Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 846: Fan the flames, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Back at the Phantom Bar, Ye Tian’s clear voice lingered in the air and reached the ears of everyone present.

“These two guys are both Americans. The black guy comes from the Bronx, the worst neighborhood in New York, and his name is Swift, and the white guy comes from the slums of Philadelphia and his name is Powell.

In the United States, these are two unemployed vagrants, living at the bottom of society and relying on government relief. They spend much more time in prison than outside!

They are just garbage from the United States, eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and smoking! He has all the five poisons, cheating, cheating, abducting, cheating, and stealing. He does all kinds of evil and has no bottom line, let alone morality! …”

In the following time, Ye Tian completely exposed these two dead foreigners, even the eighteenth generation of their ancestors, and humiliated them severely.

Immediately afterwards, he announced all the criminal and extremely dirty deeds these two dead foreigners had done in Asia and China, without hiding anything!

Charm adult and underage women, shoot pornographic videos, abuse the victims, and sell related pornographic videos on pornographic websites for profit!

Use pornographic videos to extort money, use those victims as cash machines, extract money arbitrarily, and then use the money to squander it in various high-end consumer places!

Drug abuse and drug trafficking lead the victimized girls into the abyss of drugs, from which they cannot extricate themselves, causing huge harm to the entire society and so on.

While he was telling the story, Walker used the information received on his mobile phone to display pictures, using the most intuitive things to shock the hearts and souls of everyone present!

As Ye Tian said, none of the pictures displayed were frontal pictures of the victims, nor did they reveal any victim’s identity information.

Although they are somewhat cryptic, the shock brought by these pictures has not diminished at all. It also made everyone at the scene stunned and extremely angry!

“Woo woo…”

There were girls crying at the scene, not just one or two, but many. Everyone cried extremely sadly, and every cry was filled with fear.

The eyes of many men at the scene were filled with anger and their fists were clenched tightly. Everyone was so angry that their teeth were almost broken!

After hearing this, most men no longer paid attention to Ye Tian on the stage or the shocking video screenshots.

They all stared at the two unconscious foreigners in the booth, with endless hatred and fierce murderous intent in their eyes!

The atmosphere in the bar is becoming more and more tense, full of gunpowder and about to explode!

The policemen around the booth were also extremely angry, but also very nervous. They were complaining in their hearts, and even cursed Ye Tian crazily.

Although the two dead foreigners deserved their death and were cut to pieces by a thousand cuts, they can’t get into trouble now and they can’t be beaten to death by a group of angry people in the bar!

Since I am a police officer, I must protect these two criminal suspects and let them accept the punishment of the law instead of dying in lynching or group fights.

As for that **** on the stage who is afraid of chaos in the world, he should really find something to block that bastard’s mouth so that he can’t speak for the rest of his life!

This guy is really capable of causing trouble. Looking at the situation before him, he is trying to incite a riot!

Is there anything else he doesn’t dare to do? Absolutely crazy!

Towards the end, Ye Tian’s voice became more passionate, and the content of his words became more inflammatory.

“Girls, keep your beautiful eyes open. Not every foreigner is a prince charming, not a rich second generation, an international student, a senior executive of a foreign-funded enterprise, a diplomat, etc.

They are more likely to be unemployed vagrants and scum who cannot survive abroad and live in embarrassment! Those souls hidden under white or black skin may be the dirtiest things in the world.”

Hearing this, several girls present could not help but have a look of shame in their eyes, and their expressions were also a little scared.

How many of the beautiful girls who frequent the bar streets of Houhai and Sanlitun have never been accosted by foreigners? Who knows who those foreigners are?

Now that I hear Ye Tian’s words, can girls who have had similar experiences not feel scared?

Ye Tian continued to speak, every word was like a knife!

“Those two American trash in the booth may look glamorous and often visit high-end shopping malls. In fact, they are not even as good as the foreign trash imported by our country.

Foreign garbage still has recycling value, but there is no need for American garbage like them to exist! It is purely a cancer, bringing only filth and nothing else!

Just because they can speak English and have a different skin color than us, they actually get along well here, eat and drink, and are even treated as honored guests and treated with courtesy! “

At this point, Ye Tian could no longer suppress his boiling anger and began to curse.

“Are your eyes blind? Is your judgment so low? Americans can only speak English, and most of their skins are white or black. What is there to envy?

Don’t be fooled by such foreign garbage again! Otherwise, the next girl who appears in those pornographic videos may be you. Protect yourself, this is more important than anything else!

To the gentlemen present, I don’t understand what you are thinking! Surprisingly, I saw a girl being bullied by those foreign trash, and no one helped her.

Any Chinese man with a bit of blood will blush for you. What if this is your sister? Could it be possible to remain so indifferent? A bunch of useless snacks!

Stop being insensitive! Protect the women around you and protect your sisters. This is your responsibility as men, unless you are born without one!

That’s all I have to say. The words may be very unpleasant and make you feel uncomfortable! However, I don’t think there is anything wrong with these words at all, and I hope you will be alert! “

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian casually plugged the microphone back into the microphone stand.

Then he jumped off the stage, taking Raymond and Walker, as well as the trembling lawyer Chen Fei, through the crowd and the sea of ​​boiling anger, towards the police officers.

There was dead silence in the bar, and everyone’s eyes were filled with extremely angry flames, regardless of men or women!

Everyone was staring at the two scumbags in the booth, wishing they could rush up and tear them apart alive, and send them directly to the eighteenth level of hell, where they would never be reincarnated.

At the same time, everyone was staring at Ye Tian’s back, gnashing their teeth in hatred.

This **** **** is so vicious! That mouth can kill people! Are we that bad? You **** scolded me so much that your life seems like a waste of food!

In a few steps, Ye Tian and the others walked up to several police officers.

“Ye Tian, ​​you are such a bastard, you are so good at borrowing money to kill people! I admire you! If a group incident occurs, who can take responsibility, you or me?

You are an American, so you can stay out of it! Didn’t the final blow fall on my brother? Didn’t he provoke you? What hatred or resentment? You’re such a fool to my buddy! “

The leading policeman cursed in a low voice with unusual anger, his teeth clenched loudly, and his eyes were filled with anger and worry.

The rest of the police officers did the same. They all stared at Ye Tian angrily, their teeth itching with hatred.

“Brothers, don’t be too nervous. Even if such a scumbag is beaten to death by a group, he still deserves it. Besides, I believe you can control the situation! The SWAT police are not vegetarians!”

Ye Tian said with a relaxed smile, as if he didn’t care about killing or burying him.

“I’ll go! You are such a scourge! Go back to the United States and go scourge the American emperor. Beijing can’t tolerate villains like you who feel uncomfortable even if you don’t cause trouble for a day!”

The leading policeman cursed angrily, so angry that smoke was almost coming out of his nose.

“Hahaha, as you wish, it won’t be long before my brother goes to harm the American emperor! No trouble for you, no trouble for the people of the capital!”

Ye Tian continued to joke, teasing Menzi with the policemen in front of him.

Next, Ye Tian whispered a few words to the two lawyers and prepared to leave the bar.

Before leaving, he said to the leading policeman:

“My two sisters are outside the bar. For safety reasons, I have to go out and accompany them. If anything happens, you can come to me at Yinding Qiaotou. My buddy is right there. See you later!”

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the bar without waiting for the police to respond, simply and neatly!

Behind him, Raymond and Walker immediately followed, arrayed on his left and right sides, maintaining a high alert state, ready to attack at any time.

Soon, they walked through the crowd and walked to the door of the bar.

Just as they were about to step out, an extremely angry roar suddenly came from behind them.

“You are so shady! Ye Tian, ​​you are so vicious to the extreme! I am not a waste!”

Ye Tian didn’t even look back and responded loudly:

“Grandson! I really don’t know and don’t care whether you are a waste or not! But I still have some expectations. I hope you can really act like a man!”

With that said, Ye Tian pushed open the bar door and walked out with Raymond and Walker, leaving only his voice echoing in the bar.

The moment the bar door closed, an angry roar rang in Ye Tian’s ears.

“Good job! I’m going to kill those two **** foreigners, otherwise they won’t have the shame to go out and meet people!”

Hearing the roar from behind, Ye Tian immediately showed a proud smile on his face!

It’s done! Those two dead foreigners would be damned if they could leave Beijing alive!

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