Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3235: Golden Quetzal Feathers, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Chapter 3235 Golden Quetzal Feather

In the blink of an eye, it was already around one o’clock in the afternoon.


With the sound of water breaking, the deep-diving decompression stop that had been hoisted into the sea was lifted to the surface by the crane on the Intrepid.

In the iron cage at the deep-diving decompression stop, in addition to a large number of spare deep-diving exploration equipment, there were also three bulging black cloth bags.

Contained in those three black bags were some of the pirate treasures that Matisse and the others found on the seabed.

As Ye Tian expected, Matisse and the others unearthed a lot of gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts near the location where the Aztec Quetzalcoatl’s golden statue was found.

Needless to ask, those gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts all come from the Black Baron Pirate Treasure and are part of this pirate treasure.

After excavating this part of the pirate treasure, Matisse and the others packed the gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts into three black cloth bags, and then used the deep-diving decompression stop to transport them to the surface.

The moment the deep dive decompression station broke through the water, the Brave and Dauntless immediately burst into excited cheers.

Everyone knows what the three black bags in the iron cage contain, so naturally they are very excited.

Many media reporters on the super yacht not far away, as well as countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, had no idea what was contained in the three suddenly extra black cloth bags.

But with yesterday’s experience, they can guess the accurate answer.

“There is no doubt that Steven and his gang have discovered a lot of gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts, but I don’t know what they are and how much they are worth?”

“Obviously, the size and value of this pirate treasure are quite astonishing. I don’t know which famous pirate buried it, and why was it buried here?”

The media reporters looked at the situation on the Brave and Dauntless with telephoto lenses and discussed with envy.

Because the live video screen was frequently switched and they were not allowed to conduct interviews on the Brave and Dauntless, they also hated it with itch.

However, they could only accept this result and had no choice but to do so.

At the same time, the countless viewers who were watching the treasure hunt live broadcast, including the guys on the nearby ships, all had their eyes red with envy.

They also knew that the three black bags must be filled with gold, silver, treasures and antiques, and they must be valuable.

Thinking of this, they felt that the world was full of injustice to them, and they were almost going crazy with jealousy.

“Fake! Bastards like Steven have found so many treasures again. They are extremely lucky, but we can only watch here and not get a single hair!”

“What’s even more annoying is that these **** actually dug two amazing treasures in two different places at the same time. Is there any justice? God is so unfair!”

On a luxury yacht in the high seas, several professional treasure hunters from Europe were discussing.

Without exception, these guys’ eyes were red, full of envy and jealousy.

Even so, they did not have the courage to drive this luxury yacht into the warning zone designated by the joint exploration fleet to **** the pirate treasure hidden deep under the sea.

They were even more afraid to dive secretly to explore this pirate treasure, or even think about it.

They all saw clearly what happened to those idiots yesterday, and knew that there was no chance of success.

In fact, they don’t have that ability.

For them, the distance of five to six nautical miles is as difficult to cross as a natural chasm.

While they were talking, two speedboats had already sailed to the side of the iron cage, then opened the iron cage from above, took out the three black cloth bags, and sent them back to the Brave and Dauntless.

Seeing this scene, many people on the live broadcast sighed, as if their treasure had been robbed.

The Dauntless.

The three black cloth bags brought up from the bottom of the sea were all brought into the cabin and placed in front of Ye Tian and the others.

Ye Tian checked it first and then opened one of the bags.

Following his movements, the scene immediately flashed with a dazzling light, extremely dazzling.

The items contained in this black cloth bag are basically gold and silverware, and they are mainly gold products. This is also the favorite thing of pirates.

Although we had seen these gold and silver treasures from hundreds of years ago on video screens before, everyone was still excited to see them again.

When everyone got used to the change in light, a burst of exclamation erupted from the scene.

“Wow! I didn’t expect to find so much gold and silver treasure. It seems that this pirate treasure is really amazing. The Black Baronet is worthy of being one of the top ten pirates. God knows how many ships and gold and silver treasures this guy has looted. ! ”

“Compared with the two boxes of gold and silver treasures found yesterday, although these gold and silver treasures today are more seriously damaged, their value is not lower at all, or even higher”

While everyone was marveling, Ye Tian had already taken out a golden quetzal feather sculpture from the black bag and started admiring it.

Like the previous gold sculpture of Quetzalcoatl, this Quetzal Feather sculpture is also an antique cultural relic from the Aztec civilization, and it is also a valuable work of art.

The whole body is made of gold, dotted with many emeralds, some large and some small, with different shapes.

It’s a pity that many emerald stones have fallen off, and less than half of the remaining stones are dim and dull.

This golden quetzal feather sculpture is almost exactly the same as the real quetzal feather. It has a graceful, smooth shape and is about to fly.

If it weren’t for its golden color, many people would probably think it was a real quetzal feather at first glance.

Of course, people who don’t know the beautiful quetzal bird may think that this is a golden quetzal feather.

On this golden quetzal feather, there are many exquisite decorations and patterns carved throughout the sculpture.

These ornaments and patterns are unique symbols of the Aztec civilization and are very special.

Some of the decorations and patterns have been interpreted by people, but the meanings of more decorations and patterns are unknown to anyone, giving them an aura of mystery.

Looking at this quetzal feather sculpture, Ye Tian was also amazed by it.

“Yes, the value of this part of the Black Baron’s pirate treasure is higher than the two boxes of gold and silver treasures discovered yesterday, even though the preservation conditions of these gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics are much worse”

Hearing this, Yahya couldn’t help but asked in surprise:

“Steven, why do you say that? They are also gold products inlaid with various gemstones. Yesterday’s gold and silver treasures are more completely preserved and look more exquisite.

Most of the gold and silver treasures discovered today are damaged, or even smashed into shape by rocks, but why are their values ​​higher? What is the reason? ”

Ye Tian looked at this person, then smiled and explained:

“Because the gold and silver treasures discovered yesterday were basically made after European colonists invaded the Americas. Although they are all gold products and very exquisite, they are not very old and the value of the cultural relics is not high.

Compared with the same type of utensils made by European metropolitan countries at the same time, there is a big gap between those made in Latin American colonies in terms of craftsmanship and artistry.

Most of the gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts discovered today are antique artifacts from the Native American civilization. They represent and reflect a unique and ancient civilization, so their cultural relics are of higher value.

Even from an artistic point of view and level of sophistication, these gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts from the Aztec civilization are no worse than those made by European colonists, but are more distinctive.”


Hearing this, Professor Douglas immediately continued:

“It is true. Although the gold vessels made by European colonists in Latin America are very exquisite, they are not rare and are less valuable than those made in Europe.

But these antique relics and works of art that originally came from the Americas and Indian civilization are different. They are almost all unique and more valuable.”

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, then showed the golden quetzal feather sculpture in his hand.

“Take this quetzal quill gold sculpture as an example. This is one of the most exquisite antique artifacts of the Aztec civilization I have ever seen. I also own several beautiful quetzal quills. They are almost Exactly the same.

The only pity is that most of the emeralds embedded in this golden sculpture of Quetzal Feather have fallen off. Otherwise, the value of this antique artifact of the Aztec civilization would be even higher.

If I guess correctly, those valuable emeralds should be around the place where this golden quetzal feather sculpture was found. You can also find some by searching carefully, but it’s a pity that we don’t have the time.

In addition to the gems on the golden sculpture of Quetzal Feather, there must be many gems of various colors scattered on this seabed from other gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics, and the number may be quite large.”

Before he finished speaking, Yahya’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Obviously, he has ideas about the gems scattered on the seabed.

Next, Ye Tian introduced the golden sculpture of Quetzal Feather to everyone, admired it for a while, and then handed it to Professor Paul.

Immediately afterwards, he took out another antique cultural relic from the black cloth bag and started admiring it.

In just a moment, Mattis’s voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

“Steven, it’s almost time, we are now ready to surface”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately looked at the video screen of the seabed.

In the underwater video footage, Mattis and his colleagues are marking the seabed in preparation for the next round of exploration operations.

Ye Tian glanced at the video screen, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

“Copy that, Matisse, please pay attention to safety when you come up and make a decompression stop. When you come up, you can have lunch and take a good rest”

“Hahaha, Steven, I’m really hungry when you mention it”

Mattis replied with a smile and waved to the high-definition underwater camera.

Not long after the call ended, Mattis and the others marked the seabed and immediately began to surface.

After they floated about ten meters up, the live broadcast on the seabed was restored.

On the live broadcast, Mattis and the small private submarine were swimming towards the sea.

In fact, this picture is beautiful, very sci-fi, and a bit shocking.

However, this is not what people want to see.

What people want to see more is the process of digging and cleaning up pirate treasures.

I want to see how those dazzling gold and silver treasures, as well as priceless antiques, cultural relics and works of art were discovered and salvaged from the sea!

As soon as the underwater live broadcast screen was restored, the people watching the exploration live broadcast were stunned for a moment, and then they started to curse at the top of their lungs.

“Fuck! Steven, this **** bastard, actually let us watch this. I’m not here to watch underwater scenery movies. How **** abominable!”

“They are about to surface, so I cut the video screen. I have never seen such a wicked guy!”

While people were cursing angrily, Ye Tian had put down the antique cultural relics in his hands and walked out of the cabin.

When he came to the deck, he happened to see it.

The third group of divers who went into the sea to explore today, as well as several people who went into the sea in small submarines, are making preparations before going into the sea and checking various equipment.

He immediately walked over and told the exploration team members that there was no need to prepare immediately. They should take a lunch break first, wait an hour and a half before preparing again, and then go into the sea to explore.

After working hard all morning, everyone needs a good rest to restore their mental and physical strength.

Even the small submarine and the various auxiliary exploration equipment on the Brave and Dauntless need to stop for inspection to avoid any problems.

Hearing this, the divers and exploration team members stopped what they were doing.

As he spoke, Matisse and the others had already surfaced, boarded the speedboat, and returned to the Brave and Dauntless.

When they were at the bottom of the sea before, they didn’t feel how tired they were.

When I returned to the Brave and Dauntless, I took off my dry diving suit and many deep-diving equipment, and immediately lay on the deck, breathing heavily.

Seeing their appearance, everyone laughed.

After lunch, Ye Tian took a speedboat to the super yacht where the media reporters were.

The media reporters were a little surprised by his arrival.

They originally thought that he would come in the evening.

Explain today’s exploration operation, give everyone a little sweetness, continue to whet everyone’s appetite, and let everyone create public opinion for the joint exploration operation.

But who would have thought, he came over at noon, and brought a small portable safe.

As soon as he boarded the super yacht, a media reporter couldn’t wait to ask:

“Steven, why did you choose this time to come here? What is in this portable safe? Can you introduce it to everyone?”

“Good afternoon, Steven, can you tell us now which famous pirate hid the pirate treasure hidden in this seabed? What are the things in this pirate treasure?”

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then said with a smile:

“Good afternoon, friends from the media, regarding this pirate treasure, let’s go to the top deck leisure area together. I will introduce the situation to you there to clear up your doubts!”

As he spoke, he walked towards the stairs leading to the top deck.

The media reporters looked at each other and followed immediately.

In a blink of an eye, everyone had arrived at the top deck leisure area of ​​the superyacht and sat down on the sofa.

When everyone sat down, Ye Tian immediately opened the portable safe, took out something from it, and placed it on the coffee table.

What appeared in front of these media reporters was the Aztec gold statue of Quetzalcoatl.

While taking out this antique artifact of the Aztec civilization, Ye Tian also introduced it with a smile.

“We currently don’t know much about this pirate treasure hidden deep under the sea, but what is certain is that many of the things in this pirate treasure come from Latin America.

To be precise, the items in this pirate treasure basically come from Latin American colonies that were once occupied by European colonists, such as Mexico, Dominica, and Colombia.”

While he was introducing the situation, the media reporters were staring closely at the golden statue of the Aztec Quetzalcoatl on the coffee table, with their eyes shining brightly.

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