Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3254: Unique cultural relics, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

In the cabin of the Brave and Dauntless.

Ye Tianna opened a black insurance bag, carefully took out an antique cultural relic from it, and presented it to everyone.

This is a gable-shaped crown. Although it is made of gold, its production is rather rough and its style is a bit weird.

This golden crown is inlaid with many gems of different sizes and colors. Coupled with the golden crown body, it radiates extremely bright light under the light, making people dizzy just looking at it.

The reason why the style of this gold and gemstone crown is rather strange is that its main body is Baroque art style, but it is full of colors of Indian civilization.

Especially the patterns and patterns engraved on the crown, many of which are symbols of Indian culture, are carved in the Baroque art style, which looks a bit nondescript.

Moreover, this gold crown is relatively crudely made and is far less exquisite than those mountain-shaped crowns in European countries.

If you look closely, you can even find that the left and right sides of this golden crown are not symmetrical.

Such an error is almost impossible to see on an item of special significance like the Golden Crown, at least no one has ever noticed it before.

From these perspectives, this golden crown is very much like a temporary thing made to deal with errands or situations.

However, it is made entirely of gold, and the purity is extremely high, and the material value is very high. This is a bit unexplainable.

In addition, some of the bases for setting gems on this golden crown look like they were smashed out later, and the gems on the base were also set later.

This situation seems to be that the person who got the golden crown felt that the golden crown was not gorgeous and bright enough, so he transformed it himself and inlaid a large number of gems!

Looking at such a golden crown, everyone was a little confused and didn’t know why.

After observing carefully for a moment, Professor Paul said in surprise:

“How come there is such a gold crown? This is the first time I have seen it. It is so strange. Could it be that an Indian tribal chief who knew Baroque art made this crown around the 18th century?”


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone was amused by these remarks.

When the laughter subsided, Professor Kent immediately continued:

“This possibility should not exist! In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Indians were always the targets of massacre and suppression. How could the European colonists bother to teach them Baroque art!

It was not until the independence of the American colonies, and then in modern times, that the status of the Indians improved and they escaped the fate of continued massacre. Only then did they have the opportunity to come into contact with European art.

But this is from the mid-to-late 19th century to modern times, and it does not match the history of this golden crown. From this point of view, the appearance of this golden crown is really weird! ”

At this moment, Yahya suddenly interrupted and said:

“Steven, you just said that among the gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts salvaged this time, there are some very special and interesting things, including this gold crown, right?

Let me tell you what is going on with this strange golden crown. Is it a product of traveling through time and space? Otherwise, there is no way to explain the appearance of this thing.”

Ye Tian looked at everyone present, then picked up the golden crown and pointed at the inner circle of the crown.

“Please look here, everyone. The answer to the mystery should be hidden in this line of text. Professor Paul, please translate this line of Portuguese for everyone!”

Following the direction of his finger, everyone saw a long string of Portuguese characters on the inner circle of the crown, as well as an exquisite emblem.

That emblem is very familiar to everyone. It is the royal emblem of the Braganza dynasty of Portugal.

Behind the long string of Portuguese characters, there is also a person’s abbreviated signature.

Like the badge, the signature is very familiar to everyone. It is the personal signature of Pedro II, King of Portugal at the end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth century.

The reason why everyone knows the personal signature of Pedro II is because they have seen several antique artifacts engraved with the same signature before, and each one is valuable.

Everyone knew it the moment they saw the badge and signature.

This peculiar gable-shaped gold crown does come from the late seventeenth century to the early eighteenth century, and it was made by Portuguese craftsmen, but it was made relatively crudely.

But why was this golden crown made like this? Which king or chieftain’s crown belonged to it, and how did it fall into the hands of the black baronet? It’s unknown!

Just when everyone was puzzled, Professor Paul had translated the Portuguese string engraved on the inner circle of the crown.

The meaning of the words engraved on it is that King Pedro II of Portugal canonized an Indian tribe chief named Green Python as the King of the Jungle.

And this golden crown was made by Pedro II and given to the Green Python by the Governor of Brazil. It was crudely made and could handle the problem.

As for the gems on the crown, it is estimated that only a few on the front were originally there, and the rest were inlaid by Green Python later.

I just don’t know how this strange golden crown fell into the hands of the black baronet.

As Professor Paul translated this string of Portuguese words, there was an exclamation of exclamation immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Douglas suddenly said:

“I may have figured out what is going on with this golden crown. Apparently, this is a golden crown specially made by the Governor of Brazil by King Pedro II of Portugal in order to win over the Indians.

The person he was trying to win over was the Indian tribal chief named Green Python. Because the other person was an Indian, he made such a crown that combines Indian civilization and Baroque art style.

But the rough manufacturing process of this gold crown also reveals the contempt of Pedro II and the Portuguese for the Indians. They despise the Indian chief named Green Python from the bottom of their hearts.”

Professor Paul nodded and then continued:

“This may be a strategy used by the Portuguese colonists before attacking the Green Python tribe. They used a friendly gesture to make the Indians of this tribe relax their vigilance and even regard the Portuguese colonists as friends.

When everything was ready, they showed their fangs and wiped out the Indian tribe led by the green python in one fell swoop. Of course, there is another possibility. This green python may be a puppet supported by the Portuguese colonists.

They used the green python to rule the Indians and other indigenous people scattered in the rainforest to achieve colonial purposes. This shows that compared to other colonial empires, Portugal’s strength is still a little weaker.”

Listening to their analysis, everyone nodded and expressed deep agreement.

After discussing for a while, Yahya suddenly asked:

“Steven, what do you think of this strange gold crown? How much is this antique relic worth?”

Ye Tian looked at everyone present, then said with a smile:

“I basically agree with Professor Paul’s analysis. The words engraved on the inner circle of the crown are the best evidence. This is the crown specially made by Pedro II for the chief of the Indian tribe, Green Python.

The relationship between Pedro II and the green python is probably one of use and being used. When the green python lost its use value, it was killed by the Portuguese, and the crown returned to the hands of the Portuguese.

After many twists and turns, the golden crown happened to be robbed by the Black Baronet Roberts on its way back to Portugal, and was then hidden. Hundreds of years later, this treasure was discovered again.

This is the first time I have seen such a strange gold crown. Although it is crudely made, it has a very special meaning. To be precise, it is one of the most powerful evidences reflecting the Portuguese colonization of America.

This gold crown has high historical research value and symbolic significance. It is a rare antique cultural relic. Combining these characteristics, I value this gold crown at about US$6 million.”

“Wow! Six million dollars, this golden crown is so precious!”

Yahya exclaimed, his eyes shining brightly.

At this moment, Jason suddenly walked into the cabin.

“Stephen, everything is ready, the subsequent salvage work can begin!”

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