Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2996: Flying knives appearing out of thin air, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Just like in all movies, the police always arrive late, and the Egyptian military police are no exception. Their main duty seems to be to clean the battlefield.

When the shrill sirens came from all directions, it meant that the brutal fighting in the dark night was coming to an end and was about to end.

In a building at the north end of the street, a guy wearing an Arab robe whispered:

“Adil, we must retreat. The casualties among our brothers are too great. That **** Steven is simply a devil, and he also carries a devil with him, which should be the legendary white cobra.

According to legend, the little white translucent cobra is the incarnation of Lucifer, the angel of hell, and is highly poisonous. Many brothers were killed by the little white cobra, and their deaths were very strange and miserable.

We can’t deal with that **** Steven and that little white cobra at all. If we continue to fight, all of us will be killed by those two devils, and no one will be able to escape from Aswan!

This time we killed many Israeli Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando, and we avenged the brothers who died before. The Egyptian army will arrive soon. If we don’t evacuate, we will be surrounded.”

Hearing this, the Arab man named Adil couldn’t help but fell silent. His eyes were full of anger, hatred, and unwillingness!

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said:

“Okay, notify all brothers to immediately disengage from the opponent, evacuate from this street as soon as possible, and disperse out of Aswan according to the original plan, and return to their respective bases.

As for that **** devil Steven and that legendary little white cobra, I have recorded this blood feud, and I will definitely find this place again in the future, I swear! ”

Seeing that he finally made a decision, the other Arab men at the scene let out a sigh of relief and finally relaxed a little.

At the same time, there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes, the hope of escaping.

Immediately afterwards, the Arab men at the scene picked up their walkie-talkies and began to notify their fighting men to leave the battlefield as soon as possible, withdraw from here, and then withdraw from Aswan!

In a building directly opposite the hotel, Ye Tianzheng was hiding in the corridor on the second floor.

The door in front of him was open, and the window facing the street was also open, facing the hotel across the street!

With the help of darkness and the cover of the two walls inside and outside the room, he would sneak to the door from time to time, pass through the doors and windows, and shoot at the armed men hiding in the hotel, naming them one by one.

Under his attack, the guys hiding in the hotel room were all suppressed and did not dare to show their heads at all.

No matter which room in the hotel they are hiding in, as long as they stick their heads out, they will be shot to death in an instant. Almost all of them will be shot in the head, and no one will be spared!

On the other side of the street, Walker led three security team members to move forward, clearing the buildings on the street one by one.

With Ye Tian’s help, the cleaning operation went very smoothly. They quickly advanced to a three-story building on the south side of the hotel and quickly cleaned it up.

With the rapid advance of Ye Tian and Walker, the pressure faced by the Mossad agents and the 13th Commando who were trapped in the middle of the street was much reduced.

They no longer have to worry about attacks from the rooftops, attacks from the south side of the street, and gunmen hidden in the hotel. They only need to focus on dealing with those guys on the north side of the street.

After this hellish and tragic firefight, these Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando suffered heavy casualties. Several of them died, and the rest were all injured and managed to hold on.

Even the two commanders, Seaman and Arthur, were injured, their faces were pale, their bodies were stained with blood, and their condition was quite miserable!

“Bang bang bang”

In the crisp sound of firing, several rifle bullets flew out at high speed.

A guy hiding on the second floor of the hotel was killed by Ye Tian as soon as he showed his face and received his lunch box.

At this moment, the armed men on the north side of the street suddenly began to retreat, and they retreated very quickly. They covered each other and fired fiercely while running towards the north end of the street.

The gunmen hiding in the buildings on the north side of the street also rushed out and quickly ran towards the north end of the street.

The gunmen hiding in the hotel evacuated the guest rooms on the street side one after another, then quickly went downstairs and ran towards the back door of the hotel, preparing to evacuate from the back of the hotel.

At the same time, the shrill sirens were getting closer and closer to the street.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian and the others still didn’t know what would happen next.

“Seaman, Walker, the guys who ambushed us are going to run away, and a large number of Egyptian military police will be here soon. You stay here to deal with the Egyptians, and I will chase the guys who escaped.

For the sake of safety, contact David and the others immediately, tell them the situation here, and use the media reporters hiding at the scene to contain the Egyptians to avoid being plotted!

After ensuring safety, immediately ask David and Joshua to send people over to rescue you and restrain the Egyptian military and police. I will also negotiate with Ahmed and the Egyptian Presidential Palace.

In addition to Ahmed and others, I will also contact the US Embassy! I will not return here later. I will directly meet up with the tripartite joint exploration team. Guys, see you later! ”

Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said quickly, and quickly rushed to the roof.

“Copy that, Steven, we’ll take care of ourselves, don’t let those **** **** go!”

Walker and Seaman responded in unison, their tone seemed to be a little more relaxed.


Ye Tian kicked open the wooden door and rushed straight to the roof.

The next moment, a white shadow suddenly flew towards him like lightning and wrapped around his left wrist in the blink of an eye.

“Well done, little one!”

Ye Tian chuckled and whispered, gently stroking the little guy White Elf’s head.

As a reward, he poured a lot of spiritual energy into this little guy without hesitation.

Look at the little guy again. He raised his head excitedly and nodded gently at Ye Tian. His little triangular eyes were shining brightly and full of spirituality!

Ye Tian smiled softly, then stepped out and rushed to the edge of the roof, preparing to jump to the roof of another building ahead.

Within two steps after rushing out, he saw two dry corpses on the edge of the roof of the building, or rather, two fresh skeletons glowing with white light. Looking in the darkness, it looked a bit strange. Infiltrate!

He turned a blind eye and continued to run forward at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, he had reached the edge of the roof, then stamped his feet and rushed directly to the roof of the building opposite, like a big bird flying across the night sky!

In a few ups and downs, he disappeared into the darkness and merged with the night!


Three to five minutes later, a large number of heavily armed Egyptian military police rushed into the street, quickly sealed both ends of the street, and then sent out tactical teams to conduct inspections floor by floor.

Next, in the buildings on both sides of the street and in the hotel, there were waves of shouts from the military and police, kicking of doors, screams and shouts, and countless cries full of fear, but again There were no gunshots either.

When the first tactical team rushed to the roof of a building on the left side of the street, a burst of frightened screams soon came from the roof, coming from the Egyptian military police!

In the middle of the street, Walker, Seaman and others had gathered together, standing next to those bulletproof SUVs riddled with holes!

The first time the Egyptian military and police rushed into this street, they made their identities known to prevent the Egyptian military and police from misunderstanding and treating them as armed elements.

For safety reasons, they still hide behind those shabby bulletproof SUVs to prevent being plotted!

After a period of chaos, this hell-like street finally got rid of the war.

At this time, the street had been completely destroyed, just like the ruins after a catastrophe.

The streets were filled with burning cars and black smoke billowing. The Arab-style buildings on both sides of the streets were beaten beyond recognition and were devastated. Not even a complete door, window or glass could be found.

On this street, corpses can be seen everywhere, covering the entire street.

Among them were the Arab militants, Israeli Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando, as well as ordinary Aswan citizens, as well as some treasure hunters who followed the tripartite joint exploration team.

Two media reporters were even affected by stray bullets and died tragically on this street.

The Egyptian military police who rushed into the street were shocked when they saw the situation here.

This is **** hell, it’s so miserable!

They were even secretly rejoicing that they arrived late, the battle here was over, and they were not involved in this crazy and **** killing.

After briefly understanding the situation at the scene, these Egyptian military police immediately launched rescue operations to rescue the injured people, including Heman and the others.

As for those militants who were seriously injured and unable to escape from here, they were all handcuffed and temporarily thrown aside without anyone paying attention!

While they were busy, another burst of gunfire suddenly came from the darkness in the distance, which seemed to be mixed with a burst of angry and frightened curses, and bursts of screams full of pain and despair!

The moment they heard the gunfire, everyone on the street turned their heads and looked towards the darkness in the north. Many people’s eyes were full of fear.

Some people who were still in shock even began to run away, looking for places to hide. They were all like frightened birds, terrified to the extreme!

The Egyptian military police who were cleaning up the battlefield suddenly became nervous, looking around vigilantly, holding the automatic rifles in their hands tightly, ready to fire at any time!

Fortunately, no bullets were suddenly shot out of the darkness, attacking people on the street and numerous Egyptian military police.

The battles all took place in the distance, getting further and further away, and the gunshots became sparser and sparse until they disappeared completely!

The night in Aswan finally returned to tranquility, but the air was filled with the smell of blood, so strong that even the wind could not disperse it!


On a street about one kilometer away from the scene of the fire, the Arab man named Adil was running hastily on the dark street.

You can see that his right leg has been injured, and he staggers when he runs, and he can’t get up fast at all.

The leg injury greatly affected his movements. From time to time, he would fall to the ground, leaving a long trail of blood, and then he would struggle to get up and continue running forward.

While running, he kept looking back, his eyes full of fear and despair.

Those who retreated with him, as well as many of his subordinates, were either killed and lying dead on different streets, or they fled in all directions and left him!

In the face of death, those subordinates couldn’t care less about him. Everyone was too busy caring for themselves and wished they could escape from this hellish city immediately.

Adil has no weapons in his hands and has become bare-handed, posing no threat!

When he fell to the ground again and struggled to get up, an extremely sharp dagger suddenly flew from the darkness behind at high speed and inserted into his neck like a broken bamboo.


Adil screamed in agony and fell to the ground.

Blood surged out, instantly staining the ground red. Adil, who was lying on the ground, struggled and twitched a few times, then stopped moving!

Calm returned to the streets again, still shrouded in darkness.

In the darkness behind Adil, no one appeared, not even a shadow. The deadly Arabian dagger seemed to appear out of thin air!

At this moment, in a building next to the street, a light suddenly came on in a room on the third floor.

Immediately afterwards, the lights in that room were turned off again, and then there was a burst of frightened curses, the voice was very low!

“Idiot, do you want to kill our family?”

Before the curse could finish, there was a snap in the room, which sounded like a slap in the face!

This is just a small episode. The streets fell silent again, but there was a hint of blood in the air!


South of Aswan, deep in the desert.

The three-party joint exploration convoy that drove out of Aswan city at high speed was hidden in this desert. All vehicles turned off their lights and engines, and made no sound.

All members of the three-party joint exploration team, as well as many experts and scholars, are staying in their respective vehicles. Everyone is still wearing body armor and is ready to set off again and leave here at any time.

The numerous security personnel responsible for protecting the tripartite joint exploration team, each of them fully armed, were scattered around the convoy and at several nearby commanding heights, keeping a close eye on the surrounding movements.

They all wear infrared night vision devices. No one or even any animal that breaks into this desert can escape their eyes.

The scene was very quiet, but the atmosphere was very depressing. Everyone’s heart was in their throats and their nerves were tense.

Mattis stood next to a bulletproof SUV in the center of the motorcade, holding a walkie-talkie in his hand and talking to Walker.

“Walker, David’s assistant lawyer and two officials from the Israeli Ministry of Culture have already gone over to look for you. They are also accompanied by a rescue team and several security personnel. They will arrive soon. Please wait a moment.

How is the situation on site? Any news from Steven? Did the Egyptian military police give you any trouble? If someone is causing trouble, write down their appearance or police number, and come back to settle the score with them.”

The next moment, Walker’s voice came from the walkie-talkie.

“We have no problem and can still hold on. The attitude of the Egyptians is also okay and they are not making things difficult for us. They are cleaning up the scene and checking the buildings and hotels on the street.

Steven just disappeared without a trace! No one knows where he has gone, but you don’t have to worry, he poses no threat, it’s others who are in danger!

In the darkness, he is an unrivaled **** of death. No one can stop him, let alone threaten his safety. What’s more, there is that terrifying white elf beside him, that is the **** of death! ”

Hearing this, Martis felt relieved, as did everyone else nearby.

Next, he asked about other situations before ending the call.

Almost at the same time as the call ended, Ye Tian’s voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible headset.

“Mattis, I’m here, alone in the desert in the northeast, please inform the guys to avoid misunderstandings!”

Before he finished speaking, Mattis waved his fist excitedly, then picked up the walkie-talkie and began to notify the security personnel guarding the desert!

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