Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2562: Out of reach, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Mattis pulled the small underwater robot that had sunk to the bottom of the water out of the water. At this time, this small and advanced underwater robot was completely scrapped and its appearance was completely charred.

The searchlight hanging under the robot and the small underwater metal detector located on the head of the underwater robot that could be used before have also been scrapped.

Fortunately, the small underwater metal detector has completed its mission and found out that there is a large amount of gold accumulated at the bottom of the pool, which is a real treasure.

The just-released detection results prove Ye Tian’s previous judgment that this dangerous water pool was indeed the holy lake of the ancient Maya more than a thousand years ago!

As the small underwater robot was hoisted to the surface, cheers immediately erupted from the edge of the pool, and everyone was excited.

Before the cheers could end, the water in the center of the pool suddenly started churning.

Immediately afterwards, several black adult electric eels surfaced, following behind the small underwater robot, and swam quickly towards the shore of the pool.

During this process, these guys continued to release electricity and attack the small underwater robot, as if they would not give up.


Seeing this scene in the pool, everyone couldn’t help but gasp, and were amazed by the ferocity of these adult electric eels.

Mattis accelerated the recovery speed. The small underwater robot was almost flying close to the water. He quickly pulled it out of the pool and onto the grass on the shore.

After chasing them to the shore of the pool, the adult electric eels could only stop chasing angrily, and then wandered in the shallow water on the shore for a while before returning in triumph, turning around and swimming towards the center of the pool.

When leaving the shore, these guys looked coldly at Ye Tian and the others who were standing not far from the shore, as if to warn them not to try to enter this pool, otherwise they would be turned into pieces of charcoal. Bar!

Among these adult electric eels, Ye Tian seemed to see two or three familiar shadows. They were the same adult electric eels he saw when he came to this pool the night before yesterday.

As these adult electric eels returned to the center of the pool, everyone let out a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed a lot.

After returning to the center of the pool, the adult electric eels cruised on the water for a while, declared their group’s sovereignty over the pool, and then dived underwater and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“Wow! These are really a group of overlords in the water, so fierce!”

“Who says it isn’t! To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a fierce and domineering electric eel. Today is really an eye-opener!”

There was a sound of exclamation from the shore of the pool. While everyone was amazed, everyone had an expression of lingering fear.

After a while, everyone’s emotions gradually calmed down, but no one wanted to approach the pool in front of them.

Ye Tian glanced at the scene, then smiled and said loudly:

“Gentlemen, you don’t have to worry about safety issues. Those ferocious adult electric eels in the pool ahead can only dominate this pool. As long as you don’t get close to the pool, there will be no danger.

Now I am certain that the water pool in front of me must have been the holy lake of the ancient Mayans more than a thousand years ago. According to tradition, the ancient Mayans threw countless gold and various treasures into this holy lake.

Because the underwater robot was suddenly attacked by those electric eels, no more underwater footage was taken, but there is no doubt that there must be many priceless gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts in this holy lake.

The next thing we have to do is to find out the part of the hill above the water, and then continue to explore. When we come back here again, we can dig out and clean up this huge treasure! ”

After hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded, and everyone was full of expectations.

Next, Professor Delgado and other experts and scholars immediately stepped forward and began to check the video data previously captured by the underwater robot, of course the ones captured before the attack.

Ye Tianze walked to Matisse and checked the charred small underwater robot to see if there was any possibility of repairing it. Mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, are still meat!

It is a pity that the small underwater robot has been completely scrapped. If it is repaired by force, the repair cost is estimated to be more expensive than buying a new one. There is no need to repair it at all!

Then, Ye Tian turned to look at the situation over the pool, and then said to Matisse:

“Mattis, you use a small drone to build a ropeway over the hill in the center of the pool as soon as possible. I am going to use the ropeway to slide to that hill to see what secrets are hidden on that hill. .

If the prediction is correct, there must be a lot of priceless gold and silver treasures and antiques hidden under those lush flowers, trees and vines, just like the part of the hill below the water.”

After the words fell, Mattis immediately nodded and responded:

“Okay, Steven, leave this to us, we can arrange it soon”

After finishing speaking, Mattis took action with several security team members.

They chose two towering trees facing each other on the east and west sides of the pool, and then used small drones, fixed pulleys, and climbing ropes to set up the sliding ropeway and supporting safety facilities.

After a while, a simple but safe aerial cableway appeared over the water pool, right above the hill in the center of the water pool.

“Steven, the aerial ropeway and safety facilities have been set up. If you want to climb the hill in the center of the pool, just lift the explorer’s hand from the pool and slide over!”

Mattis came over and said, pointing to the aerial cableway in the center of the pool.

Following the direction of his finger, Ye Tian quickly checked the aerial cableway and the two towering trees on the east and west sides of the pool, and secretly looked through it.

After confirming that there was no safety hazard in this aerial cableway, he immediately said with a smile:

“Okay, next I’m going to climb the hill in the middle of the pool to see what I can find. I hope to get a huge surprise”

“Stephen, you have to be more careful. There are a lot of trapper vines on the hill in the middle of the pool, as well as highly poisonous water vines, as well as highly poisonous poisonous weeds such as angel’s horn, etc. .

In addition to these highly poisonous flowers and vines, there may be some kind of poisonous insects or traps hidden under those flowers and plants. In addition, be careful of the electric eels and toothpick fish in the pool! ”

Mattis continued, still a little worried.

“It doesn’t matter, I can handle these things easily, and they can’t hurt me. As long as there is treasure on that hill, nothing will stop me!”

Ye Tian said confidently, not taking the possible dangers seriously at all.

Hearing what he said, Mattis said nothing more and just nodded.

Next, Ye Tian called Jason and David, as well as Professor Delgado and Hernando, and whispered some things to them.

After the arrangement was completed, he picked up his mountaineering bag and other equipment and walked towards the towering tree on the east side of the pool used to set up the aerial cableway.

As he approached, he first packed up his backpack and brought some necessary exploration equipment, such as jungle machetes, assault rifles, first aid kits, engineer shovels, etc., and left the rest on the shore.

Soon, he was ready, put on the noose, fastened the two safety ropes one after the other to the noose, and signaled to Matisse and others that he could pull himself up.

Following his gesture, Matisse and the others immediately pulled on the safety rope and hoisted him up higher and higher until they reached the height of the hill in the center of the pool.

Immediately afterwards, Cole and the others who were located on the west side of the pool began to pull another safety rope, directly pulling Ye Tian in the air towards the sky above the pool.

Just as Ye Tian flew quickly over the pool, the group of electric eels entrenched in the pool surfaced again, staring closely at Ye Tian in the air with very unfriendly eyes.

It’s a pity that they are beyond the reach of the guy passing by in the air, otherwise they will definitely launch an attack and give that guy who doesn’t know the current affairs a bit of trouble.

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