Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2572: Treasures everywhere, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

“This temple located on the golden pyramid is the golden temple of the Maize Gods, the oldest clan of gods in Mayan mythology. The statue enshrined in the center of this golden temple is none other than the corn **** Yumkax.

It can be seen from the facial contour and body lines of the statue that the Maize God is a young Mayan man full of energy. Among the headdresses he wears, there is an ornament shaped like an ear of corn, which is exactly what the Maize God is. feature.

Look at this ancient mural again. The Mayan man holding corn and smiling in the painting is the corn god. In addition to the mural, the Mayan hieroglyphs next to it also illustrate the identity of this statue.

The statues located at the four corners of the top of this golden pyramid are the four gods of the Corn God Clan: heaven, earth, water, and fire. They are separated in the four directions, guarding the Corn God in the center, and guarding the pyramid.

Similar to the previous Golden Temple of the Camempes God Clan, the statues of the Corn God Clan that you see now are all made of pure gold and are engraved with Mayan hieroglyphics and various patterns. They are priceless treasures.

The golden temple of the Maize God Clan and the golden pyramid below are made of huge blocks of granite on the inside, and covered with a thick layer of gold on the outside. The amount and value of gold are extremely astonishing.

After previously discovering this golden temple of the Maize God Clan, we conducted a preliminary appraisal. We can confirm that this golden pyramid and the golden temple of the Maize God Clan on the top of the tower were built around 700 BC.

It can be inferred from this that the Golden City of the Mayan Empire already existed as early as 2,700 years ago. The Mayan Empire was already quite powerful at that time. This discovery is very important and has epoch-making significance for the study of Mayan civilization! ”

Ye Tian stood in front of the golden pyramid of the Maize God Clan and talked eloquently, introducing to people this magnificent Mayan pyramid and the Golden Temple of the Maize God Clan on the top of the tower.

At this time, the outside world was already boiling.

The eyes of almost everyone who watched this live broadcast of the treasure hunt turned golden due to the stimulation of this magnificent Mayan pyramid. Everyone’s eyes were filled with envy, jealousy, and even madness.

Many experts and scholars who studied the Mayan civilization were all dumbfounded, looking at the live broadcast with wide-eyed eyes and looking at the shining golden temple of the Maize God Clan.

What Ye Tian just said has overturned their inherent understanding of the Mayan civilization, and even advanced the time when the Mayans established a slave country by three to four hundred years. Can people not be shocked!

The same scene fell in the eyes of those guys who coveted the treasure of the Mayan Empire’s Golden City, and it immediately drove those guys almost crazy!

Looking at the golden pyramid on the TV screen and looking at the priceless gold statues of the Maize God Clan, these guys’ eyes were completely red, and everyone’s eyes were full of greed and madness.

Ye Tian, ​​who was deep in the Golden City, was still talking, introducing pyramids, altars, temples, palaces, as well as stone tablets, totem poles and other Mayan civilization architectural sites and antique cultural relics to people.

With his introduction, as Mayan civilization architectural ruins appeared in the live broadcast, and as treasures of various sizes appeared on the TV screen, the outside world has set off a huge wave!

Protests and demonstrations in El Salvador and Guatemala have become louder, as has the situation in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras.

Protests and demonstrations have also been held in other Central American countries and even some South American countries close to Central America. The demands of these protests and demonstrations are the same, which is to demand the sharing of the Golden City’s treasures.

In addition, the troops of El Salvador and Guatemala gathered at a much faster pace and began to move towards the Copan Valley.

Correspondingly, the Honduran army and police were all mobilized and raised the alert level to the highest level, vowing to protect the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire belonging to Honduras.

On the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea, several U.S. warships patrolling these two waters invariably turned their bows and sailed toward the coast of Honduras menacingly.

Fortunately, Ye Tianhe and the US Embassy have already greeted the President of Honduras and the army, saying that those American soldiers are here to protect themselves and the treasures of the Golden City, and will not enter Honduras unless absolutely necessary.

Even if they enter, Ye Tian and the others will notify the Honduran government and army in advance to obtain their consent to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings or even conflicts.

Although Ye Tian and the others have already greeted Honduras and given Honduras a certain amount of respect, the President of Honduras, senior members of the parliament, and senior military officials are still wary.

They were afraid that those American soldiers would rush straight into Honduras and loot the Golden City’s treasures, which would be a waste of their efforts. Not only would they not get the Golden City’s treasures, but they might even lose their lives.

Who doesn’t know that those American soldiers are famous for being arrogant and unreasonable, and are no more than bandits? Latin America has always been the backyard of the United States, so they can come and leave whenever they want!

Compared with this, the greedy guy Steven is actually much cuter. At least he keeps his promise and never breaks his promise!

After this episode, the top government and military officials, including the President of Honduras, became even more wary of Ye Tian and basically did not dare to plot against him anymore.

How could they have imagined that Ye Tian had so much energy and could easily mobilize the US military to protect himself? It seems that in that **** country of the United States, money is everything!

While still fearful, these Hondurans also understood that the development of the matter had completely exceeded everyone’s initial expectations, and the initiative was completely in Ye Tian’s hands.

When needed, they will also use Ye Tian to protect their half of the treasure, and even protect their status and lives!

In addition, something happened. The commander in the Oval Office of the White House contacted Ye Tian through the cultural counselor of the US Embassy who came to Golden City last night.

On the phone, the commander told Ye Tian that Harvard and Yale universities, as well as MIT and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, were interested in organizing a joint archaeological team to join in the exploration of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. .

Hearing these words, Ye Tian did not refuse immediately.

He kicked the ball to Professor Delgado and Columbia University on the pretext that he had already signed a tripartite joint exploration agreement and that archaeological research related to the interests of Columbia University.

You can imagine what happened next.

How could Columbia University and Professor Delgado allow those guys from Harvard and Yale to join in and take away part of their research results and glory?

They refused very simply and resolutely did not allow the joint archaeological team organized by universities and museums such as Harvard and Yale to get involved. Instead, they prepared to exclusively enjoy the academic research results on the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Taking the opportunity to talk to the commander-in-chief of the White House, Ye Tian bluntly made a request that the U.S. government and military must ensure the safety of the Golden City’s treasures and the safety of the joint exploration team.

This involves a large number of priceless top antiques and cultural relics, and also involves an astronomically huge tax. How could the commander-in-chief not agree?

Back to the exploration site of Golden City, this volcanic basin that has attracted much attention.

After introducing the Golden Pyramid of the Maize God Clan and the Golden Temple of the Maize God on the top of the tower, Ye Tian led a large group of people to leave, and as usual did not give the newcomers much opportunity to appreciate and study.

Next, Ye Tian took them to visit several nearby Mayan civilization architectural ruins, pointed out two treasures buried deep underground, and detected them with a pulse metal detector!

The outsides of these Mayan civilization architectural ruins are also decorated with a large amount of gold and gems, and are engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns, as well as many ancient murals!

In addition, there are many top-notch antique cultural relics such as statues and stone tablets inside and outside these Mayan civilization architectural sites, which makes everyone on the live broadcast side excited!

The two treasures buried deep underground that Ye Tian pointed out caused an even greater shock and made people even more jealous!

Only then did everyone know that in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, not only can you see a large number of Mayan civilization ruins covered with gold and gems, as well as numerous pure gold statues, but also priceless top antique cultural relics.

Even deep underground in the Golden City, there is a huge amount of gold buried, and treasures are everywhere. This is the real Golden City!

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