Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2635: Betty is back, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

The fact that Ye Tian returned to New York with a large number of antique artifacts from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire caused a huge sensation in the city and became the focus of discussion among almost all New Yorkers that day.

When the huge convoy escorting this priceless Mayan antique relics drove out of the airport and entered New York City, it immediately attracted countless people to watch.

On every street along the way the motorcade passed, people stopped and watched the huge motorcade rushing past them.

Especially after entering Manhattan Island, the streets that the motorcade passed through were even more crowded with onlookers.

Without exception, the eyes of everyone looking at this **** convoy were filled with envy and even jealousy.

Among the crowd, there were many guys with ulterior motives who coveted the treasures of the Golden City. These guys looked at the **** convoy passing by quickly on the street, their eyes were so red that they almost bled.

It’s a pity that they couldn’t find any opportunity to make a move. They could only watch this astonishing wealth pass by, but they couldn’t even catch a hair.

The heavily armed security personnel and New York SWAT officers in the **** convoy, as well as the densely populated New York police cars on the streets, and the several helicopters that followed the convoy in the sky were enough to dispel all unrealistic ideas.

After the **** convoy entered Manhattan, Ye Tian scattered these antiques from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire in several different vaults, each of which was very safe.

After doing all this, it was already late at night, and Ye Tiantian was able to return to his home at the north end of Central Park.

Soon, the night passed and it was a new day.

At ten o’clock the next morning, in the largest banquet hall in the Rockefeller Center building.

Reporters from major news media around the world and the United States have arrived here early in the morning to attend this much-anticipated press conference.

In addition to numerous media reporters, there were also several officials from the White House, the U.S. Department of Culture, the New York City Government, representatives from major museums in the United States and New York, cultural counselors from the consulates general of Central and South American countries in New York, etc. .

In addition, representatives from the other two parties of the tripartite joint exploration team, Columbia University and the Government of Honduras, as well as representatives from UNESCO, also participated in this press conference!

Then there were several Indian tribal chiefs and Mayan tribal chiefs who attended in costumes. They were all familiar old friends, such as Gray Wolf’s father and the chief of the North American Sioux Alliance, etc.

On the podium, Ye Tian was introducing the Mayan antique cultural relics that came from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire and had been transported back to New York by him.

“The Mayan antique artifact you are seeing now is a Mayan sacrificial gold statue. It is made of pure gold and is inlaid with many valuable gems of various colors.

This Mayan priest statue was found on the only way to the Golden City, not far from the Golden City. It is located on the top of a hill, looking at the Golden City not far away.

After discovering this golden statue, we conducted an appraisal on the spot and determined that this statue was cast around the eighth century AD, which was the middle and late period of the Kingdom of Copan.

During that period, the Kingdom of Copan had begun to turn from prosperity to decline. This statue happened to be a witness of that era, and the text on the statue also recorded that period of history.

The identity of this statue was determined through the Mayan hieroglyphics on the statue and through my research and discussions with several historians, text experts and archaeologists.

This golden statue of a Mayan priest is also engraved with the pattern of the main pyramid of the Golden City and the path leading to the Golden City, so it is also part of the Golden City,…”

Following Ye Tian’s introduction, high-definition pictures of the golden statue of the Mayan priest were also played on the large screen at the scene, as well as video clips of when the joint exploration team discovered the golden statue.

Looking at the golden and priceless golden statue of the Mayan priest on the video screen, everyone at the scene was shocked and dumbfounded!

Especially those senior executives from major museums, all of them have eyes shining with envy and jealousy!

At this time, they wished they could immediately **** this priceless golden statue of a Mayan priest and transport it back to their own museum as a treasure of their own museum!

The cultural counselors from the Consulates General of Central and South American countries in New York who were also present looked at this golden statue of a Mayan priest, and their eyes were already red with envy!

As for the Mayan tribe chiefs and Indian tribe chiefs who attended the ceremony, their faces were red with excitement, and they even had tears in their eyes, and they almost danced and celebrated wildly.

Many media reporters sitting in the media box have already raised their long guns and short cannons, facing the big screen and Ye Tian on the stage, and kept pressing the shutter.

After introducing the golden statue of a Mayan priest, the TV screen immediately changed, and a magnificent Mayan temple appeared on the TV screen and in front of everyone.

At the same time, Ye Tian changed the subject and began to introduce this ancient Mayan temple.

“Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, what you are seeing now is the first Mayan temple discovered by our three-party joint exploration team after entering the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

In previous live broadcasts, I believe everyone has seen this splendid Mayan temple. Yes, this is the second clan of gods in Mayan mythology, the Golden Temple of the Camempes,…”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded, and everyone’s eyes became even hotter.

Next, Ye Tian continued to introduce the golden temple of the Kamemps God Clan, as well as several statues and other antiques from this Mayan temple.

Subsequently, the priceless Mayan antiques he brought back to New York this time appeared on the big screen one by one, in front of everyone present and in front of many media reporters.

The order in which these Mayan antiques appeared was exactly the same as the order in which they were discovered by the three-party joint exploration team. They appeared one by one, bringing everyone at the scene back to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Among these Mayan antique cultural relics, they include the golden temples of the four major Mayan gods, as well as the corresponding statues and stone tablets of the four major gods, as well as various other antique cultural relics.

After the four major Mayan gods, the golden statues of the Mayan Nine Gods and various antique cultural relics appeared. Almost every piece is priceless, and every piece has huge historical and cultural research value.

Looking at these ancient Mayan antiques, the eyes of everyone at the scene became hotter and the atmosphere at the scene became more heated!

Of course, the cultural counselors from the embassies and consulates of various countries in Central and South America were so jealous that they almost went crazy!

It took nearly an hour for Ye Tiancai to finish introducing the batch of Mayan antiques that came from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire and were brought back to New York by him.

In fact, he only introduced the more important and most valuable batch of antique cultural relics, and the rest of the Mayan antique cultural relics with slightly lower value were all mentioned by him in one word!

This is to save time, otherwise, we may not be able to introduce all the Mayan antiques in one morning.

Next, he introduced the exhibition plan for this batch of antique cultural relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire in the future, and also responded to the protests of some Central American countries.

His attitude is very clear, simple and rude!

Half of the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire belong to you, and no one has the right to question it. No one can even think of taking away even an antique relic from you, no matter how worthless the Mayan antique relic is.

Listening to his response, the cultural counselors of the Consulates General of Central and South American countries in New York were all gnashing their teeth in hatred, but they were helpless!


In the blink of an eye, it was already around five o’clock in the afternoon.

Ye Tian had already left the Rockefeller Center where the company was located, and took Matisse and the others to JFK International Airport again, where they were waiting at the exit of the VIP channel for international arrivals.

Beyond the cordon not far behind them, a large group of media reporters gathered, each of them shouting questions at the top of their lungs.

It is a pity that Ye Tian is too lazy to pay attention to these uncrowned kings, and always looks at the exit of the VIP channel not far ahead.

Not long after waiting, Betty, her sister-in-law, Linlin, Logan, Dongzi and Chenxi walked out of the VIP channel while pushing their suitcases and laughing.

There are also several security personnel accompanying Betty, such as Lisa and Taylor who always follow and protect Betty. Several people are scattered around Betty and the others to protect them.

Seeing Betty and the others appearing, Ye Tian’s face immediately burst into a bright smile, and he raised his arms and waved to them.

“I’m here, Betty, sister-in-law”

Before he finished speaking, Dongzi and Chenxi, who had already seen him, immediately pushed their suitcases and ran towards him. Both of them were extremely excited.

As he came closer, before he could stand firm, the little guy Dongzi couldn’t wait to say:

“Brother, when will you take us to your Belmont Park to see that Jueying guy? I want to see him so much. Did you say before that you would let me ride Jueying around the racecourse? Don’t break your promise!”

Ye Tian gently patted Dongzi on the shoulder, then said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, Dongzi. When have I ever failed to keep my word from your brother? Let’s go home and rest today. I will take you to Belmont Park tomorrow morning.

The park not only has the world’s top racetrack, but also the best car racing track in the United States and various other amusement facilities. You can enjoy it freely! ”

Hearing this, the two little guys Dongzi and Chenxi jumped three feet high and cheered.

At this moment, Betty, her sister-in-law, and Linlin also came here.

Ye Tian immediately stepped forward and gave Betty a loving hug, welcoming her back to New York!

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