Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2755: Escaped Zero, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After a celebration, Giovanni called together several Italians who were also present, then pulled them aside to discuss a few words in a low voice, and then walked towards Ye Tian.

As he came closer, Giovanni whispered earnestly:

“Steven, today’s discovery may be extremely amazing and important. I hope you will allow us to participate in the next exploration. If you agree, we will immediately send elites from major museums and universities over!”

When Giovanni said these words, the other Italians at the scene looked at Ye Tian nervously, expecting to hear the answer they wanted to hear most from his mouth.

However, their hopes were dashed in an instant, and they were left disappointed.

Ye Tian shook his head without hesitation and said decisively:

“I’m very sorry, Giovanni, I can’t let your people participate in the next exploration operation. I can’t afford to take that kind of risk, and I don’t dare to take it. You guys can witness and supervise on the spot, but you can’t participate. .

It can be seen from this riddle left by Leonardo da Vinci that in the next exploration operation, we are likely to face huge risks. For this level of exploration operation, I only trust myself and know everything. of employees.

Your cultural and blogging staff may be outstanding, and they are all industry elites! But I don’t know them well, and it’s hard for me to communicate effectively and use my fingers well. This is a taboo. If something goes wrong, I’m afraid neither you nor I can face the consequences!

On the one hand, there will be casualties. If your people disobey orders and advance rashly during the operation, thus triggering the trap carefully set by Leonardo da Vinci, I can’t even imagine what will happen next!

In view of this, I will refuse your participation in the next exploration operation. I hope you can understand that even I am very nervous when facing a world-famous genius in all fields like Leonardo da Vinci! ”

Hearing this, Giovanni’s expression immediately changed and he fell into deep thought.

The rest of the Italians at the scene were the same, and they couldn’t help but secretly think about whether they were taking it for granted. If they sent people to participate in the next exploration operation, it would be a blessing or a curse.

After pondering for a moment, Giovanni looked up at Ye Tian, ​​nodded with a wry smile and said:

“I knew this would be the result. You have always been a solitary eater. You wish you could rob all the treasures. How could you allow us to participate!

But what you said makes sense. Our Italian cultural and cultural staff do have some problems communicating and cooperating with you, such as language, so forget it! ”

“Hahaha, I have always liked to eat alone? That’s an exaggeration! Giovanni, it seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of me, but it doesn’t matter. I can accept this misunderstanding. I believe that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future.”

Ye Tian said with a chuckle, making a joke.

Hearing this, all the Italians at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly!

Misunderstanding? Stop talking nonsense, this is a fact that everyone knows, okay!

After a few chats, Ye Tian led everyone away from here and walked together towards the golden section of the basement, preparing for the next step of exploration.

During the march, Bishop Kent came to Ye Tian and curiously asked in a low voice:

“Steven, you just said that you have only solved the first layer of the riddle left by Leonardo da Vinci. What do you mean specifically? Doesn’t this riddle have many layers? Is that too exaggerated?”

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then said with a smile:

“You must know that the person who left this riddle was Leonardo da Vinci, recognized as a genius in all fields in Western history. The riddles he set carefully could not be solved so easily!

Although I don’t know how many layers this riddle has, and what secrets or treasures are hidden behind the riddle, I am sure that we will face tests one by one in the future!

In the process, we may even face fatal dangers. This is just like leveling up. Only by successfully passing a level can the riddle be completely solved.”

“Wow! This sounds really scary, but it’s also fun!”

Bishop Kent sighed a few words in a low voice, and at the same time his eyes shone with excitement!

As he spoke, Ye Tian and his group had arrived at the golden section of the basement, which was what he called the origin.

When we arrived here, everyone immediately started to check out the situation here. Everyone was quite excited and full of curiosity!

This is a corridor located between the doorways of two basements. On one side of the doorway of one of the basements, there is a granite pillar with the Arabic numeral 1 engraved on the top!

According to the arrangement of the Fibonacci sequence, diagonally opposite this granite pillar, there should be another granite pillar with the Arabic numeral 1 also engraved on it!

In the center of the square with an area of ​​one square meter formed by these two granite pillars, there should be a granite pillar with 0 engraved on it!

However, everyone did not see these two granite stone pillars, only one stone pillar stood alone.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but be a little surprised!

“Stephen, according to your speculation and data model just now, shouldn’t there be a granite pillar with 0 carved on it? Why can’t you see it?”

The curator of the Sforza Castle Museum asked curiously, obviously confused.

Not only him, but everyone else at the scene was also a little confused.

Ye Tian did not answer immediately, but carefully checked the situation here, knocked on the walls on both sides of the corridor with his hands, and stamped the ground several times with his feet.

During this process, nothing unusual was discovered!

The walls and floors here are very solid, and the sounds made by knocking and stepping on them are quite dull, with no echo of hollow drums.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian asked his company employees to scan the ground and walls with pulse metal detectors, but still found nothing!

The next moment, he took out his iPad again, called up the floor plan and three-dimensional model of the basement, began to look at it carefully, and fell into deep thought!

After thinking for a moment, he showed a look of realization, and then said with a smile:

“Yes, gentlemen, according to normal circumstances, there should be a stone pillar engraved with the Arabic numeral 1, and a granite pillar above the origin, engraved with the Arabic numeral 0!

But it doesn’t exist here. I also had some doubts. When I looked carefully at this building structure diagram, I found the answer. Who said that these two stone pillars must be on the ground? Couldn’t they be underground?

You can see the situation here. This is a corridor. It is obviously impossible to erect three granite pillars in an area of ​​less than one square meter. It is a bit obvious.

With Da Vinci’s wisdom, he would naturally not do such a stupid thing, so he cannot rule out the possibility that he buried these two granite pillars at different depths underground!

One more thing, although the area we are in is not large, the walls on both sides are extremely thick. What lies above our heads are granite strips more than two meters long!

Although the floor beneath our feet looks nothing special, I guess that if we dig a few meters down from here, we are likely to find some unusually strong granite strips.

Everyone may have guessed the purpose of these granite strips, which is to reinforce this area. Even if someone digs a deep pit here, it will not cause a collapse! ”

With Ye Tian’s words, everyone looked around, especially the ceiling above their heads.

As expected!

The ceiling above everyone’s heads can be seen from the few exposed places. It is made up of granite stones that are more than two meters long and stretch across the corridor. They look very solid. !

Seeing this scene, everyone present had a look of surprise on their faces.

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“Steven, what should we do next?”

David asked eagerly, obviously impatient.

“Does that need to be said? Of course we have to dig from the original point to see what secrets or treasures Leonardo da Vinci has hidden here. This may be another great discovery that shocks the world!”

As he spoke, Ye Tian raised his foot and stamped on the floor of the corridor.

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