Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2779: Milan’s Xiao Jiujiu, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Before Giovanni and the others could react, Ye Tian continued:

“Let’s talk about the second question. After the exploration is completed, how do we transport the treasures and antique artworks hidden in this underground palace to the surface? Especially those sculptures and larger boxes.

We must admit that it is very difficult to transport those sculptures and larger boxes to the ground, but it is not impossible. We can break them into parts and transport them out bit by bit.

After the exploration is completed, we will open those boxes, pack all the relatively small antique artworks and gold and silver treasures into categories, and then transport them to the surface through the secret passage behind us.

Even for larger oil paintings that are bound in a frame, we can remove them from the frame and roll them up and take them away. The humidity here is sufficient, so we don’t have to worry about any damage.

The frames and drawing boards of those oil paintings can also be dismantled and transported to the ground, where they can be assembled and re-binded. Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions can be transported in this way.

As long as we find the drawings of those inventions and creations, leave complete video data, and even build corresponding digital three-dimensional models, it is not difficult to reassemble them on the ground.

What is really troublesome are mainly the marble sculptures and some things that cannot be dispersed and transported. This requires careful planning. I believe that the most suitable method can always be found!

For example, we can learn from the previous robbers from Marseille, dig a tunnel to this underground palace, and transport away the larger sculptures. I will naturally pay for the digging of the tunnel!

After the tunnel is dug, in addition to transporting the treasures and antiques hidden in the underground palace, it can also be used as a safe passage in and out of the underground palace. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

Directly above this underground palace is the atrium garden of the historical building above. You can also dig a shaft downward from the atrium garden. In this way, the dome of this underground palace will inevitably be broken!

There is also the need to completely dismantle the historical building on the ground, conduct comprehensive excavations, and dig out the entire underground palace. After removing the treasures hidden here, it can also be transformed into a museum! ”

Before he finished speaking, the scene was already abuzz, and there was a burst of exclamations immediately.

“Wow! This is really a big deal!”

Without exception, everyone was shocked by Ye Tian’s words, as were the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast!

Giovanni and the director of the Sforza Castle Museum and other Italians who were at the scene were already impatient and immediately began to refute!

“Steven, the historical building above ground and this magnificent palace hidden deep underground, they all belong to you, we do not deny this, and everyone knows it!

However, they are also Italian historical and cultural heritage. They are very important and have great historical and cultural research value. No matter what the reason, they cannot be damaged! ”

“Steven, you just said that there is another larger secret passage in this underground palace, leading to the adjacent Sforza Castle. Can we find this secret passage? Dig it up again?

In this way, it will not be a problem to transport the Sforza family treasures, antique artworks, and other things hidden in this underground palace, and the secret passage can be changed into a safe passage! ”

Ye Tian looked at these Italian guys, and then said in a relaxed tone:

“Gentlemen, don’t be nervous. What I just said are just a few ideas, and they are still far away from concrete implementation. If possible, I don’t want to destroy this underground palace and the historical building above the ground!

You know, they all belong to me, destroying them will only bring losses to me! As for finding the secret passage leading to Sforza Castle, it is not impossible, but there will be many problems involved and it will be difficult!

Let’s not talk about the various deadly traps that Leonardo da Vinci may have set up. One thing must be made clear. The Sforza family treasures and all antique works of art hidden in this underground palace belong to me personally. There is nothing wrong with this. Doubtful!

Just because they were transported to the ground from the exit of Sforza Castle, no one should claim that they belong to Sforza Castle, or ask me to share this treasure. That is pure wishful thinking and does not make sense at all. possible! ”

Hearing this, the faces of the Italian guys at the scene couldn’t help but turn red. They were a little embarrassed, and at the same time their teeth were itching with hatred!

In front of countless live broadcasts, and on the street outside, many Italians were already shouting curses at the top of their lungs!

Obviously, what Ye Tian said touched their minds and shattered the wishful thinking of many Italians!

“Stephen, you are overly worried. I only made this suggestion to protect this underground palace and the treasures and antique artworks hidden here. I am not coveting this amazing treasure”

The director of the Sforza Castle Museum argued that this person is an expert and scholar, and his face is relatively thin, unlike those Italian government officials!

Ye Tian smiled softly and then changed the topic.

“It’s too early to talk about these things now. Our top priority is to find out the true situation of this underground palace and see what is hidden here. We will talk about other things later!”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian turned around and walked deeper into the underground palace to continue exploring.


Soon, twenty minutes passed!

After Ye Tian’s careful exploration, he was finally able to confirm that there were no traps in this underground palace, it was just a huge treasure house, very safe.

Several Brave and Fearless Exploration Company employees who followed Ye Tian’s actions arranged lights in every corner of the underground palace, completely illuminating the underground palace and completely dispelling the darkness!

During this process, everyone saw some sculptures scattered in the colonnade at the edge of the rotunda. The carved figures were of various kinds, and they were all valuable antique works of art.

Everyone also saw Da Vinci’s three-wheeler and another thing invented by Da Vinci. They were placed behind the platform in the center of the hall.

Subsequently, everyone discovered the secret passage leading to Sforza Castle.

As Ye Tian said, the entrance to this secret passage is larger, two meters wide and more than two meters high.

Unfortunately, this secret passage has been sealed long ago and is filled with rocks, making it airtight!

In addition, on the floor of this underground palace, everyone also found several small aqueducts, which explains why there is no water in this underground palace!

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At this point, the preliminary exploration of this underground palace has been completed.

Next, it’s time to clean out the dust and moss that has accumulated here, and then clean up the treasures and antique art hidden here!

The Brave and Fearless employees who participated in this exploratory operation all took action and started cleaning!

Ye Tianze took two TV hosts and representatives from various parties, as well as many experts and scholars, to the platform in the center of the hall and looked at the boxes placed on the platform.

At this point, the NBC TV host quickly scanned the scene and then asked curiously:

“Steven, why can’t we see a mouse here? It stands to reason that such an underground space shrouded in darkness for a long time should be the favorite habitat of mice! But there is not even a mouse here. ”

Ye Tian smiled and immediately gave the answer.

“Why are there no traces of mice here? The reason is actually very simple. In order to prevent mice from chewing up these boxes and destroying the things inside, Leonardo da Vinci should have used special wood to make these boxes.

There are odors released by some wood in nature that can prevent rats from biting and worming. For example, camphor wood can effectively prevent rats from biting and worming. On this basis, Leonardo da Vinci may have done other things. Some measures!

This is the old city of Milan. The underground pipe network is not very developed, and the underground palace is located very deep. Even mice do not want to go too deep underground. Being too far from the ground will increase the difficulty of foraging. “difficulty”

After hearing this, the NBC TV host understood what was going on.

“I see, no wonder these boxes are so well preserved!”

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian stepped forward, took out a towel, and prepared to wipe away the dust and moss on a wooden box on the outermost side of the platform!

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