Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2780: Golden wine glass, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

In the blink of an eye, the outward side of the wooden box in front of him was wiped out by Ye Tian.

Following his movements, some words and marks engraved on the box suddenly appeared and appeared in front of everyone.

The box also has some words and marks written in paint. After more than five hundred years of time, coupled with the action of air and microorganisms, they have become very blurred and cannot be seen clearly!

However, the Roman eagle emblem and the two-headed snake emblem engraved on this box are enough to explain the problem.

There is no doubt that the items contained in this box are part of the Sforza family’s treasures. The person who hid them here can only be Ludovic, who was facing a desperate situation at the end of the fifteenth century!

The Latin words engraved on the outside of the box are the best written explanations.

“Yes, Steven, this box does come from the Sforza family that once ruled Milan. Not only does the box have the emblem of the Sforza family, but the source is also written in Latin. They are the Sforza family. The family’s private collection.

Unfortunately, these words written in paint can no longer be seen clearly. We have no way of knowing what is in this box for the time being. If we want to know the answer, we can only open the box on site.”

Bishop Kent said excitedly, introducing to Ye Tian the meaning of the Latin words written on the box.

As Bishop Kent said these words, a burst of cheers immediately erupted from the scene, and everyone cheered excitedly, even though they had already known this result.

In the basement above, inside and outside the hotel, and in front of countless live broadcasts, there were also bursts of cheers!

At the same time, many people are even more envious, even almost crazy with jealousy, wishing they could take this amazing treasure as their own!

Before the cheers died down, someone at the scene couldn’t wait to say:

“Steven, open this box and take a look. What exactly is in this box? Is it gold and silver treasures or antiques and artworks? How much are they worth?”

Obviously, this is the answer that everyone wants to know, and everyone wants to open their eyes to satisfy their curiosity!

Everyone looked at Ye Tian with curiosity and anticipation, as did the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast.

Ye Tian did not respond immediately. He first pushed the wooden box gently, felt the weight of the box, and then said loudly with a smile:

“Ladies and gentlemen, this box is very heavy. It should contain gold and silver treasures or marble sculptures, not antiques such as oil paintings. You can open it.

If the weight of this box is relatively light, it may contain antique artworks such as oil paintings. Taking into account the changes in lighting conditions, you must make good preparations before opening it.

By analogy, when looking at other boxes, you should also refer to this method, first roughly determine what is in the box, and then use different methods to open these boxes.”

“Yes, Steven, this method is the safest, but we are too eager!”

Giovanni continued, and the rest of the people on the scene nodded in agreement.

Next, Ye Tian pretended to look carefully at the box and the platform under the box.

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After confirming that there was no danger, he pushed the box aside to make room for his feet, and then jumped onto the platform.

Immediately afterwards, he took a pair of hydraulic pliers from David and cut off the rusty iron lock on the box.

Then, he first removed the iron lock that had been scrapped, and then observed the wooden box to make sure there was no danger.

Feeling that the performance was almost done, Ye Tian gently opened the top cover of the box, and only opened a gap no more than **** wide!

No changes occurred, no crossbow arrows were shot out of the box, no poisonous smoke was emitted, everything was business as usual!

Even so, Ye Tian still acted very cautiously, lifting the top lid of the box bit by bit instead of opening it rashly!

When the top cover of the box was opened by one-third, the light from Ye Tian’s headlamp shone into the box, and the scene immediately flashed with a bright golden light, extremely dazzling!

The moment this golden light flashed out, David, Bishop Kent and others at the scene, as well as countless viewers on the live broadcast, couldn’t help but close their eyes to adapt to the sudden change in light.

When they opened their eyes again, Ye Tian had completely opened the top cover of the box, and the golden light on the scene became even more bright and dazzling!

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing next to the wooden box, was covered with a layer of golden light. Even the underground palace was reflected in the golden light!

The things contained in that box were finally shown in front of everyone, on the live broadcast screen!

It was a box full of gold utensils, including gold candlesticks, gold wine glasses, gold trays, gold jugs, and other gold utensils, etc., all dazzling and shining, lying quietly in the ancient wooden box inside.

These gold vessels are all engraved with exquisite patterns and patterns, and they are all different!

There are not only Renaissance-style goldware, but also Gothic art style, and Romanesque art-style goldware. Each piece is a valuable antique cultural relic!

Seeing this scene, representatives from all parties and many experts and scholars present at the scene were all stunned. They all looked at the whole box of gold in dumbfounded eyes, with golden light shining in everyone’s eyes.

The countless viewers who were watching this live broadcast of the treasure hunt acted even more exaggeratedly. Many people jumped up from the sofa, then held their heads in their hands and began to scream wildly at the top of their lungs!

“Oh my God! A box full of gold objects, what an amazing treasure this is!”

“Wow! These things are so fascinating. There is no doubt that this is the legendary Sforza family treasure that disappeared mysteriously!”

Compared to other antique works of art, such as oil paintings, the value of these gold objects may not be very high, but the sensory stimulation they bring to people is unparalleled and can definitely make people crazy!

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian had already reached into the box, picked up a Renaissance-style gold wine glass and started admiring it.

After a while, he came to an accurate identification conclusion.

“Ladies and gentlemen, my guess is correct. Hidden here are indeed the treasures that the Sforza family accumulated over several generations but mysteriously disappeared at the end of the fifteenth century.

This early Renaissance-style gold wine cup is engraved with the two-headed snake emblem of the Sforza family. This is the best proof. There is no doubt that this is a valuable antique cultural relic.”

With that said, Ye Tian displayed the golden wine glass in front of everyone and in front of the live broadcast camera.

In addition to the exquisite decorations and patterns engraved on the inside and outside of the cup, there is also a two-headed snake emblem engraved on the inner bottom of this gold wine cup!

Everyone knows what this double-headed snake badge means!

With his words and this series of actions, everyone at the scene and the live broadcast was awakened.

Looking at this sparkling gold wine glass and the two-headed snake emblem engraved on the inside and bottom of the wine glass, everyone was shocked!

The next moment, the scene exploded.

Coincidentally, representatives from all parties, experts and scholars at the scene immediately rushed forward to get closer and better appreciate this box of shining gold vessels.

Ye Tian did not stop them. These boxes were stacked on the platform, and they were heavy. The items inside were not fragile, so there was basically no need to worry about damage.

When everyone came closer, Ye Tian handed the golden wine glass in his hand to the curator of the Sforza Castle Museum at the front, then picked up a gold object from the box and handed it to another person. experts and scholars!

After a while, everyone had a shining gold vessel in their hands, and they all admired it fascinatedly.

“Hey! This Gothic gold candlestick comes from the Habsburg family, with the Habsburg family crest engraved on it!”

“This is a gold tray from the Roman Empire, with the Roman eagle engraved on it!”

With the exclamations one after another, the scene suddenly became more lively, and the same happened in front of the live broadcast!

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