Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3241: Treasures from Portugal, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

3241 Treasures from Portugal

The amount of gold and silver treasures Ye Tian discovered buried under the sand was quite astonishing.

However, he only dug out three of them.

After checking and admiring it, he threw it on the sea bed without taking away the three valuable gold and silver treasures.

His move made everyone watching the live broadcast of the treasure hunt feel envious, and even their eyes turned blood red with jealousy.

Many people wish they could take their place and take those valuable gold and silver treasures as their own.

Ye Tian did not continue to dig out the remaining gold and silver treasures buried under the sand.

But everyone can see that those gold and silver treasures are quite astonishing in terms of quantity and value.

After leaving that area, Ye Tian continued to explore forward.

After swimming a few meters, Cole’s voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

“Steven, you’d better come and take a look. I found a lot of gold coins in a silver jar”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian turned to look at Cole.

Cole’s location is not far away, only fifteen or six meters away from him. Under the illumination of the searchlight, he can just see it.

More than ten meters away, Cole was suspended in the seawater, only about one meter from the bottom of the sea.

The powerful light beam projected from the front end of the diving propeller he held, as well as the powerful light of the headlight, shone directly towards the bottom of the sea.

From a distance, Ye Tian could see a bright light reflected from the seabed over there.

Obviously, there are a lot of gold and silver treasures buried there, and they are buried very shallowly, and many of them are exposed on the seabed.

“Okay, Cole, I’ll go over right away and see what you found”

Ye Tian responded through the underwater intercom.

Then he changed direction and swam over there.

At the same time, the small submarine floating diagonally above also moved a little over there.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian was already at Cole’s side.

Without Cole’s introduction, he saw some gold and silver treasures on the seabed below.

One of the silver jars in the shape of a clay pot is mostly exposed and very conspicuous.

Looking through the half-open jar mouth, you can see a lot of sea sand, and you can also see the edges of some gold coins, radiating bright golden light.

A lot of gold and silver treasures are scattered around this blackened silver jar, some of which are buried very shallowly and partially exposed.

“Steven, it’s this silver jar. It seems to contain a lot of gold coins, but which country’s gold coins are they and where were they minted? It’s not clear yet.

In addition to this jar of gold coins, there are also a lot of gold and silver treasures here. The amount is quite amazing. More importantly, these gold and silver treasures are buried very shallowly and are easy to clean and excavate.”

Cole pointed to the silver jar and briefly introduced the situation.

While he was introducing, Ye Tian was already close to the bottom of the sea and took out a gold coin from the silver jar.

In front of countless live broadcasts, there was a chorus of exclamations.

“Wow! So many gold and silver treasures have been discovered. This pirate treasure is too exaggerated. There is no doubt that this is definitely one of the largest pirate treasures ever discovered”

“The black jar contains a jar full of gold coins, but I don’t know which country’s gold coins they are from and how much they are worth?”

Everyone was talking a lot, and they were jealous and envious.

At this moment, the live broadcast screen suddenly changed and turned into that **** sea scenery again.

The people who were watching the treasure hunt live broadcast were all stunned.

Immediately afterwards, almost everyone cursed angrily.

“Fake! Steven, this **** bastard, actually did this again, it’s so **** abominable!”

“What a bastard. Who the **** wants to see this **** sea scenery? I’m so angry!”


While cursing wildly, many people were speculating.

Ye Tian must have discovered some secret, so he suddenly cut off the live video signal to cover up the secret.

The facts were just as they expected.

After cutting off the live video signal, Ye Tianfang opened the palm of his right hand.

Following his movements, a golden ancient gold coin appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

On this ancient gold coin, there is a circle of Portuguese characters engraved on it, and the front of the gold coin is engraved with the head of a king, who is obviously the King of Portugal.

Under the king’s portrait, the king’s name is engraved in Portuguese.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing special about this Portuguese gold coin.

No one thought much about it, whether it was Cole, Professor Paul and others in the cockpit of the small submarine, or everyone in the cabin of the Brave and Dauntless.

Everyone was somewhat confused about Ye Tian’s sudden cutting off of the live video signal.

The previous live broadcast went well. Ye Tian did not deliberately conceal the gold and silver treasures found on the seabed, but broadcast the scene of their discovery live.

But what is puzzling is why he asked his men to cut off the live video signal the moment he picked up the Portuguese gold coin.

“Stephen, this is just a Portuguese Moido gold coin. Judging from the pattern and text on the gold coin, it should be a Moido gold coin minted during the reign of King Noor V.

This kind of Moido gold coin is not rare, and its value is not very high. Why do you want to hide it from others and prevent others from seeing it? Can you tell me the reason? ”

Professor Paul asked curiously.

As a top historian and archaeologist, he recognized the origin of this Portuguese gold coin at a glance, so he asked this question.

Not only him, Professor Kane and the others were also confused and didn’t quite understand.

Some laypeople, including Yahya, are even more confused.

Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but turned over and over to admire the gold coin in his hand, and then began to explain the reason.

“You are right, Professor Paul, this is indeed a very ordinary Portuguese Moido gold coin. Due to the large amount of minting, its value as an antique coin is relatively average.

But this Moido gold coin appears here, but it is not ordinary. It has a very special meaning. If I don’t cut off the live video signal, some people may discover the truth.”

“Ah! What’s the reason for this? Can you explain it?”

Professor Paul asked in surprise.

“The reason is simple, because between 1719 and 1720, the Black Baronet led his pirates to plunder a Portuguese fleet consisting of forty-two merchant ships.

In this fleet, there is a merchant ship named the Holy Family Atonement Hall, which carries more than 40,000 Moido gold coins, as well as rare treasures specially designed and customized for the King of Portugal.

The most precious treasure among them is a gold cross inlaid with a large number of top-quality diamonds. These 40,000 Moido gold coins and all rare treasures have fallen into the hands of the Black Baron.

After grabbing these gold and silver treasures, the Black Baron took them to Alcatraz Island in the Gulf of Guinea and divided them up. Some of the Moido gold coins were apparently hidden here.

These Moido gold coins are secondary, but more importantly, the rare treasures designed and customized for the King of Portugal, and the diamond and gold cross, are the most valuable things.

The reason why I asked people to cut off the live broadcast signal is that I am afraid that someone will see these Moido gold coins and think of the diamond and gold cross, thereby inferring the origin of this pirate treasure.”

After hearing his explanation, Professor Paul and others who had some knowledge of the relevant history suddenly came to a realization.

“No wonder you have to cut off the live broadcast signal quickly. If people see so many Moido gold coins, they may really guess that they are the Black Baron pirate treasure.

I know that the diamond and gold cross specially designed for the King of Portugal only appeared once or twice in history, and then was looted by the black baronet!

It would be great if we could really find that diamond and gold cross. There is no doubt that that cross is definitely a priceless top antique cultural relic.”

Professor Paul said excitedly and full of expectations.

Ye Tian glanced at the seabed, then said with a smile:

“I estimate that the diamond and gold cross is on this seabed, or even right under my feet. Among the gold and silver treasures that the Black Baron looted from the Portuguese, that diamond and gold cross is the most valuable.

The best thing naturally belongs to the Black Baronet. Since it was looted, the diamond and gold cross has never appeared again. It is obviously hidden, and most likely hidden here.”

With that said, Ye Tian put the Moido gold coin in his hand back into the jar, and casually pulled the sea sand next to the jar.

Following his movement, another bright golden light suddenly flashed in front of everyone’s eyes.

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