Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2691: Vulcan sculpture, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

As the two ventilation fans were hoisted into the underground secret tunnel one after another, they began to work. The dirty air that had accumulated deep in this secret tunnel for the past two thousand years was quickly pumped out.

Immediately afterwards, the dirty air was taken out of the wine cellar and basement and discharged to the outdoors.

Instead, fresh air from outside is constantly injected into this ancient underground secret passage.

While ventilating, Derek and the others also did some air testing. In addition to being relatively dirty, the air in this secret passage is not toxic and is relatively safe.

In addition, Ian and the others flew a small drone into this secret passage and conducted some exploration.

Unfortunately, the small drone flew down the spiral staircase for about eight or nine meters before being blocked by an ancient mottled stone door, making it impossible to explore further.

That stone door cannot cut off the air, but it can block small drones, which is very frustrating.

Although small drones cannot explore deeply, they have not found nothing.

It at least explored the depth of this spiral secret passage, and found some bronze candlesticks from the ancient Roman period on the walls of the secret passage, as well as some stone holes for inserting torches.

In the blink of an eye, the air in this secret passage has been completely replaced.

“Steven, the air in the secret passage has almost been replaced. The air quality is basically the same as that in this wine cellar. It should be possible to enter and explore”

Derek reported the latest situation, and the boy kept his eyes on the air quality monitor.

After hearing the report, Ye Tian immediately continued:

“Okay, we can start the next step. Derek, you can take out a ventilation fan from the secret passage and leave one. When Walker and I enter the secret passage, you can continue to replace the air in the secret passage.”

After receiving the order, Derek and the others immediately took action, took out a fan replacement from the secret passage, and then pulled it to the ground.

In the wine cellar above, Ye Tian and Walker were making final preparations to explore the secret passage.

They carefully checked the safety ropes, lighting fixtures, oxygen masks and protective clothing, pinhole cameras, self-defense weapons and other equipment tied around their waists to ensure that everything was safe.

After checking the equipment and confirming that there were no problems, Ye Tian invited Bishop Kent and Giovanni out of the wine cellar and asked them to wait outside for the results.

Of course, Giovanni wanted to follow Ye Tian into the secrets at the bottom of the pit and explore the unknown space deep underground, but Ye Tian refused without hesitation on the pretext of safety.

Faced with this situation, Giovanni could only nod and accept, and then left the wine cellar with Bishop Kent.

On the contrary, the two media reporters were allowed by Ye Tian to stay and witness the subsequent exploration process.

After Bishop Kent and the others left, Ye Tian and Walker went down to the bottom of the pit one after another. Derek, who had been at the bottom of the pit before, came up from the pit and returned to the wine cellar.

After standing at the bottom of the pit, Ye Tian first observed the situation at the bottom of the pit and the top steps of the secret passage, and then said to Walker, who was also at the bottom of the pit:

“Walker, it is still the same as in previous exploration operations. I am exploring the way in front with a heavy police shield. You follow behind to protect my back. When marching, be sure to step on my footprints and obey the command.

Judging from the situation at the entrance of the secret passage, there are probably no traps in this secret passage and it should be relatively safe. However, no one knows the situation deep in the secret passage. We still have to be cautious.”

“Got it, Steven, I know what to do”

Walker nodded in response, his eyes full of expectation.

Then, Ye Tian turned on his headlights, reached out and picked up the heavy police shield leaning against the wall, held it in front of him, then stepped out, taking the lead into this ancient secret passage.

Walker followed closely, followed him, stepped on his footprints, and entered this secret passage.

Unlike Ye Tian, ​​what he was carrying was not a heavy police shield, but a bundle of wires and many lighting fixtures. He was responsible for arranging these fixtures in the secret passage to completely illuminate the secret passage.


Accompanied by the dull sound of heavy police shields on the steps, this ancient secret passage that has been closed for more than two thousand years finally welcomed a new visitor after more than two thousand years!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and Walker had walked down the spiral staircase for six or seven steps and disappeared from the sight of everyone at the entrance of the pit!

Now everyone can only see a piece of light coming from the secret passage at the bottom of the pit, and can only hear the dull sound of the heavy police shield hitting the steps, and the footsteps of Ye Tian and Walker, who are constantly coming from the secret passage. outgoing.

As Ye Tian said, although this secret passage is very secretive and ancient, there are no traps in the secret passage. Apart from the slippery steps and the need to be careful, there are no other dangers.

This situation will undoubtedly greatly benefit Ye Tian and the others in their exploration operations, and also save a lot of time.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had walked down the spiral staircase for five or six meters and arrived at the middle of this secret passage.

At this point, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and looked at a niche on the wall on the right.

You can see that in the niche that is only fifty centimeters high, there is a small sculpture, which is covered with dust and a thick layer of moss.

Even so, Ye Tian recognized this ancient sculpture at a glance.

“Hey! There is a marble sculpture of Vulcan, the **** of fire, here. It looks good. It is also an ancient Roman sculpture of the **** of fire from BC. This is rare outside. If you take it out, it will be another one. A top-notch antique cultural relic”

Before he finished speaking, Walker followed and immediately looked at the Vulcan sculpture placed in the niche.

However, both of them just admired it and did not wipe or touch this valuable ancient Roman sculpture.

The main purpose of their coming down this time is to explore the situation in this secret passage and see what secrets are hidden behind the stone door deep in the secret passage. Try not to add any extraneous details!

After standing in front of the statue of Vulcan, the God of Fire, and admiring it for a moment, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield and continued walking down. Walker, who followed behind, continued to arrange lighting fixtures.

Wherever they walked, the endless darkness that had shrouded the place for more than two thousand years had been completely dispelled. The first half of this underground secret passage had now become brightly lit!

Not far down the road, Ye Tian and the others saw another ancient Roman statue. It was also small in size and quite beautifully carved. It was placed in a niche on the wall of the secret passage.

The difference is that this time it is no longer Vulcan, the **** of fire, but a statue of Mars, the **** of war, which can be regarded as a top-notch antique cultural relic of great value.

Seeing this ancient Roman war **** sculpture, Ye Tian stopped again and stopped to admire it.

After admiring it for a moment, they left and continued exploring.

After walking down the spiral staircase for some distance, Ye Tian and the others finally came to the deepest part of this secret passage. A simple and heavy stone door appeared in front of them.

On this stone door, there seem to be some patterns and words engraved on it, but they have been covered by thick dust and moss, making it difficult to see clearly!

On the walls on both sides of the stone door, there seemed to be some patterns and words carved on them, which were also covered by dust and moss.

When he arrived here, Ye Tian walked forward in no hurry and pushed open the thick and ancient stone door to see what secrets or treasures were hidden behind the stone door!

He stopped on the last step of the spiral staircase and began to observe the situation here with great interest, observing the stone door so close at hand!

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