountered problems when he was practicing Tianji Technique.

Without a breakthrough in the realm of Tianjishu, he would not be able to deduce people or things at the Yuan Shen level.

A Tianji master who can make Shouzheng feel threatened and have to be cautious in his work must be above the current Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang had only come into contact with a Tianji master, Gu Yue Huaidie, but other than that, he had never seen a fellow Tianji master again.

He was willing to take a strange risk this time and follow Ouyang Jian and the others to the underworld. In addition to the requirement of being upright, a large part of the reason was that he wanted to meet the Tianji Master.

However, Ouyang Jian is a sword cultivator, Zhenjun Mo Qing is a demon cultivator, let alone Ouyang Huajin. These three people cannot be Tianji master, so who is this Tianji master and where is he located?

Meng Zhang alone cannot come up with answers to these questions.

So, he had no choice but to put it aside for the time being and start thinking about the purpose of keeping upright.

Meng Zhang quickly made up his mind that no matter what, he could not have a head-on conflict with the official forces of the Dali Dynasty.

If it were to deal with Ouyang Jian and the others, he could attack with all his strength.

If the official monks of the Dali Dynasty take action, Meng Zhang can only avoid it temporarily and let Shouzheng take action. Even if Shouzheng was dissatisfied, Meng Zhang couldn’t care less.

Meng Zhang had made up his mind, but then he seemed to have completely forgotten his purpose.

In addition to staying in the inn, he wandered around the underworld city to experience the local customs and purchase some underworld specialties within his ability.

Princess Chunyu also has a mission and cannot always stay with Meng Zhang.

Many times, Meng Zhang goes out alone.

On the other side, Shouzheng was distracted and secretly monitoring Ouyang Jian’s actions.

The ghost **** Duan Ci and the human monks in Yindu City are also secretly monitoring Ouyang Jian and the others.

Of course, they didn’t know that their actions had all fallen into Shouzheng’s eyes.

On the fourth day after Meng Zhang arrived in Yindu City, Ouyang Jian and the others finally left Lehun Tower and began to take action.

Zhang Xingda, who had made an appointment with Ouyang Jian for a long time, temporarily put aside everything in Yindu City, asked for leave from his immediate boss, and left Yindu City with Ouyang Jian and the others.

Beyond Yindu City, there is an endless plain. The Great Plains are surrounded by the Devil’s Crying Mountains in three directions.

After Ouyang Jian and the others left Yindu City, they flew directly to the north.

Yindu City Ghost God Duanqi and a human Yuanshen monk secretly followed behind and also left Yindu City.

Shou Zheng hid his whereabouts and followed at the back.

Shou Zheng sent a message to Meng Zhang through the divine mark, asking him to leave Yindu City immediately.

There are restrictions on the gates and walls of Yindu City, and there are also special Yin soldiers and Yin generals to guard them.

Ouyang Jian and the others were accompanied by Zhang Xingda, the ghost **** of Yindu City, so they could leave easily.

Both groups of followers hid their whereabouts and left Yindu City without anyone noticing.

Yindu City is usually heavily guarded, and it is not easy for ghosts in the city to enter and exit the city gates.

Fortunately, there were many cultivators from the Yang world during this period, and many of them needed to leave Yindu City and go to the Devil May Cry Mountains.

That’s why Yindu City officials relaxed their control.

As long as these cultivators explain their origins, prove their identity, and state their purpose of leaving the city, they can leave Yindu City.

Even so, when Meng Zhang left Yindu City, he still delayed a little time to deal with the interrogation of Yin soldiers and Yin generals.

Fortunately, the delay was short-lived and did not delay any major events.

After leaving Yindu City, Meng Zhang flew in the direction they left under the guidance of the divine mark.

Meng Zhang did not expect that after leaving Yindu City, he would fly continuously for more than half a month, with almost no time to stop and rest.

Not only did he stay away from Yindu City, he also left the great plain outside the city and entered the Devil’s Crying Mountains.

As we slowly go deeper into the Devil May Cry Mountains, various powerful ghosts begin to appear on the road.

On the great plain outside Yindu City, although there are occasional ghosts wandering around, these ghosts are not many in number and not strong.

This is because the ghosts and gods in Yindu City will regularly lead Yin soldiers and generals to clean up the plains outside the city on a large scale.

The original ghosts were either destroyed or expelled.

Therefore, there will not be too many ghosts gathered on the plain outside Yindu City, nor will there be any powerful ghosts.

But Devil May Cry Mountains is outside the jurisdiction of Yindu City.

The deeper you go into the Devil May Cry Mountains, the weaker Yindu City’s control there becomes.

Once you reach the depths of the Ghost Body Mountains, Yin Capital City is completely out of reach.

In fact, based on the information learned during the chat with Princess Chunyu during this period.

Meng Zhang knew that there were many powerful ghosts deep in the Devil May Cry Mountains. Even ordinary ghosts and gods can’t do anything to these ghosts.

Yindu City has conducted several large-scale explorations of the Devil May Cry Mountains, but they did not go very smoothly.

After several setbacks with heavy casualties, Yindu City temporarily gave up exploring the Devil May Cry Mountains.

Yindu City is slowly accumulating strength. When it has enough strength, it may restart the exploration of the Devil May Cry Mountains.

The mountains of Devil May Cry are vast and boundless. The scope of the mountainous area almost exceeds the entire Jiuqu Province.

This is only what Yindu City knows. Outside this range, the ghosts and gods in Yindu City know nothing about it.

Meng Zhang moved forward according to the guidance of the divine mark, and encountered many powerful ghosts along the way.

These ghosts are not only powerful individuals, but also have many powerful groups of ghosts.

Three groups of people had passed before Meng Zhang.

The two groups behind them all hid their figures and may not have been noticed by these ghosts.

But Ouyang Jian and his party were going forward like this, and they would inevitably run into ghosts.

The ghosts on this road were actually cleaned up by them.

Of course, the purpose of their trip was not to clean up ghosts. So their cleaning process seemed very rough.

They don’t insist on destroying the ghosts, as long as they drive them away and open a safe passage, that’s it. In the process, many ghosts were easily eliminated.

After they leave, the expelled ghosts may return to their original locations.

Meng Zhang followed at the back and now encountered these ghosts.

There are many kinds of ghosts. In addition to common ghosts such as ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts, there are also ghost beasts.

In the world of cultivation, many people classify ghost beasts as ghosts and think that they are a special kind of ghosts.

But there are also many people who believe that ghost beasts have special shapes and are not completely ghosts, but have some characteristics of living creatures.

Meng Zhang doesn’t care about these classifications, he just cares about how to expel the ghost beasts blocking his way as quickly as possible.

When Meng Zhang went to the capital, he did not purchase talismans or magic weapons specifically designed to deal with ghosts.

His main practice back then was the “Sun and Moon Sutra”. him

Proficient in the Sun and Moon Avenue, you can use the power of the sun and the moon.

For ghosts, the power from the sun is simply a natural nemesis.

Whenever he finds a ghost blocking the road, Meng Zhang directly releases the true sun fire.

The extremely hot true fire of the sun, carrying almost endless light and heat, descended on the piles of ghosts and directly turned them into ashes.

Because of their special physiques, those ghost beasts are slightly more resistant to the true fire of the sun. Meng Zhang needs to spend a little more time and a little more hands and feet to kill them.

Along the way, Meng Zhang encountered many obstacles. In addition to ghosts and beasts, there were also some natural dangers.

The Devil May Cry Mountains are so named because ghost cries of unknown origin often sound in the mountains.

These ghost cries can easily shake the minds of cultivators and make their souls tremble.

These ghost cries come in bursts, almost everywhere.

The power of ghost cries that appear in different places and at different times is also very different.

There are some dangerous places in the Devil May Cry Mountains because special devil cries often sound here.

This kind of ghost cry is particularly powerful, far exceeding the ordinary ghost cry. Even the True Monarch of Yuanshen will be trembled, lose his mind, or even be completely lost after hearing this.

Meng Zhang is the type of monk who has a solid Taoist heart and a firm will. Among the True Lords of Yuanshen, they are all considered outstanding.

But several times, when he passed through certain areas, he was faced with the sudden sound of ghost cries, and his heart immediately became alarmed.

Without any hesitation, he immediately turned around and ran away, far away from the range of the ghost cry.

Even if he was just lightly swept by the aftermath of the ghost cry, he felt that his soul was beating non-stop, and he felt like he was about to burst out of his body.

Every time like this, Meng Zhang could only secretly cry out that he was unlucky.

These ghost cries are not always like this, but after a period of time, they will stop for a while.

After Meng Zhang entered the Devil May Cry Mountains, he slowly figured out some rules.

He will wait in the distance for a while, until the cries of ghosts weaken or even disappear completely, and then he will pass by this place again.

But as a result, his progress inevitably slowed down.

Sometimes, look for Shuyuan www. The ghostly cries in front of never disappeared, but continued.

Meng Zhang had no choice but to take a detour.

Anyway, with the guidance of the divine mark, the general direction of progress will not be wrong.

Meng Zhang was very puzzled as to how the three groups in front of him passed through these dangerous places safely without much delay in their journey.

On the way forward, Meng Zhang also encountered the Ghost King twice.

As the king of ghosts, the Ghost King often has considerable wisdom and is not a completely irrational creature like low-level ghosts.

After they fought against Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang showed strong fighting power. Knowing that they were outmatched, they retreated voluntarily.

Meng Zhang, who had important matters at hand, had no time to chase them.

On the other hand, Meng Zhang met the Ghost Beast King once.

This grotesque beast seems not to have a very bright mind. Even though it has fully seen Meng Zhang’s strength and suffered a lot, it still refuses to retreat.

The more damage Meng Zhang caused to it, the angrier it became, and it rushed towards Meng Zhang crazily, with a desperate posture.

Since he couldn’t simply expel the opponent, Meng Zhang could only be patient and slowly fight against the ghost beast king.

In the end, Meng Zhang used the Jinghong Sword to cut the ghost beast king into eight pieces, and used the divine light of the sun and moon to melt away its soul, finally ending the battle.

He didn’t even have time to carefully count the loot. He immediately put away the mutilated body of the Ghost Beast King and continued moving forward without stopping.

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