Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2643: Explore Solomon’s Treasures Together, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After meeting the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Bishop Kent and their entourage, Betty and Matthew left here and went to Ye Tian’s horse owner’s box.

Also leaving together were the First Lady of the United States and the wife of the Israeli Prime Minister, as well as several of their family members and entourage, but they went to the VIP box.

As for the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Israel, the Bishop of Kent, and several government officials and lawyers who followed them, they entered the largest country villa under the leadership of Ye Tian.

After entering the villa, Ye Tian gave a brief introduction to the place, and then led these important figures to sit down in the living room and started laughing and chatting.

Of course, before they entered this country villa, White House Secret Service agents and Mossad agents who followed the Israeli Prime Minister carefully inspected the villa inside and out to prevent any accidents.

Needless to say, the result of the inspection is that there is no danger here, and there are no eavesdropping or monitoring equipment. It is very safe and you can talk with confidence!

After sitting down on the sofa, the President of the United States first looked at the environment here, and then said with envy:

“Steven, you have done a great and commendable job in acquiring the Belmont Park business! It is no exaggeration to say that Belmont Park is a huge gold mine with inexhaustible resources. Inexhaustible!

A few years ago, I also had the idea of ​​acquiring it, but the old guys who owned this park were very stubborn and refused to transfer this park to me at any cost. I didn’t expect you to pick one up. Big bargain! ”

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly chuckled.

Before he became the President of the United States, the commander-in-chief in front of him was a famous real estate developer in New York City, and he was a rich second generation who inherited his father’s business. Of course he knew the huge value of Belmont Park!

However, the little money his family could afford was not enough to impress the Jewish bosses on Wall Street. More importantly, he did not have the chips in his hand that could impress those Jewish bosses!

After becoming president, due to various restrictions and to avoid suspicion, he could no longer purchase Belmont Park, even through his family company!

Otherwise, his political opponents will definitely be ecstatic, and then like a group of crazy hunting dogs, they will pounce on him and his family and bite him and his family to pieces!

The commander’s words also imply another layer of meaning, even a bit greedy.

For this, Ye Tian pretended not to understand, and said with a smile to himself:

“You are right, Mr. President, Belmont Park is indeed an inexhaustible gold mine. I am very lucky to be able to buy this amazing urban park. Things!

But to say how much advantage I got, it’s not necessarily true. You know, the Jewish bosses who sold this park got not only a large amount of money, but they also helped the Jews recover several religious relics. !

For Israel and Judaism, the value of the two Jewish holy objects from King Herod the Great is obviously higher and cannot be compared with billions of dollars. From this point of view, I am the one who suffers the loss. ! ”

At this point, Ye Tian nodded to the Israeli Prime Minister, who also responded with a smile and nod, obviously agreeing with his statement!

After chatting for a while, everyone got down to business.

“Steven, David, based on the results of our previous meeting and a series of conditions you subsequently proposed, we drafted an agreement to jointly explore Solomon’s treasure, which was passed to you yesterday.

I wonder if you have carefully reviewed this cooperation agreement. Do you have any different opinions? You can put the conditions on the table, and I believe we can reach an agreement and jointly explore Solomon’s treasures! ”

The Israeli Prime Minister said with a smile, with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Negotiating with Ye Tian and signing an agreement to jointly explore the Solomon Treasures is the main purpose of the Israeli Prime Minister and his entourage coming to Belmont Park. Watching the Belmont bidding is only a secondary and incidental thing!

As for Bishop Kent, he came to New York at this time for two main purposes.

The first is to announce the canonization of Betty as an earl and the canonization of Ye Tian and Betty’s children as knights at Belmont Park! Secondly, it is also for the joint exploration of Solomon’s Treasure by Intrepid Exploration Company and Israel!

The reason is very simple. The Ark of the Covenant, the religious holy object that is said to be hidden in Solomon’s treasure, is not only the holiest object in Judaism, but also the holiest object in Christianity!

Just like Israeli government officials and Jewish rabbis had to be present when the Holy Grail and several other religious relics were taken out in Tomar, Portugal, representatives from the Vatican must also be present when the Ark of the Covenant is discovered and taken out!

Of course, in this joint exploration of Solomon’s Treasure, the Vatican only sent people to supervise the team to witness the discovery and removal of Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, and did not participate in the distribution of Solomon’s Treasure.

The representatives sent by the Vatican were Bishop Kent and Leonardo, both old acquaintances of Ye Tian and the others!

In fact, Ye Tian also needs such a familiar third party to participate to contain the Israelis, lest the Israelis cross the river and burn the bridge!

As for the President of the United States who is also in this living room, he is also indispensable in this joint expedition to Africa to explore Solomon’s treasure!

For such a joint exploration operation that is destined to cause a sensation all over the world, it is impossible to bypass the US government.

You know, Brave Exploration Company is an American treasure hunting company, and it is a treasure hunting company that can bring huge tax revenue to the U.S. government and bring back countless priceless antiques and cultural relics!

More importantly, the location of this joint exploration operation is on the African continent.

The geographical environment there is complex, the security situation is extremely poor, the religious beliefs are different, and the people are very poor, which will inevitably make the entire operation very difficult and even dangerous!

When necessary, the US military may even need to help, such as rescuing the joint exploration team or transporting the discovered Solomon treasure! Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the US government’s actions!

So, the American commander is also a tool. Ye Tian needs him to participate in this negotiation, at least to understand this cooperation, and then contain the Israelis.

As soon as the Israeli Prime Minister finished speaking, Joshua, standing behind him, took out the joint exploration agreement that had been drawn up from his briefcase and placed it on the coffee table!

Ye Tian looked at the Israeli Prime Minister and Joshua, then at the agreement documents on the coffee table, and then said with a smile:

“Mr. Prime Minister, we have carefully read and studied the joint exploration agreement you sent us. I have to say that the cooperation agreement you drafted basically truthfully reflects the demands and interests of both of us.

Based on your cooperation agreement, coupled with some of our demands and cooperation conditions, we have also drawn up a joint exploration agreement. You can take a look at it. After reading it, we will discuss the signing.

I can simply say that there are not many changes to the cooperation agreement you sent us. The most important thing is to clarify the responsibilities and rights of both parties and the method of treasure distribution to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings! ”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian nodded to David who was standing aside, indicating that he could come up with the agreement.

David nodded immediately, then opened his briefcase, took out the drafted joint exploration agreement, and distributed it to everyone present!

When they received the cooperation agreement, the expressions of the Israeli Prime Minister and Joshua changed, but they did not say anything more and immediately began to read the cooperation agreement carefully!

The same goes for the President of the United States and Bishop Kent who were sitting on the sofa. They took the cooperation agreement and started reading it. Everyone was full of curiosity!

After a moment, the American commander handed the cooperation agreement to the lawyer standing behind, and then asked curiously:

“Benjamin and Steven, where is the legendary Solomon’s Treasure buried in Africa? Is the Ark of the Covenant really hidden in Solomon’s Treasure? Thousands of years have passed, will the treasure have been discovered long ago? And dug it out?”

After hearing the inquiry, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

“Mr. President, regarding the specific burial place of the legendary Solomon’s Treasure, and whether the Ark of the Covenant is inside the treasure, and what else is in the treasure? We don’t know anything! So we cannot answer these questions.

Only when we reach a cooperation agreement with the Israeli government and launch a joint exploration operation can we receive and understand some information related to the treasure. As for whether Solomon’s Treasure can be found, it is still unclear! ”

After the words fell, everyone at the scene looked at the Israeli Prime Minister and Joshua to see how they would answer.

The Israeli Prime Minister shook his head slightly and said with a smile:

“I’m very sorry, gentlemen, because the matter is of great importance and involves Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, the most holy object of Judaism. Until Solomon’s treasure is actually found, the relevant information needs to be kept strictly confidential. I can’t tell you!”

After hearing this, what can everyone say? They can only nod to express understanding.

Since the joint exploration agreement that Ye Tian came up with was based on the Israeli agreement, there were not many changes, and the review naturally did not take much time.

After a while, the Israelis finished reading the revised joint exploration agreement presented by Intrepid Exploration Company.

Next, the Israeli Prime Minister, Joshua, and two Israeli lawyers walked to the small living room next to them, discussed in a low voice, and called back to Israel to discuss it with relevant people!

About half an hour later, the Israeli Prime Minister and Joshua returned to the living room.

As soon as he returned to the living room, the Israeli Prime Minister extended his right hand and said in a sincere tone:

“Steven, on behalf of the Israeli government, I accept your conditions and this agreement to jointly explore Solomon’s Treasure. I will work with you to explore Solomon’s Treasure. I hope we can have a happy cooperation!”

“That couldn’t be better, Mr. Prime Minister. I believe that our cooperation this time will be very pleasant and will yield huge surprises! I believe even more that this is a win-win cooperation!”

As he spoke, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand and shook it with the right hand of the Israeli Prime Minister, reaching a cooperation that will surely shock the world!

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