Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3249: Silent battle, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

On the west side of the warning area, the sea is calm.

A luxury yacht and a Moroccan coast guard patrol boat anchored in the cordoned off area were staring eagerly at the ships anchored outside the cordoned off area.

In addition, there are two speedboats on the sea, parked near the luxury yacht, ready to skim the sea and attack at any time.

On the sea four to five hundred meters away in the west, there are more than ten or twenty ships parked in dots.

There are luxury yachts, fishing boats, and other types of boats.

However, the people on those ships were all coming for the legendary Atlantis.

Now that the joint exploration team has not yet found Atlantis, they have shifted their focus and are eyeing this unknown pirate treasure hidden on the bottom of the sea.

At this time, the guys on these boats, like the vast majority of the audience, are watching the treasure hunt live broadcast.

On the live broadcast, Ye Tianzheng talked eloquently, introducing valuable gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics.

Looking at those dazzling treasures, these guys’ eyes were red, full of envy and jealousy.

While watching the live broadcast, these guys were also gnashing their teeth and shouting.

“Faq! This pirate treasure is so amazing, we can’t let that guy Steven take it all. It’s not fair!”

“How come all the treasures belong to that bastard, but we can’t even get a hair out of it? How can it make sense.

No matter what, I want to get some treasures this time, and I must not leave empty-handed, no matter how high the price is.”

These guys are shouting and gearing up, and many people are ready to make a move.

At this moment, someone suddenly discovered.

Three small drones were skimming the sea from the west at high speed and heading towards the heavily guarded warning area.

Because these three small drones flew at a very low altitude, almost flying close to the sea surface, they were extremely difficult to detect.

Even the radar cannot scan these three small drones.

Obviously, the guys who control the drones are all experts and know how to use the blind spots of the radar to carry out surprise attacks.

It wasn’t until the three small drones flew past numerous ships that they were spotted due to the noise they made from their propellers.

“Look, there are three small drones. They seem to be preparing to attack the warning area. I don’t know if they can succeed?

Which ship launched these small drones? He is really generous and courageous, and his background is definitely not small.”

“Look at the bottom of those three small drones. They seem to have something hanging on them. Could they be underwater robots?”

With the shouts one after another, the ships anchored outside the warning area immediately boiled.

Everyone immediately rushed to the deck and looked at the three small drones flying over the sea.

They were certain that these three small drones must have been secretly released by a nearby ship, but they had no way of knowing which ship it was.

But what is certain is that the strength of these guys hiding in the dark cannot be underestimated.

Perhaps they are agents or scientific expedition personnel from a certain European and American country, or even people from the military.

The reason is simple. Most treasure hunting enthusiasts have neither such high military literacy nor such high-performance equipment.

You know, these gadgets are all valuable, and few people are willing to take risks when they have little certainty!

A few of the guys who rushed onto the deck happened to be carrying binoculars.

Soon, they made a new discovery.

“Yes, those three small drones are all small underwater robots”

With this shout, everyone was overjoyed and full of expectations

At this moment, these guys with different backgrounds even found a sense of common hatred.

They understand that these three small drones and the three small underwater robots they carry may be the only hope to solve their doubts.

As long as these small drones can successfully break through the blockade, break into the warning zone, and quickly approach the waters where the pirate treasure is located, half the battle will be won.

Next, they will launch three small underwater robots into the sea so that the three underwater robots can explore the sea.

There is no doubt that those three small underwater robots can operate autonomously and have a certain degree of intelligence.

They can even actively avoid threats, such as escaping from being tracked and hunted by Steven’s guys.

If three small underwater robots successfully dive into the depths of the sea, the secret of this pirate treasure may be revealed.

The secret that Steven, that hateful bastard, has been guarding so closely will be revealed.

At that time, which famous pirate hid this pirate treasure and what is in the treasure will be revealed to the world.

After these secrets are exposed, everyone can adjust their plans accordingly and take the next step.

Instead of being like now, with a black eye and no knowledge of anything, not even the hydrological conditions of the seabed.

Thinking of this, those guys who coveted this pirate treasure suddenly had their hearts in their throats.

They all stared closely at the three small drones flying at high speed across the sea, praying that they would rush into the warning zone and give everyone hope.

In the blink of an eye, the three small drones were approaching the warning zone.

Facing the guard ships waiting in front, their speed increased instead of decreasing, and they suddenly became faster.

Not only that, the three small drones quickly dispersed and drew curves in the air, moving left and right, and their positions changed uncertainly.

As they snaked forward, they also avoided the luxury yachts and patrol boats parked on the cordon, as well as the two speedboats, trying to go around both sides to escape the attack.

At this moment, two guys suddenly appeared on the luxury yacht parked on the cordon.

They each held a large, strange-looking gun and stood on the deck of the luxury yacht, aiming their guns at the three small drones that were skimming the sea.

Seeing this scene, the guys on the ships outside the warning area immediately exclaimed.

“Fuck! Those **** under Steven have electronic interference guns, and lots of them.

I hope those **** are terrible at shooting and never hit those three small drones”

“Damn! What a bunch of rich bastards, they can actually equip a large number of advanced equipment such as electronic interference guns”

Amidst the exclamations one after another, the speed of the three small drones became faster.

And they are constantly changing positions rapidly, making their flight paths extremely difficult to predict.

The two security guards standing on the luxury yacht had also locked onto the target and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The next moment, a small drone that was flying quickly against the sea suddenly lost power and fell into the sea as if someone had hit it with a hammer.

In the blink of an eye, the small drone and the small underwater robot it carried disappeared, completely disappearing from people’s sight.

There is no doubt that the small drone will never be recovered and has become marine garbage.

As for the small underwater robot, if it can independently break away from the drone, it may still be possible to float to the surface.

Seeing this scene, the guys outside the guard zone started to curse in frustration.

Fortunately, the other two small drones successfully escaped the first wave of attacks.

In the blink of an eye, they were approaching the cordon, less than ten meters away.

At this moment, the two speedboats parked near the luxury yacht suddenly jumped out against the sea and rushed towards the two small drones at high speed.

On each of the two high-speed boats, there were three fully armed security personnel.

As the speedboat rushed out at high speed, a security officer on each of the two speedboats picked up an electronic interference gun.

They each selected a small drone and began to lock on the target and shoot.

Seeing this scene, those guys in the distance who were observing the situation with telescopes suddenly cursed in despair.

“Fak! How many electronic interference guns do these **** **** have? They can’t be on every ship, right? What a **** luxury!”

“It’s over. The remaining two small drones are probably doomed and will be shot down sooner or later.”

While these guys were cursing loudly, several British MI5 agents on one of the ships were furious.

“Where did these **** Steven get so many electronic interference guns? When did this thing become so popular?”

A British man in his thirties cursed through gritted teeth.

Before he finished speaking, the guy controlling one of the small drones said loudly:

“Boss, we must take back the remaining two small drones immediately. It is impossible for them to break into the core area of ​​​​the warning zone.

After small underwater robots are hung on the belly of the aircraft, their flight speed and flexibility are greatly affected due to the increase in weight.

Flying in this way consumes too much power. More importantly, the speed of the two high-speed boats is enough to crush them.

In this case, they are caught up and killed by two speedboats in a blink of an eye. They must be recovered immediately to reduce losses.”

Hearing this, the British man in his thirties immediately looked at the surveillance screen.

Just when he was about to give the order to take back the two small drones.

The surveillance screen of one of the small drones suddenly disappeared and turned into a snowflake.


Exclamations suddenly sounded, and these British guys were startled.

They understood that another small drone was shot down and fell into the sea.

Now only the last small drone remains.

The British guys all looked at the only remaining surveillance screen.

“George, take back this drone immediately”

The MI5 agent leader roared.

Almost at the same time as the words fell, the last surveillance screen was suddenly lost.

Only a snowflake remained on the monitoring screen, as well as the message that there was no signal.

The MI5 agents in the cabin were all stunned.

Immediately afterwards, there was a frantic and angry curse in the cabin.

On the sea outside, curses in various accents and languages ​​also echoed across the entire sea.

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