Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2838: Change of plans, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

When Ye Tian entered Yemen, as well as everyone else in the tripartite joint exploration team, they all felt like they had strayed into a pack of wolves and were surrounded by wolves.

When the convoy was inspected by the Yemeni military, the heavily armed Yemeni soldiers looked at this huge convoy like a group of fat sheep. Everyone’s eyes were filled with greed without any concealment.

Many Mossad agents and members of the 13th Israeli Commando who protect the joint exploration team, as well as many armed security personnel under Ye Tian, ​​are on high alert and are always ready to fight.

Several Mossad sniper teams ambushing in the distant desert are keeping a close eye on the movements here. The muzzles of their sniper rifles are firmly locked on several military vehicles and machine gunners in the fortifications, ready to fire at any time.

The same goes for Ye Tian. He was sitting in the back seat of a bulletproof SUV, his right hand resting on the G36C short assault rifle, looking at the Yemeni soldiers with green eyes outside the car window, as well as Seaman and others who were negotiating. .

He clearly saw Seaman handing a suitcase to a Yemeni officer. The suitcase was filled with green dollars, amounting to hundreds of thousands.

Even so, the arrogant Yemeni officer was still not satisfied and kept arguing with Seaman and others, trying to extract more money to buy the way.

While negotiating, the guy would look at the tripartite joint exploration convoy from time to time, his eyes full of greed and flashing with fierce light.

Obviously, that guy is already thinking about a tripartite joint exploration team, even if he reached an agreement with the Israelis and took the money from the Israelis to buy the road.

Standing with Seaman and the others were the deputy ambassador of Israel to Yemen and representatives from the martial arts school and the US Embassy, ​​as well as representatives from the Yemeni government and local armed forces.

Looking at the scene happening outside, Ye Tian couldn’t help but sneer.

“David, I have a hunch that our trip to Yemen will never be peaceful. There is a high possibility of armed conflict. The opponent may be the Yemeni government forces or local armed forces in Yemen.

In the eyes of these Yemeni soldiers, our tripartite joint exploration team is just a group of fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered. After many years of civil war, these Yemeni soldiers outside have long been poor and crazy!

Of course, these Yemeni soldiers will make some disguises. They will take off their military uniforms, disguise themselves as bandits, and then come to rob the three-party joint exploration team, and even kidnap us and hold us for ransom!

If we had not discovered Solomon’s Treasure, it would be good to say that there might be fewer robbers coming towards us. If we had discovered Solomon’s Treasure, it would have detonated the whole of Yemen!

Those mercenaries employed by Saudi Arabia will also join the team of robbers and kidnappers. When they just passed the Saudi border, the eyes of those guys were full of greed and glowed green! ”

Hearing this, David first looked at the Yemeni military police outside the car window, then nodded slightly and said:

“Yes, Steven, from the eyes of these Yemeni soldiers outside, I see endless greed and deep-seated hatred. In the eyes of these guys, both Israelis and Americans deserve to die.

The money given by the Israelis to buy the way is not enough to make them forget this deep-seated hatred, not to mention that we are coming for Solomon’s treasure. For these guys, the temptation is too great.

The same goes for the Saudi soldiers behind. Although Saudi Arabia is one of the richest countries in the Middle East, almost all wealth and resources are in the hands of the Saudi royal family, and ordinary people are quite poor.

This makes the Saudis full of resentment and even hatred towards the royal family. In order to protect their wealth and interests, the Saudi royal family has to hire a large number of mercenaries from abroad at high prices to serve as Saudi soldiers.

As for those mercenaries from other Arab countries and regions, as well as those from Africa, there is no loyalty at all! Once we discover Solomon’s treasure in Yemen, those guys will definitely rob it! ”

While the two of them were chatting, Seaman and others seemed to have reached an agreement with the Yemeni officers. The two parties shook hands and immediately ended the conversation.

The Yemeni officer carrying the suitcase picked up the walkie-talkie and told his soldiers to move the horses on the road ahead, remove the belt-shaped tire breaker, and let the convoy of the tripartite joint exploration team pass.

Seaman, Joshua and others walked towards the motorcade, and you could see that there was anger in their eyes.

No need to ask, they were severely ripped off by those Yemeni soldiers.

As for the procedures for crossing the Yemeni border, the Israeli deputy ambassador to Yemen and his entourage have already completed it.

After Seaman and others returned to the convoy, the tripartite joint exploration convoy started again, driving slowly towards Yemen along this bumpy road.

Soon, Joshua’s voice came through the intercom.

“Steven, we have taken care of the Yemenis and obtained permission from the Yemeni government and local armed forces to launch joint exploration operations in Yemen to explore Solomon’s treasures.

Of course, during the exploration process, the Yemeni government and local armed forces will send people to follow the joint exploration team to conduct on-site supervision and ensure the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team in Yemen.”

It can be heard that when saying these words, Joshua tried his best to suppress his anger, and every word seemed to pop out from between his teeth!

Ye Tian smiled softly, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

“Received, Joshua, now that you have taken care of the Yemenis, let’s go directly to the ruins of the ancient city to avoid long nights and nightmares. A place like Yemen is obviously not a place to stay for a long time!

As for the Yemeni government and local armed forces sending people to follow us, in my opinion, the meaning of surveillance is obviously greater than supervision. If we rely on them for our safety, we will only become fat sheep to be slaughtered! ”

As he spoke, Ye Tian looked outside the car window and behind the motorcade.

At the same time that the tripartite joint exploration convoy passed through the Yemeni border guard station, more than a dozen Yemeni police and military vehicles responsible for escorting it all started one after another to keep up with the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

These Yemeni military and police vehicles were either in front of or behind the convoy, sandwiching or surrounding the entire convoy, obviously monitoring everyone.

These Yemeni military and police vehicles are filled with heavily armed Yemeni soldiers. Several of the pickup truck military vehicles are also equipped with several heavy machine guns, which have quite powerful firepower.

As for the Yemeni soldiers and police, everyone’s eyes were shining with greed. Looking at this tripartite joint exploration team was like looking at a group of fat sheep.

Who can rest assured with such a group of covetous protectors?

“Did I hear you correctly? Steven, let’s go directly to the ruins of the ancient city? Why don’t we go to the Yemeni city near the ancient city to rest for a while? Is this too hasty? We have already arranged a hotel ! ”

Joshua’s voice came from the intercom again, obviously surprised by Ye Tian’s decision.

“That’s right, Joshua, let’s go directly to the ruins of the ancient city. Instead of going to the nearby Yemeni city, just let your people deliver fresh water, food, and other supplies to the ruins of the ancient city. .

In my opinion, the possibility that Solomon’s treasure is buried in the ruins of this ancient city in Yemen is very low. In this case, why should we waste a lot of time and energy here to avoid long nights and dreams.

After arriving at the ruins of the ancient city, we will immediately start exploring. If Solomon’s treasure is really buried there, I believe that I will be able to find something and find this legendary and famous treasure.

The situation in Yemen is different from other places. I have many ordinary employees and many invited experts and scholars. For their safety, we must shorten our stay in Yemen.

Before tonight, if we have not completed our exploration operation, we will have to spend a night in the desert. This should be no problem for everyone, and your people should be prepared accordingly!

The reason for this arrangement is to prevent the Yemeni government and local armed forces from planning a joint exploration team, and try not to give them time to plan and implement their conspiracy. I don’t trust them! ”

Ye Tian spoke through the intercom and revealed his plan.

After the words fell, the other side of the intercom suddenly became quiet.

Two or three minutes later, Joshua’s voice came again.

“Okay, Steven, we just discussed it and we will follow your suggestion and go directly to the ruins of the ancient city to start an exploration operation. You are right, those Yemenis are not worthy of trust!”

Just when Ye Tian and Joshua changed their plan of action, this huge convoy had left the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia and headed straight for the hinterland of Yemen.

At the same time, the news that the three-party joint exploration team appeared in Yemen has spread quickly, leaving everyone who heard the news stunned!

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