Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3233: Explore in turns, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Chapter 3233: Take turns to explore

Following the Mark Antony gold coins, Jeremy and the others discovered a surprising number of ancient Roman gold and silver coins on the ground.

And these ancient Roman gold and silver coins are of various types, covering several very important historical periods.

From the reign of Caesar in the Roman Republic, to the establishment of the Roman Empire by Augustus and Octavian, to the reign of the tyrant Nero, and so on.

These gold and silver coins from various periods of ancient Roman history can be seen on the ground, in more or less quantity.

Some of these gold and commemorative coins are extremely rare and extremely valuable.

For example, the famous ‘Assassination of Caesar’ commemorative gold coin was issued to celebrate Caesar’s assassination in the Senate in 42 BC.

There are only three known examples of this commemorative gold coin known as the ‘March and a Half’ in existence in the world.

In this ancient Roman treasure located in the ruins of Shera in Rabat, Morocco, two were found on the ground alone.

The cleaning work of this ancient Roman Senate treasure has just begun. If we continue to clean it, who knows how many more of these extremely rare antique coins will be discovered.

In addition to these valuable ancient Roman gold and silver coins, Jeremy and the others also found a large number of broken pottery fragments on the ground.

Obviously, these gold and silver coins on the floor were originally packed in several clay pots and piled on the dusty and moss-covered hill nearby, sleeping in the darkness for more than a thousand years.

Due to the Lisbon earthquake in the mid-18th century, these pots fell from the nearby hill and smashed to the floor.

The ancient Roman gold and silver coins originally contained in clay pots were all scattered on the ground.

Looking at these dazzling and valuable antique gold and silver coins, both Jeremy and the others at the scene, as well as everyone in the cabin of the Brave and Dauntless, were all excited.

“Wow! There are so many ancient Roman gold and silver coins alone. It seems that this ancient Roman treasure is very amazing and must be another sensational archaeological discovery!”

“Those previous speculations may be correct. The gold and silver treasures hidden in this ancient Roman treasure should be the property of many senators of the Mauritania Provincial Senate, and even military expenses.

I just don’t know why these elders didn’t take away these treasures later, but left these amazingly valuable treasures to us? Maybe they were really killed by the tyrant Nero”

Listening to these discussions, Ye Tian couldn’t help but laugh, with a look of pride in his eyes.

After a pause, he smiled and said:

“Where did this batch of gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics come from, and who hid them? I believe it won’t be long before we can find the real answer.

What is certain now is that the value of this ancient Roman Senate treasure is indeed quite astonishing, a bit beyond my expectation and a huge surprise.”

Before he finished speaking, Yahya suddenly continued:

“Stephen, the treasures of the ancient Roman Senate should be cleared soon and all transferred to the ground. Do you want to go back to Rabat to evaluate and appraise the treasures of ancient Rome? Distribute? ”

Ye Tian thought for a moment, then shook his head and said:

“With the current situation, it is somewhat unrealistic for me to fly back to Rabat to appraise the treasures of the ancient Roman Senate. Although I can take a helicopter tomorrow, I am a little worried about this place.

Surrounded by the joint exploration fleet, there are now powerful enemies, and more importantly, the Black Baron pirate treasure hidden deep under the sea. The exploration operation has begun, and I cannot leave yet.

If I leave here and do not pause my exploration, I am worried that I will miss or ignore some important discoveries, or even miss the Black Baron pirate treasure. In that case, the gain will outweigh the loss.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded without any objection.

Everyone knows very well that if you want to find this Black Baron Pirate Treasure, you still have to rely on Steven, his magical abilities and outrageous luck to a large extent!

As for the other members of the joint exploration team and those valuable high-tech exploration equipment, they are just auxiliary!

This point has been proven many times in previous exploration operations and is irrefutable!

“That’s fine, Steven. After you finish exploring the Black Baron pirate treasure and completing the distribution, you can go back to Rabat to deal with the things found in the ancient Roman Senate treasure.

After you have appraised the gold, silver, treasures and antique relics in the ancient Roman treasure, and completed the distribution, you can transport everything you have received first, which will also reduce your burden a little bit.”

Professor Paul continued.

Yahya’s expression changed and returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

Needless to ask, he didn’t like Professor Paul’s proposal.

“That’s what I think too, Professor Paul. After allocating these two amazing treasures, I will have too many gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts in my hands.

Coupled with the gold and silver treasures, antique artifacts and works of art that I have discovered and purchased since arriving in Casablanca, I already have so many things in my hands that I have nowhere to store them.

In this case, I must transport them all away, otherwise it will definitely take up a lot of manpower and resources, and I have to guard against it at all times.”

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

Looking at Yahya standing aside, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

What a huge fortune, what a huge treasure! Just like that, he was swept away by the greedy guy Steven and put it in his pocket!

When he thought of this, Yahya felt so heartbroken that he almost died.

However, he still had to pretend to be nonchalant and smile.

Is it easy for me? It’s so difficult!

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, and then continued:

“In fact, even without rushing back to Rabat, I can use high-definition video to identify most of the treasures of the ancient Roman Senate, especially those gold and silver treasures and some antique artifacts.

I just need to ask Nick and the others to take pictures of all the details of those things and send them to me. Then I can complete most of the identification work based on the high-definition pictures and give an accurate valuation.

Only a small number of antique cultural relics, such as those ancient Roman sculptures, require me to go to Rabat in person and conduct appraisals in person. The charm of those things requires people to appreciate it with their hearts.”

When he said these words, he showed great confidence.

In fact, what is in this ancient Roman treasure in Rabat, and how much are those things worth?

As early as when he was in Rabat, he understood everything clearly through his clairvoyance.

He also knew the value of those ancient Roman sculptures and which ancient Roman sculptor they were from.

Had it not been to avoid suspicion, or to make everything seem reasonable, he would never have had to return to Rabat.

Through high-definition video, he can complete all identification and evaluation work remotely, and then let Nick and the others directly transport half of the ancient Roman treasures.

No one has any doubts about his words.

Everyone has a deep understanding of his magical abilities.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

“Jeremy, you don’t need to clean up these ancient Roman gold and silver coins now. There are too many of them and the work is too trivial. You can clean them up later.

Grain stingy

You go and clean up those ancient Roman sculptures first. Those things should be the most precious and must be cleaned up as soon as possible and transferred to the ground.

The situation in this underground secret room is special. During the process of cleaning up the treasures, you must pay attention to your personal safety. If you find that something is wrong, you should evacuate immediately.”

“Understood, Steven, we will take care of safety”

Jeremy nodded in the video screen.

Then they stood up and walked to the corner ahead.

Next, they continued to clean up the treasures of the ancient Roman Senate, and surprises appeared one after another, attracting bursts of cheers.

On the seabed here, several divers found nothing.

The only few metal items are garbage thrown into the sea by passing ships, such as empty cans and boxes.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Tian informed the exploration team members to mark the bottom of the sea and then float to the surface, ending today’s first exploration.

Next, there will be a second and third wave of exploration.

Seeing several divers begin to surface, those who were waiting in front of the live broadcast to watch the treasure hunt live broadcast couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment.

Some of them just want to see the scene of discovering and excavating pirate treasures, but do not like to enjoy the underwater scenery. They even feel that they have wasted a few hours.

Even the media reporters on the super yacht not far away felt uninterested and could only place their hopes on subsequent exploration operations.

Then, they walked onto the deck, enjoying the beautiful scenery on the sea and looking towards the Dauntless, laughing and chatting.

While he was talking, the cell phones of several media reporters rang almost simultaneously.

At the same time, a media reporter who was browsing various information on the Internet suddenly said loudly and excitedly:

“The latest news is that Steven’s men who stayed in Rabat and the Moroccan government’s exploration team dug out a very amazing treasure deep underground at the ruins of the ancient Roman Senate in Shela.

That treasure is now officially named the Moroccan Senate Treasure by that guy Steven. According to the Moroccan government source who broke the news, that treasure contains a large amount of gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts.”

Before he could finish his words, there was an exclamation on the deck.

“I’ll go! Is it true? Did I hear it correctly? I didn’t expect that the treasure in the ruins of Shela would be so amazing. It’s incredible!”

“The ancient Roman Senate treasure was discovered in the ruins of Rabat? If I had known this, I would have stayed in Rabat to follow and report on the exploration there!”

While exclaiming, many media reporters rushed to their laptops or refreshed the latest news on their mobile phones, trying to grasp the situation as quickly as possible.

The few media reporters whose cell phones rang immediately connected their phones.

As a result, their immediate superior asked them to find a way to interview Ye Tian and ask about the treasures of the ancient Roman Senate.

Hearing this request, the media reporters suddenly smiled bitterly, with helpless expressions on their faces.

They also want to interview Ye Tian as soon as possible to catch this big news, but they also have to be able to board the Brave and Intrepid!

In just a few moments, these media reporters searched for relevant news on the Internet, and also found some clear or blurry pictures of the scene.

In several of the pictures, they saw an exquisite sculpture of a she-wolf nursing a baby, and a very peculiar sculpture of the head of Octavian.

The discovery of these two ancient Roman sculptures caused another exclamation on the deck.

Not only here, but in many places around the world, the discovery of the treasures of the ancient Roman Senate in Rabat has caused a sensation.

And this sensational effect is rapidly amplifying, being known to more and more people, and attracting more and more attention.

Those who parked their boats outside the warning zone, and those who parked on the high seas a few nautical miles away, also received the news and saw relevant news and pictures.

At first, these guys were a little unconvinced.

After confirming that the news was true, angry and crazy curses immediately sounded on many ships.

“Faq! This **** Steven is so lucky. He was on the Atlantic Ocean, but his men discovered an amazing treasure in Rabat. It seemed that all the treasures belonged to that bastard. It’s so irritating!”

“Damn it, why do all the good things happen to that **** Steven? This world is so unfair, is there any justice?”

While these guys were cursing wildly, Ye Tianzheng was watching the video on the big-screen TV.

The divers who dived to explore the seabed and the small submarine have surfaced to the middle depth and are making a decompression stop. Everything is going very smoothly.

At the exploration site of the Rabat Shera ruins, Jeremy and the others put a small ancient Roman sculpture into a hanging basket and carefully transported it to the ground.

Just when the ancient Roman sculpture was hoisted to the ground, the divers who were staying at the middle depth of the sea had completed their decompression stop and set out again to swim up to the sea.

After confirming that they had no problem, Ye Tian stood up from the sofa and said with a smile:

“Gentlemen, you sit here for now. I’ll go out to see the situation and check the equipment. When the first group of exploration team members surface, it’s time for the second group of deep-diving exploration team members to go into the sea!”

After saying that, he walked out of the cabin.

Professor Paul and Yahya all stood up and followed.

“Everyone has been sitting here for a few hours. It’s time to go out and relax and take a look at the scenery on the sea”

With that said, everyone walked out of the cabin one after another.

When he came to the deck, Ye Tian glanced at the situation on the deck, and then walked over to the guys who had put on their diving suits, ready to give them a few words.

The more important purpose is to check their diving equipment through perspective for safety.

This wave of divers is still three people, led by Matisse to explore the sea.

The person responsible for commanding and coordinating the security team on the sea was replaced by Cole.

He happened to be resting on the sea today and could not go deep into the sea, so he took over the job.

In a few steps, Ye Tian came to Matisse and the others and stopped.

He first quickly looked through Matisse’s deep-diving equipment, and after confirming that there was no problem, he said with a smile:

“Mattis, when you go down to the bottom of the sea, you must pay attention to safety. The **** on the north side of the seamount is relatively steep. Pay attention to your speed when diving. Don’t go too fast to avoid danger.”

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced the situation on the seabed and mentioned some precautions.

While he was talking, there was a sudden splash of water breaking from the side of the ship.

Ye Tian then turned to look at the sea, and so did Matisse and the others.

On the sea surface dozens of meters away on the right side of the Brave, the seven-seater small private submarine floated on the sea like a huge transparent bubble.

The three divers who went into the sea to explore hung on the submarine’s crash rail and surfaced together.

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