Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3258: Second plan, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

The media reporters who stayed on the superyacht were ultimately disappointed.

They still couldn’t get the answer from Ye Tian’s mouth as to which famous pirate in history this huge pirate treasure belonged to.

As before, Ye Tian told them that he and several historians and archaeologists were studying this issue and had not yet come up with a definite answer.

Once he gets a positive answer, he will make it public.

However, he also gave the names of several famous pirates, saying that it might be the treasure buried by one of them.

The famous pirates he gave include Cotton Jack, Black Baronet Roberts and so on.

Without exception, these famous pirates are all contemporaries of the Black Baronet. Each of them is famous and full of evildoers.

In his narrative, any one of these guys could be the one hiding the pirate treasure.

In comparison, the black baronet is the least suspect.

Because in many people’s impressions and related legends, the Black Baron’s activity area does not include the coast of Morocco.

His strongholds along the African coast were further south near Prince’s Island and Cape Lopez.

According to legend, he buried all the gold, silver, treasures and antiques he had looted throughout his life near Prince’s Island.

Over the past hundreds of years, countless people have gone to Prince’s Island and nearby places to hunt for treasure, but not even a hair of the treasure has been found.

As for other famous pirates such as Cotton Jack, the suspicion is even greater.

The answer given by Ye Tian naturally failed to satisfy the media reporters, but they were helpless.

They didn’t believe Ye Tian’s words at all.

But so what if they don’t believe it, they simply don’t have the ability to find out the truth.

Of course, they didn’t gain anything.

When Ye Tian came over, he brought several valuable gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts with special significance.

These gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics were all excavated from the seabed using the rectangular grab.

It’s just that the preservation of these things is very poor. Each one is either damaged or deformed, which makes them look even more vicissitudes of life.

In front of the cameras of many media reporters, Ye Tian introduced these things in detail and gave a rough valuation.

In addition, he displayed a set of ten large emeralds.

Each of these emeralds is valuable, and they all caused bursts of exclamations at the scene and in front of the live broadcast, making everyone’s eyes red with envy.

After showing and introducing the gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics he brought, Ye Tian was ready to leave with these treasures and return to the Brave Fearless.

At this moment, a Spanish reporter suddenly asked:

“Steven, this joint exploration of pirate treasures is coming to an end. When are you going to return to Casablanca?

One more thing, when will your company and the Moroccan government plan to distribute this pirate treasure? Where are you going to transport the treasure you have been allocated, and when are you going to transport it? ”

Ye Tian looked at the reporter who asked the question, pondered for a moment, and then said with a smile:

“If nothing unexpected happens, we will be able to complete the excavation tomorrow and then set sail back to the port of Casablanca.

As for the distribution of this pirate treasure, it can only be distributed after the Moroccan side completes the appraisal and evaluation and reaches an agreement with us.

I hope that the sooner the better, so as not to have long nights and dreams. After completing the distribution, I will arrange for my men to transport half of the treasures as soon as possible, naturally to New York.”

Next, he answered a few more questions, then took David and the others down to the flybridge deck and took the speedboat back to the Intrepid.

When the speedboat they were riding in left the superyacht, the Spanish media reporter who just asked the question immediately walked aside and quickly sent a few messages on his mobile phone.

Most of the other media reporters on the superyacht were doing the same thing, and they all knew each other tacitly.

Since radio silence has been lifted long ago, their communication with the outside world is smooth without any obstruction.

But how did they know that all the communication signals they sent out were monitored by Ye Tian’s technical staff.

Before returning to the Brave and Fearless, Ye Tian had already received news from these media reporters leaking information to the outside world.

But he just smiled disdainfully and didn’t take it seriously.

That night, the seabed excavation operation scraping three feet of ground did not stop and was in progress.

The operation of cleaning up gold and silver treasures from the sand and gravel has not stopped.

The operating area where the joint exploration fleet is located is brightly lit all night, as if it were daytime.

Many employees of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company are divided into several shifts and have been cleaning up the treasures.

When a new day comes and the sun rises again.

The excavation activities on the seabed have just stopped, and the sea surface has calmed down.

Ye Tian led many divers and spent about ten days to completely scour the many treasure locations marked on the seabed.

The underwater ecology in those places has been destroyed

The originally colorful, beautiful and charming corals and seaweeds have disappeared, leaving only large pits and desolation.

The numerous gold and silver treasures, antique artifacts, and various gemstones left in these places were all scraped away.

Even if there are fish that slip through the net, they are so few that they can almost be ignored.

After confirming that all the marked places had been looted, Ye Tian asked his men to hoist the grapple to the sea and take it back to the Brave and Dauntless.

After a night of cleaning, the reception room of the Brave and Dauntless was filled with gold, silver, treasures and antiques.

Next, these things will be cleaned, registered, and then sent to the vault of the Brave and Dauntless.

After watching his men retract the rectangular grab, Ye Tian prepared to return to the living room.

At this moment, Yahya and Professor Paul took a speedboat, came over from the super yacht, and boarded the Brave and Intrepid.

Without exception, these guys were very excited, and they all had dark circles under their eyes.

As soon as they met, Yahya said curiously:

“It’s really strange. It was so peaceful last night, which made me nervous the whole night.

Have those guys who stayed outside the cordon just given up? Otherwise why nothing happens? ”

Not only Yahya, but Professor Paul and the others were also very surprised.

“Yeah, we were worried all night, lest those guys would come and rob us under the cover of night, but nothing happened”

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

“The reason why it was so peaceful last night and nothing happened is because those guys outside the warning circle understand that they can’t take any advantage here. If they attack rashly, they will only die.

Even if they sneaked over from the bottom of the sea, they could not dig out any treasures from the bottom of the sea. First, they had no equipment and capabilities, and second, they had no idea where the remaining treasures were located.

I can’t fight again and again, I can’t find it when I look for it! Those guys can only temporarily cease their activities and make other plans! But I’m sure those guys will never give up, they may be thinking of other ways.”

After hearing this, everyone’s expressions changed and became much more solemn.

Next, everyone chatted for a while, and then walked into the cabin of the Brave and Dauntless together.

In the blink of an eye, it was already eight o’clock in the morning.

Ye Tian and the others were admiring an antique artifact from the Aztec civilization in the cabin, when Matisse’s voice suddenly came over the intercom.

“Steven, all ships have been inspected, there are no problems, and they can set off back home1

After hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

“Let’s set sail and follow the second plan. You may encounter a lot of troubles on the way back, so everyone should be more vigilant1

“Got it, Steven, we know what to do”

Mattis responded, then ended the call.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yahya asked curiously:

“Steven, what is the second option?”

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head.

“The secret must not be revealed! You will know it soon”

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