Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1017: Request

Meng Zhang suppressed his impatience and met Princess Chunyu in the small courtyard where he lived.

When Meng Zhang met her, Sun Pengzhi, as Meng Zhang’s subordinate, was always with her.

Princess Chunyu brought a maid as her entourage, and the maid held a gift box in her hand.

Seeing the maid, Meng Zhang felt a little familiar.

Meng Zhang remembered that when he visited the place where Hai Ling Sect stayed, he had this maid accompanying him near the royal carriage that was blocked outside.

Judging from her appearance alone, Princess Chunyu is a tall beauty with a gorgeous face. Every move reveals a mature style.

In the world of cultivation, the higher the cultivation level of a female cultivator, the lower the chance of an ugly girl appearing.

Everyone has a love for beauty. Especially for female monks, except for a few who have some psychological problems, or who really don’t care about appearance, most female monks are willing to put some thought into their appearance.

Grooming and dressing up is not something that ordinary people can do, and female monks are also willing to spend time and energy on it.

In the world of cultivation, there are many spells that can adjust the appearance and body shape, and there are also many elixirs that can beautify the face.

In many cases, these elixirs are more popular among female cultivators than elixirs that improve cultivation.

Meng Zhang was already immune to all kinds of beauties among the female cultivators, so he greeted Princess Chunyu politely but distantly.

Princess Chunyu kept her family’s attitude very low in front of Meng Zhang.

As soon as she came up, she apologized to Meng Zhang.

As a distinguished guest of Chunyu Inn, Meng Zhang was originally treated with the highest standards.

But the shopkeeper of Chunyu Inn was blind and did not know that Meng Zhang was the most distinguished guest, so he treated Meng Zhang slowly.

Princess Chunyu told Meng Zhang that the fat pig-like shopkeeper had been driven away after a good beating by her.

If Meng Zhang still isn’t relieved, she can personally bring the shopkeeper to Meng Zhang and let Meng Zhang deal with him.

In addition, in order to express her apology, she also specially prepared a small gift for Meng Zhang.

While speaking, Princess Chunyu asked the maid behind her to present the gift box.

Meng Zhang didn’t even look him in the eye, and slapped him casually, haha.

Being courteous, people must ask for something. If Princess Chunyu didn’t ask for something, she might not have this attitude.

Meng Zhang didn’t take it seriously when Princess Chunyu took the initiative to apologize.

Of course, on the surface, Meng Zhang is still very magnanimous. He said it was a trivial matter, but he didn’t take it to heart at all, so Princess Chunyu didn’t need to care about it, let alone spend money.

You come and I go, the two of them chatted in a false manner for a long time before Princess Chunyu slowly got to the point.

She tentatively asked if there was any special relationship between Meng Zhang and the Hailing Sect.

Meng Zhang, who had already expected this, responded casually, seemingly casually, saying that he had met several monks from the Hailing Sect once, and he was not too familiar with them.

Princess Chunyu smiled slightly, obviously not believing Meng Zhang’s words.

She went on talking without thinking about herself, telling all the purpose of her visit.

It turned out that Princess Chunyu had fallen into a big bottleneck in her cultivation. She tried all kinds of methods but could not get any breakthrough.

Later, by chance, she received guidance from an expert and learned about a technique called “Hai Yun Jing”, which was of great help to her situation.

If this technique can be used as a reference, it is very likely that her cultivation bottleneck will be broken through.

Although “Haiyun Jing” is not a very advanced skill, it is relatively rare in the world of cultivation.

Especially on the mainland, there are basically no monks practicing this technique.

In the overseas cultivation world, there are some fragments of this technique circulating.

Princess Chunyu spent a lot of time inquiring before she learned that the Hai Ling Sect owned the entire book of this technique.

Princess Chunyu wanted to obtain this skill from the Hailing Sect, but she was never able to get in.

What a coincidence, the Hailing Sect actually sent a delegation to visit the capital.

After Princess Chunyu got the news, she specially prepared generous gifts and went to visit.

Her status as a royal princess is not easy for the Hai Ling Sect monks to use.

After being rejected several times, I finally met You Mingde, the head of the Hailing Sect mission, but the other party was unwilling to hand over this skill to her.

No matter whether she offered high conditions, promised many precious spiritual objects, or even carried the sign of the royal family of the Dali Dynasty, You Mingde remained unmoved.

Although “Hai Yun Jing” is not the core heritage book of Hai Ling Sect, it is just a collection of ordinary exercises, but You Mingde has no right to pass it on.

You Mingde did not pay attention to the conditions promised by Princess Chunyu at all.

The strength of the Hailing Sect is not inferior to that of the Dali Dynasty. With the identity and status of Princess Chunyu, the spiritual objects she can bring out cannot impress the Hailing Sect monks.

As for her status as princess, it is not worth mentioning.

Hai Ling sent this envoy to Shangjing to negotiate directly with Emperor Bawu.

If a mere Princess Chunyu delayed Emperor Bawu’s important event, Emperor Bawu would not care about blood ties due to his character.

Princess Chunyu, who had nothing to do, was a little desperate, just in time to see the respectful attitude that You Mingde treated Meng Zhang.

In her opinion, to be able to be so respected by monks from a large sect like the Hai Ling Sect, Meng Zhang either has some unknown and profound background or has some special relationship with the Hai Ling Sect.

According to common sense, most of the people looking for Shuyuan should be the latter.

With the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a live doctor, she took the initiative to find Meng Zhang.

She hoped that Meng Zhang could help her mediate in front of the Hailing Sect monks so that the Hailing Sect would agree to her request.

Before coming to visit Meng Zhang, she learned all the information she could.

In her opinion, she had lowered her attitude so low, and Meng Zhang should give her some face.

But after Meng Zhang heard Princess Chunyu’s request, he refused to agree directly. Instead, he kept fighting with Princess Chunyu, or talking about him.

Princess Chunyu lowered her face and pleaded hard for a long time, but Meng Zhang remained unmoved.

Princess Chunyu was secretly resentful, but there was nothing she could do to make Meng Zhang agree.

Although she bears the title of a princess, she does not have much real power.

For others to buy her some face because of her title as princess, that’s just a matter of affection. If Meng Zhang didn’t buy it, there was nothing she could do.

Meng Zhang is both the leader of a faction and a member of the Five Penal Guards, and has the protection of Han Yao.

Even though Princess Chunyu is a member of the royal family, she is far inferior to Han Yao in terms of her status in Emperor Bawu’s heart or in any other aspect.

When she couldn’t move Meng Zhang even though she said all the good things, made many conditions, and even promised a lot of treasures for exchange, she was really at her wits’ end for the time being.

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