Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3201: Strange gold coins, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Chapter 3201 Strange Gold Coins

In a short time, Jason and the others shoveled down the bush.

Except for a few scorpions, there were no poisonous insects in the bushes.

Otherwise, the little white elf would have jumped out and feasted!

Shoveling off the bushes was just the first step. Then Jason and the others carefully shoveled away the soil on the ground until the rocks below were exposed.

As soon as the shovel reached the rock layer, Ye Tian immediately stopped his two men who were working.

Afterwards, he, Professor Paul and others came forward to check the situation, and then said to several of his subordinates:

“Guys, be careful next time. Gently sweep away the layer of soil on top of the rocks. Don’t damage the rocks below. Check the situation before proceeding to the next step of exploration.”

“Okay, Steven”

Jason and the others responded in unison and immediately took action.

Ye Tianze came out of the shallow pit and stood on the edge of the pit, waiting for the results of the cleaning.

At this moment, another employee’s voice suddenly came from the intercom.

“Steven, we detected some metal objects on the east **** of the hill. They were buried at different depths underground. They look a bit like funerary objects. Do you want to come and take a look?”

After hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

“Okay, let’s go over right away to see what those metal objects are. I hope they are not burial objects”

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the east of the top of the mountain, preparing to go to the east hillside to check out the situation.

Yahya and Professor Paul followed immediately, everyone’s faces were full of joy and expectations.

In the blink of an eye, they had arrived at the eastern edge of the top of the mountain, and then carefully walked down the hillside.

Although the hillside on this side is steep, the vegetation is relatively lush and there are many protruding rocks, so it is passable, but it is a little difficult to walk.

After walking about thirty or forty meters down the hillside, they came to the spot where metal objects were scanned, and then stopped.

Then, the exploration team that scanned the metal objects began to introduce the situation.

“Steven, it is here and in several nearby places that we have scanned some metal objects, buried at different depths underground, and relatively scattered.

Judging from the distribution of these metal objects, they look a bit like funerary objects. We did find half a broken tombstone in a bush next to it.”

While his employees were introducing the situation, Ye Tian checked the situation on the ground, then looked at the data scanned by the pulse metal detector, and quickly analyzed it.

Secretly, he had quickly scanned the area.

Those metal objects hidden deep underground were instantly visible to him, and no one was missed.

He not only saw the scattered metal objects, but also several corpses.

Due to the different eras that have passed, the preservation status of those corpses also vary.

Some are close to carbonization and are about to turn into a handful of loess, while others are still relatively strong.

However, those corpses were buried underground for at least three to four hundred years.

As for those metal objects, no need to ask, they are all burial objects.

And the value of those metal funerary objects is also very average. They are just items such as silver wine bottles, which are not worth much at all!

Although he grasped the situation instantly, Ye Tian could not speak out and had to continue performing.

He pretended to check the detection data carefully, then checked the terrain, pondered for a while, and then said:

“Your judgment is correct. These metal objects are not treasures, but just some burial objects. They should not be of much value and are not worth digging.

This is obviously the cemetery of the ancestors of the fishing village to the west of the hill, but it has been abandoned, so it is overgrown with grass and there are basically no graves or tombstones.

Even if we want to dig and explore places like this, we must seek the opinions of the fishermen. Only if they agree can we take action.”

“Got it, Steven”

Several employees who detected the metal signal nodded in response.

They acted calmly and did not feel disappointed. They were used to this kind of thing.

The Columbia University and Moroccan exploration team members who were also at the scene were a little disappointed, including Professor Yahya and Professor Paul.

Next, Ye Tian and the others went to look at the half-broken tombstone.

From the Berber language engraved on that half of the tombstone, they were sure in the blink of an eye.

That is a tombstone erected more than 400 years ago. The owner of the tomb is a Berber, probably a fisherman living in the fishing village to the west of the hill.

This discovery made everyone more certain that the metal objects scanned not far away were burial objects.

The burial objects of a group of ordinary fishermen are of course of little value, not worth digging at all, and have nothing to do with the legendary Atlantis!

After confirming this, Ye Tian and the others left the hillside and returned to the top of the mountain again.

When they returned to the center of the mountain top, Jason and the others had also completed the cleaning work.

The soil at the bottom of the pit dug earlier was cleared away, exposing the rocks below.

You can see that there are several very obvious gaps between the rocks.

The roots of the bushes that originally grew here drilled down into the gaps and filled them up.

Due to the tremendous power of plant growth, several of the gaps were opened.

The rocks on both sides of the gap even bulged upward.

It is precisely because of this that the bushes on the ground can continue to thrive. They have planted their heels on the top of the mountain and have not been blown away by the raging sea wind all year round. They have survived tenaciously.

Everyone’s eyes lit up when they saw the gaps at the bottom of the pit.

“Steven, these gaps don’t look like they are naturally formed. Is there an unknown treasure hidden under these rocks? This is simply incredible”

Professor Paul said excitedly, his eyes shining brightly.

The Moroccans headed by Yahya were even more excited and almost cheered loudly.

Ye Tian looked at the situation at the bottom of the pit, then smiled and nodded.

“Yes, these gaps are indeed not natural, but man-made. They have existed for a very long time, otherwise they would not be what they are now.

Under these rocks, there should be a secret underground space, or a treasure room, which has probably been filled with rotting plant roots.

The metal objects hidden inside should be a treasure. Even if they are not gold and silver treasures, they are some metal antiques, such as bronzes.

In view of the special situation here, for safety reasons, it is best for everyone to wear gas masks and open these rocks to avoid any accidents”

With his words, everyone suddenly became more excited.

The company employees who were responsible for the excavation, including Jason, had already worn masks.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the people also took out the gas masks and gloves they had prepared in advance and put them on.

For safety reasons, everyone also stood on the upwind side, that is, on the side facing the Atlantic Ocean.

In this way, even if a large amount of toxic gas accumulates in the underground treasure room, it will be blown away by the sea breeze as soon as it comes out and quickly dissipate in the air, posing no threat.

Seeing that everyone had taken protective measures, Ye Tian nodded to his employees, indicating that they could take action.

The two employees standing at the bottom of the pit carefully examined the rocks and made sure that there were no words or patterns on the rocks before taking action.

They each picked up a crowbar, inserted one end forcefully into the cracks in the rocks, and began to pry the rocks at the bottom of the pit.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they still could not lift those rocks.

Although the rocks may not look big, they are tightly entangled with the tangled roots of shrubs, making it difficult to separate them for a while.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian immediately asked other employees to bring over the handheld chainsaw and handed it to the two guys at the bottom of the pit.

Immediately afterwards, the hand-held electric saw was started, and it began to cut the roots of the shrubs like a bamboo.

After a while, the roots of those tangled shrubs were sawed into sections.

After cutting, the disconnected root systems were cleaned up and thrown to the ground.

It will be much easier to pry those rocks now.

In the blink of an eye, all the rocks at the bottom of the pit were pried up and brought up.

As a result, there were two thick stone slabs below, pieced together, sealing the road to the depths of the underground.

There is also a gap between the two stone slabs, which is blocked by the roots of shrubs and is airtight, and the weight of the two stone slabs looks heavy.

With no choice but to do so, Ye Tian could only jump to the bottom of the pit and prepare to move the two stone slabs away.

Before taking action, he carefully examined the two stone slabs.

The two stone slabs were mottled, filled with soil residue and debris from shrub roots.

After cleaning, he saw clearly that there were no words or patterns on the surfaces of the two stone slabs, they were completely bare.

After confirming that the two stone slabs were not antiques and had no research value, Ye Tian picked up the handheld electric saw and started working.

Next, there was another burst of cutting.

After cleaning up the tangled shrub roots, he picked up a crowbar, inserted one end of the crowbar into the gap between the rocks, and began to pry the two stone slabs hard.

Without any effort, the two seemingly heavy stone slabs were pried up.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned by his tremendous strength.

But what shocked everyone even more was the hole hidden under the stone slab.

It was a square hole, sloping downwards, with a staircase at the entrance.

Because there are many roots crisscrossing the entrance of the cave, the situation deep inside is temporarily unclear.

As Ye Tian said before, this secret space hidden underground has accumulated a lot of dirty and even toxic air.

The moment the stone slab was pried open, the dirty air immediately escaped and floated into the air.

Fortunately, everyone was prepared and no harm was suffered.

As soon as the dirty air came out, it was immediately blown away by the sea breeze, blown in all directions, and dissipated in the fresh air outside.

Immediately afterwards, there was an excited exclamation from the scene.

“Who would have thought! There is actually a secret underground space here, it’s incredible!”

“I wonder what is hidden in this underground secret room, and when was it excavated? It seems that the fishermen in the fishing village below do not know this secret!”

While everyone was exclaiming, the dirty air in the underground chamber was quickly exhausted.

In its place, there is an influx of fresh air from the outside world.

It was only then that Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the edge of the cave entrance, looked into the cave entrance.

Unfortunately, there were too many obstacles and it was dark, so he couldn’t see much.

Then he whistled.

Following his movement, a white light suddenly flashed.

When everyone looked again, the little white elf guy had jumped out and was coiled around his wrist.

As before, this little guy still behaved very spiritually, rubbing the back of Ye Tian’s hand affectionately like a child.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was secretly frightened, and their eyes were full of envy, even jealousy.

Then they saw it.

Ye Tian pointed at the hole at the bottom of the pit, and then whispered:

“Little guy, go clean up here”

Before he finished speaking, the little white elf guy flew out and flew straight into the underground secret room covered with shrub roots.


There was another exclamation at the scene.

While amazed, the envy and jealousy in everyone’s eyes also became stronger.

Who wouldn’t want to have such a little guy who is as terrifying as death, yet so obedient?

Anyone with such a little cobra can walk sideways in this world!

In a moment, the white elf flew out of the underground secret room and coiled around Ye Tian’s wrist again.

Ye Tian gently stroked the little guy’s head, then said with a smile:

“It seems that this underground secret room is not big, and there are not many deadly poisonous insects in it. Everyone can enter with confidence”

Having said that, he did not let down his guard.

He squatted down and carefully checked the steps near the entrance of the cave. Fortunately, he found no traces of traps, but they were a little slippery!

Then, he asked Jason to hand over a few fluorescent lighting sticks, folded them in half, lit them, and threw them all into the underground secret room.

This underground space that had been shrouded in darkness for hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of years was suddenly illuminated.

Ye Tian looked inside again, observed it for a while, then withdrew his gaze and returned to the ground.

Then he said to everyone at the scene:

“Gentlemen, this underground space was opened very early. According to my observation, it has a history of at least more than 1,500 years. In other words, it was at least opened during the rule of ancient Rome.

In ancient times, there might have been a coastal defense post or even a castle on the top of this mountain. This underground secret room might have been an outbuilding, but the building on the ground had long since collapsed, leaving only this secret room! ”

Hearing this, there was an exclamation of exclamation immediately.

“Wow! It has a history of at least more than 1,500 years. In other words, this ancient fishing village on the west hillside existed more than 1,500 years ago!”

“If this is true, then the things hidden in this underground secret room must be valuable. This treasure may be very amazing!”

Everyone was talking about it, and everyone was very excited.

When the discussion subsided, Ye Tian continued:

“Because this place is close to the sea and on the top of a mountain, it is buffeted by sea winds all year round. The soil layer on the surface is very thin, so this place is not buried, so we can discover this secret so easily.

If it were in the interior of Morocco, in the Sahara Desert, after more than 1,500 years, it would have been buried deep underground. Even with a pulse metal detector, it would be difficult to find it! ”

“Yes, in this regard, we are indeed lucky”

Professor Paul nodded and said, and the others also nodded.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“I just observed that there are no traps in this secret room. Even if there are traps, more than 1,500 years and the environment here are enough to make any trap completely useless.

And this underground secret room is not very big, it seems to be only about ten square meters. It seems to be just a simple treasure room. There are no deadly poisonous insects in the secret room, so you can enter and explore with confidence.”

Next, he briefly introduced the situation in the underground secret room.

Of course, what he said was what he saw while standing at the entrance of the cave.

As for what he saw through perspective, he didn’t mention a word.

With his introduction, everyone had a preliminary understanding of this underground secret room and felt a lot more relieved.

After introducing the situation, Ye Tian called together several company employees and began to urge them to enter this ancient underground secret room to explore.

For safety reasons, he asked his subordinates who entered the secret room to wear full protective equipment and tied safety ropes for adequate protection.

Subsequently, the two employees went down to the bottom of the pit.

They picked up the hand-held electric saw and, under the illumination of a strong searchlight, cut the criss-crossing shrub roots while exploring and walking into the underground secret room.

As Ye Tian said, this underground secret room is not big.

After a while, the cleaning work was almost complete.

“Steven, there are a lot of strange gold coins here, as well as two bronze sculptures”

The voice of an exploration team member came from underground, sounding extremely excited.

The moment they heard these words, everyone was stunned.

Could it be that the strange gold coins are the gold coins found in the sea city that have been circulated in this seaside fishing village?

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