Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2568: A grand carnival, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

It was an uneventful night, and in a blink of an eye it was the morning of the next day, and the sun was shining brightly.

Chinatown, located in lower Manhattan, is always the first neighborhood in Manhattan to wake up, and it is no different today.

While most residents in New York City are still immersed in sleep, the Chinese in Chinatown have already woken up, walked out of their homes in the morning light, and started a busy day, running for life.

Soon, the neighborhood where Chinatown is located became lively and full of fireworks.

After breakfast, several Chinese youths in their early twenties came out of their homes, gathered together on the street, and then walked quickly north along the street.

It can be seen that these guys are very excited. Everyone has a bright smile on their face and a bit of pride in their eyes!

The same scene is happening in Manhattan, Brooklyn, every borough of New York, and even across the Hudson River in New Jersey. It’s just the same!

Early in the morning, countless people poured in from all the boroughs of New York and the streets of Manhattan, like a tide, rushing towards Times Square in Manhattan, the crossroads of the world.

Here are the few Chinese young people just now, tourists and experts and scholars from the United States and around the world, professional treasure hunters, adventure enthusiasts, collectors, professionals from major museums, and other all kinds of people.

Among the surging crowds, there were many North American Indians, Mayans from Central and South America, and Incas from South America who were very conspicuous in the crowd.

In addition, there were many diplomats from embassies and consulates in New York from all over the world in the crowd, with the largest number of diplomats from Central American countries.

These people are all Hispanic and speak Spanish. They have obvious characteristics and it is not difficult to tell them apart!

As well as the United Nations in Manhattan and its affiliated UNESCO, many staff members came to Times Square, preparing to witness a great historic moment here.

Of course, there were also many idle New Yorkers and New Jersey citizens in the crowd, who came here to join in the fun!

The reason why people rushed here in unison was for the same reason and purpose. Everyone came here to watch a live broadcast of a much-anticipated exploration operation.

This exploration operation is currently being carried out in the tropical rain forest near the ancient city of Copan, Honduras, to explore the treasures of the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire!

Just two days ago, the Intrepid Exploration Company, which led the tripartite joint exploration operation, issued an announcement through major news media in New York and around the world that it would broadcast the joint exploration operation live this morning.

In order to build momentum, they rented out all the outdoor advertising screens in Times Square and broadcast the joint exploration live throughout the day to commemorate the greatest exploration and archaeological discovery in American history.

Because of this, people flocked to Times Square to witness this great historic moment, celebrate together and enjoy this grand party.

In fact, this is indeed a huge party.

When people arrived at Times Square, they immediately discovered that countless tourists from all over the world, with different cultural backgrounds, nationalities, races and skin colors had gathered in Times Square. It was like a huge melting pot.

And this is exactly in line with New York’s nickname of the racial melting pot!

More importantly, the Brave Exploration Company has set up seven or eight mobile food trucks inside and outside the square, providing unlimited high-quality beer.

As long as you reach the legal drinking age and promise that you have no hidden health problems and can drink, you can drink and party as much as you want once the live broadcast of the joint exploration operation begins.

After discovering this, Times Square immediately resounded with crazy cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami. Everyone was so excited that they cheered loudly.

As the news spread, more and more people immediately ran all the way to Times Square, including many children who tried to drink behind their parents’ backs.

Fortunately, the New York Police had a plan in advance and set up cards on the streets leading to Times Square early, and began to restrict the flow of people and conduct security checks. Otherwise, Times Square would have been overwhelmed by the surging crowds!

It didn’t take long for Times Square to be filled with people, and the scene was bustling with people.

As the time approached eight o’clock in the morning, everyone in Times Square looked up at the advertising screens hanging on the walls of the buildings around the square. Everyone’s eyes were full of anticipation.

While talking, the time has come to eight o’clock in the morning.

The pictures on the giant TV screens around the square changed at the same time, and a vibrant tropical rainforest suddenly appeared on those big screens and in front of everyone’s eyes.

The TV picture shot from high altitude goes from far to near. In the lush green ocean, an ancient and vicissitudes of Mayan civilization architectural ruins appear deep in the rain forest and appear on the TV picture.

“Wow! That is the tropical rain forest in the Copan Valley, and those ancient Mayan civilization architectural ruins are the famous ancient city of Copan!”

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, obviously very familiar with the Copan Valley and the ancient city of Copan.

Seeing this scene on the TV screen, Times Square once again burst into loud cheers and thunderous applause, resounding throughout the sky.

In front of countless live broadcasts all over the world, people who were watching this treasure hunt live broadcast also saw this scene and were shocked by it!

Here are the heads and dignitaries of almost all American countries, experts and scholars from various countries who study the Mayan civilization, collectors large and small, senior executives and staff of almost all museums, etc.

Without exception, these guys’ eyes have already turned red, and everyone’s eyes are full of envy and even jealousy, even if they don’t see anything now!

Of course, the Indians, Mayans, and Incas in South America scattered across the Americas are also in front of their TVs and computers, watching this treasure hunt live broadcast that is destined to shock the entire world!

And each of them was very excited. For all Indians, including the Mayans, this was a great day that they would remember for their entire lives!

The golden city of the Mayan Empire that is about to emerge will prove to the world that the Indians are not savages, but a nation that once had an extremely glorious and splendid ancient civilization!

Back to Times Square, it is already a sea of ​​joy!

Those guys who had been waiting by the food truck for a long time, or rather the drunkards, turned their heads as soon as the live broadcast started and excitedly said to the salesperson in the food truck:

“Man, bring me a big glass of beer. I want to drink it to celebrate the birth of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. By the way, I want to thank that generous and magical guy Steven!”

The salesperson standing in the dining car looked at this guy, then poured a large glass of mellow beer, handed it out from the dining car, and said excitedly:

“Drink as much as you like, guys, there’s enough beer today, you can drink as much as you want, let’s try to drink that lucky **** Steven until he goes bankrupt, even though he is my boss today!”


There was a burst of laughter, and everyone laughed loudly.

Before the laughter could subside, a dozen hands of different skin colors had already reached out to the dining car window, scrambling for the first place.

“Man, give me a beer, I’m going to drink that guy Steven till he goes bankrupt!”

“Count me in, give me a glass of beer, preferably dark beer. I’m going to get drunk today!”

Just as people were toasting and drinking, the images on the giant advertising screens around Times Square had changed again, and Tom, the live host of the National Geographic Channel, appeared on the TV screen.

Behind him is a crater-shaped basin and a blue sky!

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