Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 316: Victorian clock, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Not long after entering Tennessee, the state police and FBI who were following him basically dispersed, leaving only three vehicles.

After all, there are other police forces. The police and FBI cannot put all their efforts here and spend all their time on Highway 127. They have to leave!

The remaining three police cars followed closely behind, looking at their posture and preparing to follow them until Ye Tian and the others left Tennessee.

Although the number of vehicles tracked has decreased significantly, the remaining ones are police and FBI elites. The deterrent effect has not been reduced at all, but has become more refined!

The Tennessee State Police left behind two police cars, an ordinary Ford Taurus, with two state police officers inside, who were responsible for dealing with ordinary police officers encountered along the way, and were also responsible for conveying police news to Ye Tian.

The other is a SWAT Bearcat armored vehicle. There are six fully armed SWAT policemen inside, recharging their batteries and ready to respond to emergencies at any time. The firepower is very powerful!

The one the FBI followed was also a black Ford Taurus, with three heavily armed FBI agents in the car.

If a firefight occurs, they are not the main attacker and only need to cooperate with the SWAT police.

Not long after leaving the state border, Ye Tian and the others came across the first courtyard market, which was the smallest market with only one stall.

It is said to be a courtyard market, but in fact it is a stall where nearby residents deal with household goods and sell specialties. It is placed beside the road, and there is no one to take care of it.

Highway 127 has only two lanes here and is very narrow.

On the left side of the road is a grassland, and 100 meters away is a vast mountain forest. It is lush and very dense, making it an ideal hiding place for an ambush.

On the right side of the road is a family ranch, covering an area of ​​about fifty or sixty hectares.

The field of vision in this direction is very broad. As far as the eye can see, there are all slightly withered pastures. It is like spreading a huge yellow and green carpet on the earth, dotted with many colorful wild flowers!

There were a dozen quarter horses grazing leisurely on the grass, and no one was seen.

Everything looks very harmonious and the scenery is beautiful. It is a typical pastoral scenery of the American South.

The stall is placed on the grass on the right side of the road, less than 50 meters away from the house on the edge of the pasture. The stall owner is not here at the moment. He is probably watching from a distance in the house, or is busy with other things.

The situation in front of me is very common. Treasure hunters passing by can choose goods at will at the stalls. If they find the goods they like, they can press the car horn and the stall owner will come over immediately.

Because most of the stalls are used household goods or agricultural products, which are not of much value, the stall owners are so relieved, and the treasure hunters will not take advantage of them just for three melons and two dates.

If you were an antique dealer or a professional second-hand dealer, you would never do this, and you wouldn’t dare to do it! You’ll even lose your underwear!

Although the folk customs in the central part of the United States are relatively simple, everyone has the mentality of taking advantage, and the old Americans are not much more noble than people in other places!

This was the first stall he encountered when entering Tennessee. Of course, Ye Tian was interested in taking a look.

Walker lowered his speed in a tacit understanding and drove slowly past the stall along the roadside. The vehicles behind him also lowered their speed and followed slowly.

The huge Paramount Predator is about 7 meters away from the booth. Looking out through the car window, the situation in the booth can be seen at a glance!

Most of the stalls are used goods, such as old coffee pots, old appliances, old saddles, water reins, etc. There are also several boxes of fresh and attractive apples that have just been picked.

There is no doubt that this is an ordinary family stall!


The moment his eyes swept across the stall, Ye Tian couldn’t help but let out a soft cry, with a hint of joy.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately said through the intercom:

“Walker, stop the car! I saw something interesting”


Walker responded, and the Paramount Raider stopped immediately.

When the car stopped, Ye Tian also turned off the intercom. Some things need to be kept secret for the time being, even from his own people!

“Honey, what treasure did you see?”

Betty asked excitedly, eyes full of curiosity.

“It’s not a very important treasure, it’s just of a little value. It’s the Victorian style clock. If I’m not mistaken, it should come from England in the early 19th century!”

Ye Tian said through the car window, pointing to an old clock on the stall.

You can only use a hypothetical tone towards Betty, this is only reasonable!

But at this moment, in Ye Tian’s eyes, the clock was radiating a dazzling red light, extremely beautiful!

Judging from the intensity of the red light, the age can be determined! .

This is a Western antique from the early 19th century with a history of nearly two hundred years.

In addition to the dazzling red light, the clock is also surrounded by six or seven layers of charming halos, proving that it has considerable artistic value.

It can be seen from this that this clock should be made by a famous watchmaker, or it may be an early work of a certain watchmaker! Not a mass product!

The overall shape of the clock is solemn and elegant, heavy and majestic, with a strong sense of classical beauty everywhere.

About 50 cm high, with an enamel copper body. The outer shell is in the shape of a square pavilion. The front and left and right sides of the copper body are decorated with enamel patterns, and an angel playing the violin stands on the top.

This is what Ye Tian saw from the perspective of a treasure hunter. If it were seen from the perspective of an ordinary person, it would not be so beautiful!

The appearance of the desk clock is rather dirty, with stains all over it. It must have not been used for a long time, and it was turned out and not wiped carefully, or some stains are not easy to wipe off!

Or the stall owner simply didn’t pay attention to it or was not in the mood, he just set the time, wound it up and threw it on the stall! It seems like a waste of natural resources!

Except for the dirty appearance, the rest of the clock is in pretty good condition! Fortunately, this nice antique was not ruined!

There is no obvious damage on the appearance of the clock, and the hands are still running normally. The two hands point to the time very accurately, and the pendulum swings gently, with a hint of ancient charm!

Judging from the parts that reveal its true character, this clock is indeed very old, but those are traces left by time, which do not affect the value, but can actually increase its value!

Before doing any perspective, the reason why Ye Tian said it came from England was based on the style.

The United Kingdom at the beginning of the 19th century was at its peak, when the Victorian style became popular.

Most of the exquisite crafts from the British Isles during this period are in the Victorian style!

At the same time in continental Europe, France, Germany, and Switzerland, the popular art style at this time was different from that in the British Isles, mainly Rococo style!

It was based on this that Ye Tiancai made this judgment.

There is only so much that can be seen from the outside of the clock. It’s time to look through it and see what’s going on inside this antique clock. Are there any flaws or hidden dangers? Is the gold and jade on the outside hidden in it?

See if it has any unknown and hidden secrets, and whether it is worth taking action yourself!

Afterwards, Ye Tian immediately turned on clairvoyance and began to explore the deeper secrets of this antique clock and discover more value!

As far as the eye can see, all the details inside and outside the clock are clearly displayed, and no one is missed.

The appearance and appearance are the same, the production process is exquisite, no faults or hidden dangers were found, and it works well!

All parts fit perfectly and should be original. Even if they have been repaired, they must be original parts. Only in this way can accuracy be guaranteed!

Accuracy is the most important indicator to measure the quality of a clock. A clock with inaccurate time is not worth much money!

It can be seen from the state of maintenance that the previous owners of this clock liked it very much.

But for some reason, the current owner is ready to sell it for just a few dollars!

Maybe he doesn’t like this kind of classical gadgets, hates winding up, and thinks quartz clocks are more trouble-free. Maybe it’s just to make room, or for various other reasons!

No matter what the reason is, since you are so ignorant and let your brother run into you, you must not let him go!

Brother, if you accept this treasure, it’s not a big leak! A great start to your trip to Tennessee!

The only regret is that there are no other secrets in the clock, it is just a clock.

In addition, Ye Tian saw two small cursive letters ‘J.C’ at the end of the pendulum, which should be the abbreviation of the watchmaker’s name, but there was no year on the back.

Ye Tian’s knowledge of antique clocks is very limited, and he cannot judge which watchmaker’s work it is based on these two letters and the year the clock was born.

But there must be someone in New York who can recognize the origin of this clock! no doubt!

As long as you are sure that this is a treasure with great artistic and market value, you can’t miss it. You must keep it in your pocket and return to New York to deal with other matters.

The perspective and judgment were completed in an instant, and Ye Tian immediately withdrew his gaze and prepared to leave.

Seeing that he had no intention of getting out of the car, Betty immediately asked in a low voice:

“Honey, isn’t this clock worth much? Are you not going to want it anymore? Or are you going to leave it to Bowie so that Bowie can take it?”

Ye Tian nodded and said with a proud smile:

“Dear! Your guess is very correct. I am indeed planning to let Bowie sell it. This clock still has some value. The market price should be around 200,000 US dollars. It is a very good antique clock.

It’s not appropriate for me to take action. Firstly, the environment here is complicated and may be dangerous. Secondly, the stall owner may know me and may raise the price wildly, or even take it back and not sell it.

After all, this is a family stall. It is different from the business strategies of ordinary antique dealers and second-hand traders. They do not rely on this to make a living and do not understand antique appraisal, so there are great variables!

Now it seems that the stall owner does not take the clock seriously at all, and the expected price is estimated to be very low. It is perfect for Bowie to take action. He will definitely be able to get it at a very low price.”

Betty felt a little confused after hearing this, there were too many twists and turns!

After a moment of pause, she said with emotion:

“My dear, you are so cunning! You can calculate so many things, it’s incredible!”

“Hahaha, this is the charm of treasure hunting. The discovery and harvest of each treasure is a process of battle of wits and courage. Every moment is fresh!”

Ye Tian said with a smile, his eyes full of excitement and joy.

Then he turned the intercom back on.

“Guys, let’s go! There must be priceless treasures waiting for us ahead!”


Walker and the others responded in unison.

Then, the three SUVs immediately started again and continued to conquer Highway 127.

No one asked much about the results of Ye Tiangang’s treasure hunt, thinking that there were no treasures here!

The treasure hunters who followed them stopped at this stall for a while, looking carefully, trying to find something.

But unfortunately, no one paid attention to the dirty clock, and they all left disappointed.

Bowie, who was 10 kilometers behind the motorcade, had already received a text message from Ye Tian.

After reading the text message, he was extremely excited and drove straight here according to the GPS instructions, preparing to get another surprise and a large amount of green dollars!

“Hey! It seems they are all useless old goods!”

When the Paramount Predator left, a sigh came from the house not far away, full of disappointment!

Although he was not in front of the stall, the stall owner kept paying attention to the situation on the roadside through the window.

Seeing the Paramount Predator stop, his eyes immediately began to shine. The **** billionaire from New York was going to visit his stall, and he might be able to make a fortune from it!

But that **** didn’t even get out of the car, just stopped for a moment, let alone made an offer to buy it.

The reality is a bit cruel. The stall owners have completely lost confidence in their second-hand goods and have no hope of making a fortune.

His sales strategy has also changed. As long as he pays, he can pick whatever is on the stall and deal with it one by one. It is better than leaving it useless at home and taking up space!

He knew that among these old goods that he dismissed with disdain, there were real treasures hidden. At this moment, someone was rushing over in great interest, ready to make a fortune!

The huge convoy continued to advance southward along Highway 127 amidst the picturesque scenery, heading towards the next courtyard market and the next treasure!

About 10 miles ahead, another courtyard market appeared on the roadside with two stalls and three white people standing behind the stalls.

Similar to the previous one, this is also a stall where residents along the way dispose of household goods. Not far away are two white villas, as well as barns, stables, etc.

Seeing this courtyard market, Walker immediately slowed down and leaned to the side of the road so that Ye Tian could observe.

When the Paramount Predator drove about five meters diagonally in front of the stall, Ye Tian and Raymond issued a warning in unison!

“Attention, everyone, something is wrong with this courtyard market! We may be in trouble!”

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