Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2866: A broken sword, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Ye Tian did not point out the secret hidden in the Well of Moses, nor did he rush to explore it. Instead, he followed the others and continued to visit St. Catherine’s Monastery.

About half an hour later, they finished visiting this ancient monastery. Although it was a bit superficial and they did not have time to appreciate and study many places carefully, everyone was quite emotional.

Although this ancient monastery is located in the desert and faces a very harsh environment, with frequent sandstorms and extreme drought, the monastery has a profound heritage.

The precious collection of books in the library of St. Catherine’s Monastery alone is enough to put many national libraries to shame; the top antiques and artworks in the monastery museum can also put many famous museums to shame!

For Ye Tian, ​​it is very worthwhile to visit a place like this, even if there are no discoveries or treasures.

Those priceless top-notch antiques and works of art were enough to make his heart flutter and make him feel that his trip was worthwhile!

After the visit, it’s time to launch a joint exploration operation to see if Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden in this ancient monastery.

Similar to previous exploration operations, Ye Tian summoned his two groups of company employees together, and then said loudly with a smile:

“Guys, we can start taking action to see if we can find Solomon’s treasure chest and the Ark of the Covenant in this ancient monastery. We hope to find something, so that the trip will be worthwhile!

You are divided into two groups. Each of you holds a pulse metal detector and scans all the open spaces in the monastery. If a metal signal is detected, be sure to notify me immediately.

During the exploration process, everyone must be careful and try not to damage any vegetation here. The monks from St. Catherine’s Monastery will follow you and supervise on-site!

I will take people to explore the interior of those historical buildings to see if we can find anything. We will work together to explore the monastery in this morning.”

“Okay, Steven”

The two groups of company employees responded in unison, everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations.

Next, Ye Tian gave a few more instructions, and then announced the start of the exploration operation.

Then, the two groups of company employees opened the metal suitcases brought into the monastery, took out the pulse metal detectors and other exploration equipment contained in the suitcases, and started acting separately.

Following these two exploratory groups were representatives from several other parties, including representatives of the Egyptian government and several monks from St. Catherine’s Monastery.

After they left, Ye Tian walked up to Father Harris and others, smiled and said:

“Father Harris, we can also take action and take a look inside the historical buildings of the monastery. Of course, those forbidden areas that do not allow outsiders to enter are not included.

As for the places I visited just now, there are several buildings that I am very interested in, such as St. Helena Church, the monastery library and museum, and the Well of Moses. I would like to visit again! ”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian. Everyone’s eyes were full of expectation and excitement.

They thought Ye Tian had discovered something in these places, so they wanted to go back and explore it carefully.

In fact, Ye Tianye did discover something, but he didn’t explain it. He wanted to find a suitable time and excuse to reveal these discoveries and make everything seem logical!

Father Harris did not respond immediately. Instead, he looked at the deputy abbot of the monastery who was also present and asked his immediate superior for his opinion.

The vice-president of St. Catherine’s Monastery pondered for a moment, and then nodded slightly, apparently agreeing to Ye Tian’s request.

Father Harris received the instruction and gave a positive answer.

“Okay, Mr. Steven, let’s follow the previous order, starting from St. Helena Church. I hope you can find something. Please follow me”

After finishing speaking, Father Harris made an invitation gesture and took the lead in walking towards St. Helena Church.

Ye Tian and the others followed immediately, and others at the scene also followed, and they walked towards St. Helena Church together.

Soon, the group of them entered the small church again.

The Church of St. Helena is the oldest building in the Monastery of St. Catherine, if the Well of Moses is not included.

This chapel was built in AD 330 by St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great.

Emperor Constantine was the first Roman monarch to believe in Christianity. It was he who single-handedly ended the oppression and persecution of Christianity, gave Christianity legal status, and thus became a Christian saint.

According to legend, before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine saw a cross in the sky and the words, ‘This is a sign of your victory over your enemies.’

After winning the Battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine chose to believe in Christ and asked his mother, Saint Helena, to build the most magnificent church in the history of the empire at the holy site where Christ was crucified and resurrected three days later.

In 327 AD, St. Helena went to Jerusalem and began building the famous Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre.

After hearing the news, the monks of Mount Sinai rushed to Jerusalem and begged St. Helena to build a church on the original site of the Burning Bush, thus giving birth to the Church of St. Helena.

The St. Catherine’s Monastery established later was built on the basis of St. Helena’s Church, and included this church in the monastery!

After entering St. Helena Church, Ye Tian quickly took a quick look at the situation in the church, and then began to look at the walls and floors of the church, as well as the granite pillars and marble statues standing in the church.

During this process, he pretended to be serious and tapped on the walls and the ground to test the reality of the walls and the ground.

Derek and others who followed him took pulse metal detectors and scanned every wall, floor and corner of this ancient church.

As for Bishop Kent, Joshua, Father Harris and others, they stood a little further away, watching Ye Tian and the others explore with expectation, and everyone’s eyes were full of curiosity.

In the monastery open space outside the church, the other two exploration groups have also launched operations to explore the grounds of this ancient monastery.

Seven or eight minutes passed while we were talking.

Ye Tian was inspecting an ancient Roman sculpture, or rather admiring it, when suddenly, a pleasant chirping sounded in the church, which was the sound of a pulse metal detector.

Immediately afterwards, Derek’s excited voice came over.

“Steven, we have detected a metal object buried about three meters deep underground. You can come and take a look!”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian turned to look at where Derek and the others were.

Other people in St. Helena’s Church also looked over there. Everyone’s eyes were filled with excitement and curiosity!

The next moment, Ye Tian led David and the others towards that side, and the others followed.

As he came closer, Ye Tian first checked the detection signal of the LCD monitor, pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said:

“Judging from its shape, this metal object buried deep underground is most likely a Roman dagger, and it is a broken Roman dagger. It is not the Solomon treasure we are looking for.

The Church of St. Helena was built around AD 330 by craftsmen from the Roman Empire. The people responsible for protecting the place were Roman Empire soldiers. It is not surprising to find Roman daggers here!

Obviously, this Roman dagger has no excavation value. It has nothing to do with Solomon’s treasure. Let’s continue exploring. I have a hunch that we will definitely make surprising discoveries! ”

“Okay, Steven”

Derek nodded, somewhat disappointed.

The representatives from all parties who followed excitedly behaved in the same way, with a trace of disappointment flashing in everyone’s eyes.

Next, Ye Tian left here, walked towards the wall behind the altar, and continued to explore!

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