Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2777: The creators of the Three Great Masters of Art, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Five or six minutes later, Ye Tian led the two TV hosts through the arched corridor and entered the rotunda where the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary was located.

At this point, they stopped and did not continue to move forward and enter the underground palace where the Sforza family treasures were hidden!

Following them, many employees of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company who participated in this exploration and cleanup operation arrived at the underground space one by one with various exploration equipment.

Then, they spread out along the arched corridor, waiting for representatives from all parties and experts and scholars to come down and pass through this dangerous arched corridor.

This is not without the purpose of surveillance, in order to prevent someone from playing tricks in the corridor or touching something with their hands, which may cause an accident!

The last people to descend into this underground space were representatives from various parties, led by Bishop Kent and Giovanni, as well as experts and scholars from major museums and universities in Milan.

As for politicians such as the US Ambassador and the Mayor of Milan, they will naturally not go down to this underground space. They are all waiting for the results of the exploration in the hotel and communicating with the outside world.

Unsurprisingly, everyone who entered this underground space was shocked and even exclaimed.

Especially the Italian guys, all of them were dancing excitedly, as if they were crazy!

While they were talking, Bishop Kent and Giovanni also came to the rotunda and joined Ye Tian and the others.

After the two sides met, Ye Tian began to introduce the situation here.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the rotunda you are in now is the end of the arched corridor you just walked through, and it is also the origin of the Fibonacci arc. There are no traps here and it is very safe. .

Coming here safely means that we have passed all the tests and traps carefully set by Leonardo da Vinci. After passing through this rotunda, we will enter the underground palace where the treasures of the Sforza family are hidden!

We used a small drone to explore this underground palace before. I initially judged that there should be no traps in this underground palace and it was relatively safe. Of course, it is possible that I didn’t find it!

The bronze statue of the Virgin Mary standing in front of everyone is the work of Donatello, the most famous sculptor in the early Renaissance. The two statues of the Archangel next to it are also two top works of art!

To ensure the openness and transparency of this exploration operation, when we came here before, we did not clean the dust and moss on the three statues and the dust and moss on the walls for everyone to see.

We did not enter the underground palace at the back where the treasures of the Sforza family and Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions are hidden. It remains in the same state as it has been for more than five hundred years, without even a single footprint.”

Seeing the actual situation in this round hall, no matter the people present or the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, there was no doubt about Ye Tian’s words!

The facts are right in front of you and cannot be denied!

Giovanni and other Italians at the scene, as well as the mayor of Milan and other Italian government officials on the ground, had a hint of fear in their eyes, and they also felt a headache!

This **** Steven is so difficult to deal with, he is completely invulnerable!

After introducing the scene, Ye Tian called several company employees into the rotunda and asked them to wipe off the three bronze statues and the dust and moss on the walls of the rotunda!

Soon, the dust and moss on the three bronze statues and the walls were wiped away one by one, revealing their true colors!

Due to their age and lack of maintenance for a long time, these three bronze statues have developed a layer of green patina, but this does not affect appreciation and identification!

The walls of this rotunda are engraved with many Renaissance-style decorations and patterns, as well as some murals with strong religious overtones. There are no traps!

As soon as the cleaning work was completed, several experts and scholars at the scene couldn’t wait to step forward and began to identify the three bronze statues and the patterns and decorations carved on the walls!

This also includes Ye Tian, ​​who also joined the appraisal process, looking very serious!

After a while, the preliminary identification results were released, and they were unanimously agreed upon after discussion.

There is no doubt that the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary standing in the center of the rotunda is indeed the work of Donatello, the most famous sculptor in the early Renaissance.

And this is one of his masterpieces at the peak of his artistic career. What’s even more rare is that it is intact and is a priceless top-notch work of art!

The other two bronze statues of the Archangel are from the hands of the famous mid-Renaissance painter, sculptor and art master Andrea Verrocchio. They are also two priceless top-notch works of art!

In the field of mid-Renaissance sculpture art, Andrea Verrocchio was one of the most famous sculptors after Donatello. He only reached the pinnacle of art after Donatello’s death. of!

In addition to being a famous painter and sculptor, Andrea Verrocchio also has another more prominent identity. He is the teacher of top art masters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli!

And another of his students, Perugino, was the teacher of Raphael, one of the three masters of Renaissance art. At the same time, he also had a great influence on Michelangelo’s art!

In the second half of the fifteenth century, Andrea Verrocchio was the most influential artist.

It can even be said that he single-handedly contributed to the arrival of the heyday of the Renaissance movement. The growth and rise of the three masters of Renaissance art are all inseparable from him!

After it was confirmed that the two archangel statues were the works of Andrea Verrocchio, an almost crazy cheer erupted from the scene, as did countless live broadcasts!

Of course, while many Italians cheered loudly, their hearts were bleeding!

The reason is self-evident. Two more priceless top-level works of art are about to fall into the hands of that **** Steven. Can you not feel heartbroken?

The identification of these two bronze statues also made everyone more certain that this secret space hidden deep underground must be the work of Leonardo da Vinci!

Only he can own two works by Andrea Verrocchio at the same time.

You know, Leonardo da Vinci was Andre Verrocchio’s most valued student, and the two even collaborated on an oil painting!

That painting is the famous “Baptism of Jesus”. Andrea Verrocchio created most of the painting, and the background and an angel in the painting were painted by Leonardo da Vinci!

It was after they collaborated to create that painting that Andrea Verrocchio believed that Leonardo da Vinci had far surpassed him and would never paint again!

Compared to these three priceless bronze statues, people no longer pay much attention to the murals derived from biblical stories engraved on the walls, as well as many exquisite Renaissance-style decorations and patterns!

Of course, it is not that these murals have no artistic value and are not worthy of attention.

On the contrary, these exquisite murals and decorations have high artistic and research value, and are also valuable works of art!

The discovery and identification of these three priceless bronze statues has unknowingly heightened everyone’s appetite and greatly raised everyone’s expectations!

At this time, everyone is paying more attention to the underground palace in front and the things hidden in that underground palace!

To be precise, it is the treasures of the Sforza family hidden in that underground palace, the top art collections of the Sforza family, as well as Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions and creations, and even some of his unknown art. work!

Ye Tian had already anticipated this situation.

He just smiled softly and then said:

“Ladies and gentlemen, next we will enter the underground palace to explore and see what is hidden here and what surprises it can bring to the world!

For safety reasons, I will be the first to enter this underground palace to explore, eliminate safety hazards, and see if there are any traps. After confirming safety, I will have people install lighting fixtures immediately!

When the darkness shrouding this underground palace is completely dispelled, everyone can enter it. Before that, you might as well enjoy these statues and these murals here! ”

“Okay, Steven, we are waiting here. I hope you can hurry up. We all want to enter this underground palace as soon as possible and witness the miracle with our own eyes!”

The curator of the Sforza Castle Museum nodded and said, sounding somewhat bitter.

The rest of the people on the scene also nodded and had no different opinions!

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