Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2946: Battle of the Ancient City 2, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Before Ye Tian and the others took action, two small drones were released first and flew forward along the planned retreat route to explore the path ahead.

Both these two small drones are equipped with high-definition cameras that can capture images from all directions, and are equipped with small infrared thermal imaging cameras that can detect whether there are gunmen ambushing in private houses.

However, this thing is not very useful. It is located in the Sahara Desert and it is daytime. The heat is unbearable. The temperature is higher than human body temperature. It is difficult for the infrared camera to detect people hiding in the room through the wall because the wall is The facade is all red!

Only by flying to the window and photographing the situation in the room through the window can you find the people hiding in the room. However, this is too dangerous, and the drone may be shot down and captured at any time.

The two small drones are one high and one low. The high one is about ten meters above the ground, taking pictures of the ground from a high position. The low one is only about one and a half meters above the ground, taking pictures of the alley.

The two small drones flew only three or four meters before turning a corner. The one flying in the alley disappeared from everyone’s sight, but the one flying above the alley was still visible. arrive!

At the same time, Ye Tian waved his hand and pointed forward, making a departure gesture.

Following his gesture, Seaman led a five-man special operations team to step out, followed closely by the two small drones, and walked into the alley in a combat formation.

Within a few steps after entering the alley, this special operations team composed of Mossad agents and the 13th Commando turned the corner in front and disappeared deep into the alley!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian personally led a five-person special operations team, lined up in a battle formation, clinging to the right wall of the alley, and walked into the winding alley, moving forward quickly Sneak away.

After them, a large group of people from the three-party joint exploration team set off. Under the protection of many heavily armed security personnel, they entered the maze-like ancient city of Shali.

This team is commanded by Mattis and coordinated with several other special operations groups. The security team members responsible for controlling small drones are among this team.

Next, there is a five-man special operations team led by Charlie; in charge of the rear is a special operations team led by Arthur, all composed of members of the 13th Commando!

In a short time, the three-party joint exploration team had left the ruins of the Holy Oracle and entered the narrow alleys of the ancient city of Shali!

If you look down from the air, you will find that the three-party joint exploration team is like a long dragon, winding its way through the maze-like Shali Ancient City. This scene also looks a bit like a snake game!

While the tripartite joint exploration team was launching operations, the Libyan militants hiding in the ancient city of Shari also received the news.

“Guys, those **** Americans and Israelis have left the site of the Holy Oracle. Get ready. As soon as those guys enter the ambush circle, everyone can open fire. First, you must shoot down the small unmanned aircraft in the air. Machine! ”

The same voice came from the walkie-talkies of many Libyan militants, giving them instructions to prepare for battle.

The next moment, these Libyan militants opened the safety of the automatic rifles in their hands, pushed the bullets into the chamber, and then carefully checked the situation in the alley outside through the gaps in the doors and windows.

“The residence on the left is safe, no hidden enemies found”

Himan led people out of an abandoned house on the left side of the alley, reported the situation in a low voice through the intercom, and then led several of his men to another house ahead.

At the same time, Ye Tian has led people to the door of a residential house on the right side of the alley, ready to go in and investigate.

This is an ordinary house built of mud bricks. Due to being uninhabited for a long time, half of it has collapsed, and only the other half is still standing. It is in such a dilapidated state that even the doors and windows have been torn down!

Ye Tian stood on the side of the window of this residential building and quickly glanced in from the side. He found nothing. There were no people or animals. It was dead silent!

He immediately made a gesture and asked the security personnel behind him to go in and search, so as not to leave any hidden dangers and be flanked from behind!

In fact, he knows better than anyone else what is going on in this abandoned house. This is just a necessary performance. Do you have to do a full set to perform?

Following his gesture, Walker and two armed security personnel immediately entered the abandoned residence, alternately covering the area, and began to search!

Ye Tian and another security guard were standing outside the door, each holding an assault rifle and watching the situation in front and behind the alley and on the roof vigilantly!

In less than ten seconds, Walker and the others came out of the house, then shook their heads and did not find the hidden gunman.

Next, Ye Tian and the others continued to walk forward quickly, preparing to search another residential building ahead!

As soon as they left, Matisse rushed here with a large group of people, and then stopped, waiting for the exploration ahead to be completed before continuing.

As time went by, Ye Tian and the others and the three-party joint exploration team that followed them went deeper and deeper into the ancient city of Shali, approaching the center of the ancient city step by step!

Although it was noon and the weather was extremely hot, the atmosphere in the ruins of this thousand-year-old city seemed extremely solemn and even made people feel chilly!

Even the air seems to be filled with a choking smell of gunpowder!

The Israeli special operations team at the front to explore the road came to an abandoned khaki residence again, and they were about to sneak into the residence and search it!

At this moment, a rapid voice suddenly came from the intercom.

“Be careful, Seaman, there is a hidden gunman in the house next to you. One of the guys is hiding behind the window, be careful of being ambushed by the other party!”

As soon as the words were spoken, Heman and the others leaned against the wall as fast as lightning and squatted down quickly.

At the same time, the small drone hovering in the air quickly pulled upwards.

The muzzle of an automatic rifle was quickly stretched out from the window of the house next to Seaman and the others, and it fired at the alley outside!

“Bang bang bang”

With a burst of fierce gunfire, the battle of the ancient city finally started!

The moment the gunfire rang out, a cold smile flashed across Ye Tian’s face, and he looked at a minaret not far ahead!

The minaret is also built of mud bricks and is about 11 or 2 meters high. It is the commanding height of this area. Standing on the minaret, you can just overlook the alley. Attack below!

Just as he expected, an automatic rifle suddenly popped out of the window at the top of the minaret, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the small drone hovering in the air!

“Jeremy, raise the drone, there’s someone on the minaret!”

Ye Tianyu said quickly, warning the men controlling the drone.

Before he finished speaking, the small drone hovering in the air climbed up five or six meters in a swish. The speed was very fast and very sudden!

This just happened to allow it to escape a fatal attack!

“Bang bang bang”

The guy hiding on the minaret opened fire, and his target was the small drone in the sky. Unfortunately, it missed, and a hail of bullets hit the air.

In the alley ahead, Seaman and the others had launched a counterattack. They threw an M84 blast bomb directly from the window and entered the abandoned house next to it.


After a loud noise, a scream immediately came from the abandoned house.

As soon as the screams started, three members of the 13th Israeli Commando Force kicked open the door and rushed directly into this long-abandoned house!

The next moment, a burst of fierce gunshots and several shrill screams came from the house, but they stopped suddenly!

And Ye Tian, ​​who was a little later, locked the muzzle of the G36C short assault rifle in his hand firmly on the window of the minaret in front, and directly pulled the trigger!

Almost at the same time he pulled the trigger, a hooded head happened to appear at the window, trying to observe the situation in the alley below!

That guy’s action was a real death blow, sending himself directly to hell!

Without any suspense, that guy’s head was directly blasted by three rifle bullets flying at high speed, and exploded out of the minaret window!

“Guys, you can fire freely and send these idiots to hell!”

Ye Tian’s voice came from the intercom, officially kicking off a crazy fight!

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