Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3035: Somali Pirates, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

As the moss on the cave walls was wiped off one by one, a large number of ancient Hebrew characters and various patterns carved on the cave walls were revealed one after another.

Like the ancient Hebrew texts discovered before, these are also localized texts that are difficult to understand.

For a while, no one could understand the meaning of these ancient Hebrew words, and they could only study them later.

Everyone can clearly understand the stone murals carved on the cave walls.

Many of the murals are from the Old and New Testaments, depicting religious stories and historical figures.

There are also some historical materials and stories about how the Beta Israelites came to this plateau and how they thrived here, which are of high historical and cultural research value.

In addition, there are some Amharic inscriptions carved on the cave walls, describing the daily life of the Beta Israelites.

There is a passage describing the process by which the Beta Israelites discovered this underground cave.

As Ye Tian expected, the Beta Israelites discovered this extremely secret cave while digging the foundation for the Noah’s Ark church and made use of it.

For a long time after that, the people responsible for managing this church were clergy from the Beta Israel tribe.

Even the royal family of the Solomon Dynasty of Ethiopia did not know that in the prayer room of this church, there was a secret passage leading deep underground.

What they don’t even know is that there is a huge treasure hidden in the cave deep underground in Noah’s Ark Church!

This is typical darkness under the light!

It took more than a hundred years for the Beta Israelites to completely seal the secret passage in the prayer house, and no one has entered since then!

In the next one or two hundred years, something happened, and even the Beta Israelites gradually forgot about the existence of this cave and this secret passage.

What has been handed down is just a legend, saying that there is a major secret hidden in the Noah’s Ark church!

Because of this legend, the Israelis sent people here to explore secretly over and over again, but found nothing and returned disappointed every time.

It is also because of this legend that the three-party joint exploration team came here.

The difference is that Ye Tian discovered this extremely secret cave deep underground, and discovered this part of Solomon’s treasure hidden in the cave!

In addition to the words and patterns carved on the surrounding cave walls, the moss and dust on the statues in the cave were also wiped off one by one.

As several strong lighting lamps were placed, the cave suddenly became extremely bright, as if it were daytime.

Those ancient statues are also clearly presented in front of everyone.

Some of them are gold or gilt statues, some are marble and bronze statues, but more of them are carved on the surrounding cave walls and on the raised stalagmites.

And they were created in different ages, some were in BC, some were in AD, and some were only three or four hundred years old.

Some are from Jerusalem, some were created after the Beta Israelites arrived in Africa, and some were created using local materials in caves, with different styles!

Most of the characters carved in those statues come from the Old and New Testaments, biblical stories, and some historical legends of the Beta Israelites.

Most of the statues that are simple in shape and full of classicism come from ancient Jerusalem and are of higher value. Almost every one of them is priceless.

The remaining statues with more or less African cultural characteristics were made by the Beta Israelites and are of much lower value, but they also have certain historical and cultural research value.

Before cleaning the moss and dust on the cave walls, the two Beta Israel exploration team members will use pulse metal detectors to scan the corresponding locations for safety reasons.

Fortunately, they did not find any fatal traps, and naturally no accidents occurred.

Obviously, the Beta Israelites only used this cave deep underground as a treasure house and did not set up any deadly traps.

Maybe it’s because this place is located within the Fasilidas Castle complex, so they don’t dare to make any big moves in case they are discovered by the Ethiopian royal family!

Maybe it’s because of the existence of the golden statues of the Three Kings of Israel!

In order to protect these three sacred objects of the Israelites, they did not dare to set up traps here. Even if these three sacred objects fell into the hands of others, they could not be destroyed by traps.

The two Israeli exploration team members took the lead in exploring the area where the golden statue of Saul is located.

This area is about six or seven meters away from the cave entrance above. It is relatively small and there are not many things hidden here.

After roughly scanning the surrounding cave walls and ground, the two Israeli exploration team members began to scan several boxes stored in this area.

When the probe coil of the pulse metal detector approached the first box, a crisp chirping sound immediately sounded in the cave, which sounded extremely pleasant, like the sound of nature.

Immediately afterwards, Daniel’s voice came from the intercom, saying excitedly:

“Steven, Joshua, these boxes hidden in the cave should be filled with gold and silver treasures. The metal signal response is very strong”

Before he finished speaking, cheers immediately erupted from the scene.

“Awesome! It seems that this part of Solomon’s treasure is very amazing, not just the ones we just saw!”

“In those boxes, there may be even more amazing things hidden, and there are even bigger surprises!”

While everyone was cheering, Joshua came to Ye Tian and said in a low voice:

“What do you plan to do with this part of Solomon’s treasure? Steven, according to the agreement we reached before, except for the Ark of the Covenant, all the gold, silver, treasures and antiques in Solomon’s treasure belong to you!

It seems that the Ark of the Covenant is not in this cave deep underground. This part of Solomon’s treasures will all belong to you and your Intrepid Exploration Company. Do you plan to take them back to New York, or deal with them on the spot?

I have a suggestion. We can refer to previous transactions and have the Israeli government fund the purchase of this part of Solomon’s treasure, and leave all the related excavation and cleanup work to us!

In this way, you can get the maximum benefit without having to dig and clean up this treasure, which avoids a lot of trouble and saves time, and we can get everything in this amazing treasure! ”

Hearing this, Mustafa and the deputy director of the Vatican Museum standing aside suddenly became a little anxious.

However, they could not think of any words to refute Joshua.

According to previous multi-party agreements, if Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are discovered, only the Israeli government and Intrepid Exploration Company are eligible to divide the treasure!

As for the other two parties, they can only participate in archaeological research, but have no right to share the treasure!

The specific distribution plan of Solomon’s treasure, just as Joshua said.

The Israeli government obtains the Ark of the Covenant, and everything else in Solomon’s treasure, no matter how much, belongs to Intrepid Exploration Company!

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and shook his head and said:

“It’s a little early to talk about how to distribute this part of Solomon’s treasure. Let’s wait until Daniel and the others finish exploring this treasure and find out the situation of the treasure.

What I can tell you is that I will sell all the things closely related to religion in this part of Solomon’s treasure, and the acquirer can be any party.

In other words, not only you, Israel, but also Ethiopia, the Vatican, and the US government have the right to participate in this fair competition, and the one with the highest price will win!

I will evaluate everything in the treasure. Except for some antiques and artworks that I have collected, the rest will be in front of everyone! ”

Joshua was stunned, and a look of worry quickly flashed in his eyes.

He can ignore the poor Ethiopian government, but he will never dare to ignore the Vatican and the US government.

These are definitely two very strong opponents. One has a lot of money and a profound background; the other simply controls the money printing machine and can print as many dollars as he wants. No one can do anything about it!

Looking at Mustafa and the deputy director of the Vatican Museum, there was a look of surprise on their faces.

Obviously, they have seen hope and will not get nothing!


The time soon came to the afternoon, and the exploration continued.

Even after lunch, no one who had entered Noah’s Ark Church came out.

Mattis led people to deliver lunch to the church for those staying inside to enjoy.

Seeing this scene, everyone outside the church was very sure.

In the Noah’s Ark church, there must be an extremely important secret hidden, and it may even be a shocking treasure.

Once this secret or treasure is announced, it will surely cause a sensation all over the world.

Because of this, Steven and the others were so cautious. In order to keep it secret, they did not even let people in the church leave.

Invariably, everyone thought of Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

If the treasure hidden in the church of Noah’s Ark is Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, then everything will be explained.

Thinking of this, everyone around Noah’s Ark Church was excited.

Outside the gate of Facilidas Castle.

Those media reporters who have been waiting for a long time are now letting their imaginations run wild, speculating on what the secrets or treasures hidden deep underground in Noah’s Ark Church are.

“Five or six hours have passed, and Steven and the guys haven’t come out of Noah’s Ark Church yet. There is no doubt that they must have made a shocking discovery, perhaps a huge treasure!”

“The discovery that made that guy Steven so cautious and block the news by all means must be a great archaeological discovery that shocked the world. They may have discovered the legendary Solomon’s Treasure!”

While there was a lot of discussion, these media reporters were extremely excited.

Each of them stared at the gates of the castle with gleaming eyes, their eyes extremely hot.

At the same time, there was a house not far from the castle complex.

A black man in his twenties came to the door of this house.

He first took stock of the surroundings to make sure there was no one following him or the police, and then he gently knocked on the door of the house.

And the rhythm of his knocking on the door was very strange. First he knocked twice in succession, then he paused for a second, then knocked quickly again, then paused for another second, and then knocked again.

Obviously, this is a secret code!

After confirming that the password was correct, the people inside opened the door and let this guy in.

There were more than twenty **** men sitting or standing in this room, which seemed a bit crowded.

Moreover, each of these guys is armed with an assault rifle, has a strong body, and a fierce look in his eyes. They are not good at all.

After entering the room, the guy who knocked on the door went straight to a black man in his early forties and began to report the situation.

“Boss, every street and intersection around the Fasilidas Castle complex has been completely blocked by heavily armed Ethiopian military police, making it difficult for brothers to approach.

Some of the Amharic-speaking guys pretended to be citizens of Gondar and wanted to approach the Fasilidas castle complex to inquire about information, but they were also stopped by the Ethiopian military police.

Only media reporters with special permission can go to the gate of the castle complex, and no one else can approach; on the nearby streets, I found some guys with unknown origins.

I observed that those guys were all staring at the Facilidas Castle complex, trying to get closer, but like us, they were all stopped by those nasty Ethiopian military police.”

When reporting the situation, the guy spoke Somali.

No need to ask, these **** men hiding in the room are exactly the group of pirates from Somalia, and each one of them is a vicious desperado!

Because there is a Somali state in Ethiopia, where many Somalis live, believe in Islam and speak Somali!

Because of this, these pirates from Somalia were able to have a smooth journey and reach Gondar quickly!

In fact, among these guys, the nationality of many pirates is Ethiopian.

After listening to the report, the pirate boss was silent for a moment, and then said with a sneer:

“Obviously, those Ethiopian military police were bribed by the Israelis and that **** Steven, so they worked so hard to protect those **** Israelis and Americans.

It doesn’t matter, we can wait. Steven and those guys will always leave the Fasilidas Castle Group. When they come out of the Castle Group, it’s time for us to grab the treasure map.

Those guys with unknown origins probably have the same purpose as us, they are all here for the treasure map in the hands of that guy Steven. We can join forces with these guys…”

While he was talking, there was another knock on the door, still with a unique rhythm.

The door opened, and another guy who went out to inquire about information quickly walked in.

As soon as he entered the living room, this guy said excitedly:

“Boss, we just stopped the vehicle of a news media and asked those media reporters if they knew the situation in the Facilidas Castle Group?

Guess what? The Italian media reporter told me that that magical guy Steven might have discovered a huge treasure in the castle complex.

This huge treasure is hidden deep underground in the Noah’s Ark church in the castle complex. Some reporters speculated that this is probably the legendary Solomon’s treasure.

Another thing is that the governments of the United States and Israel, as well as Ethiopia and the Vatican, have made considerable moves and are even actively mobilizing their troops.”

Before he finished speaking, the pirate boss jumped up from the sofa as if he was electrocuted.

Immediately afterwards, this guy exclaimed:

“What? Did I hear that right? That **** Steven discovered the legendary Solomon’s Treasure? This is simply unbelievable!”

The guy who reported the situation nodded vigorously.

“Steven and the others have been in the Noah’s Ark church for five or six hours. If there was no major discovery, they would never have stayed so long.

And that **** Steven tightly blocked the news and even cut off the communication signal in the Noah’s Ark church. They even had lunch in the church.

These are enough to show that their discovery is very amazing. Even if what they discovered was not Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, it would definitely cause a sensation all over the world! ”

The pirate boss’s eyes instantly turned blood red, full of madness and greed, which looked quite scary.

Every one of the other Somali pirates at the scene behaved the same way.


The pirate boss suddenly smashed the coffee table and said decisively:

“In this case, we have to change our plan. We must attack the Facilidas Castle Group as soon as possible before the support of the Israelis and Americans arrives.

Our current goal is not only the treasure map in the hands of that guy Steven, but also Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, and mainly Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

If we want to break into the heavily guarded Fasilidas Castle Group, our strength is slightly insufficient, and we need to unite other forces to act together, so that we can succeed! ”

“That’s right, boss, there are many people like us in Gondar City. We can join forces with those guys and attack the Facilidas Castle Group together!”

The guy who came in later nodded and said, obviously impatient.

Subsequently, this group of Somali pirates took action and began to collude.

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