Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3244: Lots of surprises, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Chapter 3244 A series of surprises

“Wow! This pink diamond is so amazing. This pink diamond alone is probably worth more than 10 million US dollars, right?”

Yahya said in amazement.

While saying these words, this guy’s eyes instantly turned red, shining with greed.

Not only him, but everyone else at the scene performed similarly.

Each of them stared with red eyes, staring closely at the pink diamond embedded at the end of the cross.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then at the huge pink diamond, then nodded with a smile and said:

“Yes, the market price of this pink diamond is indeed over ten million US dollars. It is one of the top pink diamonds ever discovered. There are only a few that can compare with it.

According to my guess, this pink diamond should be over thirty carats, and it is a very precious bright pink. It is the top color among pink diamonds, and its clarity is completely flawless, which is extremely rare.

The only shortcoming is that the cut is a bit unsatisfactory. This is something limited by the times and cannot be changed. If you want it to be more brilliant, you can use modern technology to cut it again.

This pink diamond is most likely produced in Brazil, and is probably the largest pink diamond ever found in Brazil. Based on the current market conditions, I value it at US$30 million.

And this is just the price of loose diamonds. If it is linked to this special and priceless diamond and gold cross, its value will be even higher, making it a priceless treasure! ”

With Ye Tian’s words, the scene suddenly became boiling again.

Without exception, everyone was shocked.

“I’ll go! The loose diamonds alone are worth 30 million US dollars, it’s really an exaggeration!”

“No wonder Black Baronet Roberts went crazy and took huge risks to attack the Portuguese fleet with more than 40 merchant ships!

This pink diamond alone is worth risking his life for that guy to rob. Do you think Roberts received the news in advance, so he robbed the Portuguese like crazy? ”

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

“This possibility is extremely high. Otherwise, it is difficult to understand why Roberts dared to take a few pirate ships to plunder a huge fleet of more than 40 ships!

But these are already history, and they are pirate history. Apart from making people curious, they do not have much research value. Anyway, they all benefited us in the end.”


There was a burst of laughter and everyone laughed.

Next, Ye Tian continued the display, showing the lower half of the diamond and gold cross.

On the front of this diamond and gold cross, there are countless dazzling diamonds densely inlaid, covering almost the entire front, and the gold cross underneath cannot be seen at all.

Moreover, these diamonds are very large in size, of very high grade, and emit dazzling light, so the cut is almost unreasonable.

Due to their age and being soaked in the sea for too long, the luster of these diamonds is slightly dull.

But this is not a problem. As long as they are treated with modern technology and cleaned, these diamonds can radiate the most dazzling light.

On the back of the lower half of this diamond and gold cross, there are slightly fewer diamonds, and most of the back of the cross made of gold is exposed.

You can see that on this part of the gold cross, there are some Portuguese characters and some Arabic numerals engraved on it.

The Portuguese characters are clearly visible and easy to read.

“Stephen. It is engraved with God bless Portugal, God bless King Noão V of Portugal. The year is 1719. King Noão V was exactly thirty years old at that time”

Professor Paul translated all the Portuguese words engraved on the back of this diamond and gold cross, his voice trembling with excitement.

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately continued excitedly:

“Bingo! That’s right. There is no doubt that this diamond and gold cross was a tribute from the Portuguese colony of Brazil to King Noang V. It was a 30th birthday gift for him.

Since he became the king of Portugal in 1706, around 1720, it was the era when King Noang V was at the peak of his power. This diamond and gold cross was born at that time.

The discovery of these Portuguese words and numbers has completely determined the origin and value of this diamond and gold cross. Once it comes out, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.”

At this moment, Yahya suddenly said worriedly:

“Stephen, since it is confirmed that this is a diamond and gold cross specially customized for the King of Portugal, and it is also engraved with the name of the King of Portugal, will the Portuguese government make a claim? This seems reasonable!”

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then smiled and shook his head and said:

“Once this diamond and gold cross reappears in the world and reappears in front of people, the Portuguese government will 100% claim it, but we don’t have to pay attention to the Portuguese at all.

Who said that if the name of the King of Portugal is engraved on it, it belongs to Portugal. Which of the diamonds and gold on this piece is produced in Portugal? Wasn’t that something looted?

Comparatively speaking, Brazil and some other former Portuguese colonies have more rights to claim this priceless treasure than Portugal, but no matter who claims it, we don’t need to pay attention.

In the depths of the seabed around the world, there are so many pirate treasures and shipwreck treasures. It is a stipulation that whoever discovers Chengdu will belong to whoever finds it, and the maximum half will be given to the country where it is located, and other countries are exempt from discussion! ”

Hearing this, Yahya nodded immediately, feeling much relieved.

The display continued, with huge surprises appearing one after another, and the audience was filled with exclamations, one after another.

The left and right sides of this diamond and gold cross are each inlaid with a top-quality blue diamond of more than 20 carats.

They are also oval-shaped, inlaid at the top of the left and right wings of the cross, radiating bright light.

In the center of this diamond and gold cross is a colorless diamond of nearly forty carats, and on top is a colorless diamond of more than thirty carats.

Without exception, these huge diamonds, although slightly different in color and size, are all top quality, crystal clear with almost no trace of impurities visible.

Like the large pink diamond at the bottom of the cross, the brilliance of these diamonds is slightly dull and the cut is not perfect.

Even so, it does not affect their value and beauty.

Under the illumination of the on-site lights, these diamonds radiated extremely bright light, reflecting the entire cabin in a colorful and gorgeous manner.

The discovery of these top-quality diamonds shocked everyone present.

After the brief shock, there were continuous exclamations.

Looking at these priceless top-grade diamonds, the color of everyone’s eyes also changes with the color of the diamonds, changing constantly.

At the end, everyone’s eyes were blood red, which looked quite scary.

Fortunately, this scene was not broadcast live. Otherwise, God knows how many people would be stimulated to go crazy during the live broadcast.

If others don’t tell, the Portuguese will definitely fall into madness.

On the upper side of the back of the cross, there is a very clear engraved coat of arms of the Portuguese Braganza dynasty.

On the two wings running horizontally in the middle of the cross, a classic quote from the Bible is engraved.

Seeing this, everyone was very excited.

After the diamond and gold cross was fully displayed, everyone admired and studied it intoxicatedly for nearly half an hour before they finished admiring it.

Subsequently, with everyone watching reluctantly, Ye Tian locked the priceless diamond and gold cross into a black portable safe and set the password!

The moment the portable safe was locked, there was a sigh immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian picked up another black insurance bag, opened it gently, and took out a small gold sculpture with a strange shape.

This small gold sculpture comes from the Aztec civilization, and what it carves is the Aztec sun god.

Just as everyone began to study this golden statue, today’s second group of deep-diving exploration divers and the seven-seater small private submarine had already begun operations deep under the sea!

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