Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2671: March map, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After checking several passports, everyone was completely sure.

This old Romanesque building, as well as this old safe and everything hidden inside, indeed once belonged to Italo Balbo, the Italian Air Force Marshal during World War II.

Of course, these things now belong to Ye Tian, ​​this is undisputed.

Next, everyone’s attention was focused on the yellowed document bag, and everyone was secretly guessing what was in that document bag.

As for the large amount of gold and cash stored in this safe, although it is very tempting, they are all visible and have lost their mystery.

Ye Tian put the passports back into the safe, then removed the Beretta M1934 pistol and three empty magazines that were pressed against the document bag, and took out the document bag.

He looked at the few lines of Italian on the document bag, then smiled and said:

“Bishop of Kent, come and see, what do these lines of Italian mean?”

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Hearing this, Bishop Kent immediately stepped forward, looked at the few lines of Italian on the cover of the document bag, and then gave the answer.

“Stephen, what is written on it is the Italian Air Force Command and the East African Action Plan. It seems that this document bag contains very important historical documents. The bundle of sticks naturally belongs to the Italian French National Party. Sign! ”

With Bishop Kent’s words, the eyes of everyone present looking at the document bag suddenly became more intense.

Especially Giovanni and Pizarro, their eyes are almost red. Of course they know the value of this document bag, which is likely to far exceed the gold and banknotes in the safe.

Next, Ye Tian gently opened the document bag and looked inside.

“Yes, there are a lot of documents in it. It seems that there are not only the East African action plan formulated by the Italian army during World War II, but also other historical documents. Hey! There are several military maps here”

As he spoke, Ye Tian took out one of the military maps from the document bag.

Next, he first put the document bag back into the safe, then opened the yellowed military map and began to look at the map.

During this process, he was very cautious and did not show the map to others at the scene. Bishop Kent and Giovanni could only see the back of the map, but not the content of the map.

After just two or three glances, Ye Tian quickly closed the yellowed Italian military map, and an expression of surprise appeared on his face.

Seeing his performance, everyone at the scene couldn’t help but feel very surprised, and their curiosity was immediately piqued.

“Steven, where is that military map? What is drawn on it? Can you let everyone take a look?”

Giovanni said impatiently, his eyes fixed on the Italian military map in Ye Tian’s hand.

Not only him, but also everyone else at the scene, all stared at the map curiously.

Ye Tian looked at everyone present, then smiled and shook his head and said:

“I’m very sorry, gentlemen, this map cannot be shown to you yet, let alone made public. On this map, there are some marching routes marked, which should be related to the Italian army’s East Africa action plan.

These marching routes do not need to be kept secret. After all, World War II ended more than 70 years ago. However, there are other hand-drawn markings on this military map that need to be kept strictly confidential and cannot be leaked to the outside world!

Except for this military map, other historical documents and maps in this document bag will not be made public until we have a thorough understanding of it. I hope everyone can understand this.”

Hearing this, Giovanni became anxious and immediately continued:

“Steven, it is true that these World War II documents were found in this historical building. They are an integral part of Italy’s modern history and have high historical research value.

As an Italian Carabinieri, I hope you can keep these historical documents in Italy and in Rome. This is where they should exist, rather than taking them to the United States.”

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then said with a smile:

“Giovanni, I understand your thinking and the value of these historical documents of World War II. It is not impossible to keep them in Italy. That will only happen after we have thoroughly studied these documents.

I am a professional treasure hunter. Our company is a treasure hunting company, not an academic research institution. We only care about information that is useful to us and will not conduct any academic research based on these documents!

After we have thoroughly researched some documents and found information that is useful to us, we will talk about trading these historical documents of World War II, so please wait patiently, it won’t take long! ”

As he said these words, everyone’s eyes lit up, like searchlights!

Could it be that the Italian military map marked a famous treasure somewhere, or marked the location where the Italian army buried the treasure? This possibility seems not small!

You know, from the end of the 19th century until the middle and late World War II, Italy occupied a large area of ​​East Africa and even established a puppet regime, the East African Empire, to rule that vast land!

The owner of this Roman-style building, Italo Balbo, was not only a marshal of the Italian Air Force during World War II, but also the governor of Libya. He directly ruled the entire East Africa in the early stages of World War II and was the emperor of East Africa.

It is very possible, even easy, for him and his troops to discover treasures in East Africa, or to bury the looted gold and silver treasures!

The treasure discovered by Balbo or the location where the treasure was buried may be marked on that Italian military map, which is a priceless treasure map.

Thinking of this, when everyone looked at the yellowed military map, their eyes suddenly became even hotter!

Especially Giovanni and Pizarro, these two guys’ eyes were so red that they were almost bleeding. They wished they could just rush up and **** the military map and make it their own!

However, Ye Tian gently folded the military map and put it back into the document bag.

Immediately afterwards, he put the document bag into the safe, closed the safe door, and turned the password **** casually, disrupting the safe password.

Seeing his series of actions, Bishop Kent and Giovanni had expressions of disappointment and regret on their faces, but they were helpless!

They were also more curious about the content drawn on the Italian military map, but they had no chance to see it, which made them all scratch their hearts!

After locking the safe, Ye Tian turned around to look at these old friends, and then said with a smile:

“Gentlemen, we can leave this bedroom and go to the basement downstairs. Since this is Balbo’s secret residence, I am even more looking forward to the secret room found in the basement!”

As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation, and then took Bishop Kent and Giovanni out of the bedroom and walked downstairs to the basement.

When leaving here, except for Ye Tian and his men, everyone turned back three times with eyes full of reluctance.

What makes them reluctant to leave is naturally the old-fashioned safe that may contain important secrets or even treasure information!

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