Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 720: Destroy the yacht, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Barrett’s gunshots rang out one after another, shocking everyone on the three yachts and the entire sea area!

Just three M20APIT armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullets caused the Baitem luxury yacht ahead to burn, turning it into a torch lighting up the Caribbean night sky!

The fire started in the cockpit of the yacht and spread quickly, getting stronger and stronger!

The raging fire was also mixed with a thick black smoke rising into the sky, which was caused by the burning of the control equipment on the bridge.

Obviously, without anyone to rescue him, this luxury yacht is destined to be scrapped!

Sooner or later it will detonate the fuel, blow to pieces, and then sink to the depths of the sea! Unavoidable!

Even so, Ye Tian still felt that the speed was not fast enough.

He moved the barrel of Barrett’s gun again, and based on his own judgment, aimed at the location of the fuel tank of Baitem’s yacht, preparing to add more fuel to those idiots.


The gunfire rang out again, still deafening, like a death knell.

Another 12.7mm armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullet ejected from Barrett’s huge gun muzzle, like a rainbow piercing the sun, pulling out a dazzling white light, and rushed towards the Bytime luxury yacht in the distance at high speed.

Like the previous bullets, this special sniper bullet also hit the target with great accuracy and penetrated deeply into the hull!

The special-effect incendiary agent carried by the warhead took effect immediately and burned quickly! The momentum is very strong!

Seeing that there was another fire point on the Baitem yacht, Ye Tian moved the gun with satisfaction and aimed towards the stern of the yacht.

Although he could not see the stern of the Baitem yacht from his position, as long as the tender entered the water and left the yacht, he would not be able to hide his figure and would definitely be exposed to Barrett’s gun!

And he was also confident in his marksmanship. Even if the tender boat surged at high speed on the sea, he was still confident of hitting the target!

In order to drive those idiots out of the rear of the yacht as soon as possible, and to shock onlookers three nautical miles away, Ye Tian decided to use more drastic measures!

Of course, it also means destroying corpses and eliminating traces!

While moving the muzzle, he said in a cold tone:

“Peter, I’ll leave that Baitem yacht to you! Blow it up with a bazooka, blow it into pieces, and send it to the depths of the Caribbean, where it will end up! I’ll deal with those at the stern. Idiot! ”

“Okay, Steven, look at me!”

Peter nodded in response, his tone was quite excited, even a little impatient.

After he finished speaking, he immediately squatted down, took out a rocket from the box and loaded it into the launcher, then put the launcher on his shoulder and began to aim at the Baitem yacht ahead.

This series of actions was completed very quickly and skillfully, and Peter was ready to shoot in the blink of an eye.

After aiming at the yacht ahead, he immediately pulled the trigger without any hesitation.


With a loud noise, the tail of the Bazooka launcher suddenly spurted out a burst of flames, which was extremely dazzling on the dark sea, completely lighting up the sea where Faraday 960 was located!

At the front end of the bazooka, a rocket shot out from the launcher, then opened the rotor, pulled out the red tail flame, and rushed towards the Baitem yacht not far ahead at high speed!

Seeing this scene, a cry of exclamation immediately sounded on the Beneteau yacht in the distance.

“Oh my God! What is that? Don’t say it is a shoulder-fired missile, such as a needle-launched shoulder-fired missile or something like that, that is too scary!”

“That is not a needle missile, but at a distance of 500 meters, the power is almost the same! When used to hit fixed targets on the sea, it is even more powerful and more lethal!

If I’m not mistaken, it’s a bazooka. God knows where Steven’s **** got such a deadly weapon. It’s crazy! “

“Fortunately, we saw the opportunity early and parked the yacht here instead of approaching it. Otherwise, we would have nowhere to escape, and we would probably be sent into the sea to feed the fish by Steven’s gang of lunatics!

Here and there are professional treasure hunters who go out to sea to explore sunken treasures. They are basically a bunch of arms dealers and war maniacs! Kill wherever you go, **** all the way! “

Not only the people on the Beneteau yacht saw this scene, but several Mexican bounty hunters hidden in the stern of the Bytime yacht also saw the bazooka rockets flying at high speed!

“Bazooka! These **** are so cruel. Do we have such a big hatred? Do we need to use this kind of weapon?”

“Fuck! I hate these **** Americans so much, they are a bunch of devils from hell!”

Several Mexicans exclaimed crazily, their voices full of despair, and they were even so angry that they almost cried!

“Don’t worry about that **** bazooka. Hurry up and put the tender into the sea, otherwise we will all die on this yacht. I don’t want to die here!”

Sanchez screamed as he struggled to drag the tender out from the garage.

The remaining bounty hunters were not idle either, and they all worked together to try to drag the tender to the surface of the sea as quickly as possible, and then escape from this hell!

As for the bazooka rockets flying at high speed, do they still care?

As long as the rockets don’t explode on top of your head, you are still safe on the swimming platform and boat garage for the time being!

If the rocket explodes at the stern of the ship, then everyone will be completely finished!

Once the tender boat is blown up by a rocket, everyone will have no choice but to die. Death is just a matter of sooner or later, and the outcome will not make any difference!

Luckily, they can live a little longer!

The target of the bazooka rocket is not the stern of the ship, but the yacht cockpit!

Compared with sniper rifle bullets, the speed of rockets is undoubtedly much slower, but within a second or two, this rocket has reached its target.

Impartially, the rocket hit the target and hit the cockpit of Baitem’s yacht with great accuracy.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded, resounding throughout the entire sea area.

With the sound of the explosion, an extremely bright firework bloomed on the sea. It was gorgeous and dazzling, but it smelled of death everywhere!

Under the powerful attack of this bazooka rocket, the novelly designed cockpit of Baitem luxury yacht was directly blown to pieces!

Rocket shrapnel, glass, sawdust, sharp metal fragments, and parts of various machinery and equipment began to fly all over the sky, shooting wildly in all directions, with bursts of breaking wind!

Fortunately, the Mexican bounty hunters had already retreated to the stern of the ship and escaped disaster!

If they were still on the main deck, the crazy shooting of shrapnel and other debris alone would be enough for them to drink a pot. It is estimated that not many, or even none, would be able to escape unscathed!

This yacht has been completely scrapped and turned directly into a pile of scrap metal. It is also an extremely dangerous pile of scrap metal that may have a more violent secondary explosion at any time!

Under the huge impact of the rocket explosion, several Mexican bounty hunters hiding on the swimming platform at the stern were all thrown into the sea, and each of them turned into a drowned rat! Very embarrassed!

The M4A1 assault rifles in the hands of two of the guys also slipped from their hands and fell into the depths of the sea.

But fortunately, at the last moment before the explosion, they finally worked together to drag the tender into the sea.

After they emerged from the sea in a state of embarrassment one by one, wiping the water off their faces, they immediately climbed into the tender in a hurry.

The moment they entered the shuttle boat, a smile finally appeared on their faces. Although it was a sad smile, it was still a smile after all!

At this moment, they saw a little hope of escaping and leaving this sea of ​​hell!

“Guys, let’s set out and leave this **** place! This matter is definitely not over. As long as we can leave alive, there will be plenty of opportunities for revenge!

I swear to kill all those brutal Americans on the other side! Let each of them experience the fear we feel, and let them know what despair feels like! “

Sanchez said through gritted teeth, his tone full of deep-seated hatred, his eyes were blood red, and he was about to bleed!

While speaking, he had already sat in the driving seat of the tender boat and was about to start the engine and leave.

Obviously, he has the best driving skills among the Mexicans, so he naturally does his part, and the others have no different opinions!

However, they were still a little worried, and one of them warned:

“Sanchez, please be careful when you leave. I have to admit that the sniper opposite is very good at shooting. He is definitely a top expert. The boat must not be exposed to gunfire!”

Sanchez nodded and said confidently:

“Understood! I will use this Bytime yacht as a cover. As long as I can increase the speed of the tender boat, the **** opposite can only watch us leave. There is no way at all!”

As he spoke, he stretched out his thumb and pressed the button to start the engine!

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