Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2559: Leverage, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

White House, Oval Office.

In front of the Resolute Desk, a presidential staff member who had just entered the office put the IPAD in his hand on the table, pushed it to the person sitting behind the Resolute Desk, and said excitedly:

“Mr. President, this is a picture that Steven asked his men to send. It was taken from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire that they were exploring. The picture shows several ancient starry sky maps and the main pyramid of the Golden City.

According to Steven’s subordinate, these ancient starry sky maps were carved by the ancient Mayans and engraved on the ground at the top of the main pyramid of the Golden City. All the starry sky maps are connected together to form the universe in the eyes of the Mayans.

This hill covered with flowers, plants and trees is the Golden City Pyramid. That guy Steven said that these ancient starry sky maps and the Golden City Pyramid are the greatest archaeological discoveries in the history of America!

By studying these ancient starry sky maps, we may be able to decipher many of the mysteries of the ancient Maya in calendars and astronomy, and even gain a glimpse into the mysteries and origins of the universe. There are also more important antique artifacts there.

That guy Steven also said that he needs the government’s help to ensure that the interests of the Intrepid Exploration Company are not violated and that these priceless treasures are not forcibly intercepted by the Hondurans or looted by others! ”

The person behind the table was listening to the introduction of his staff while admiring the pictures on the IPAD screen. His eyes flashed with ecstasy, but what revealed more was endless greed.

“Wow! The universe of the ancient Mayans, the greatest archaeological discovery in the history of the Americas? This guy Steven is really amazing. He can always create one jaw-dropping miracle and discover one place after another. Huge treasure!

Obviously, God has favored that guy Steven again, which is so enviable! Jack, please contact several top astronomers and experts and scholars who study the Mayan civilization. I plan to chat with them about this matter through video.

I will ask them to identify these ancient starry sky maps to see the value of these starry sky maps. If they are, as that guy Steven said, they are the greatest archaeological discovery in the history of the Americas, they must be taken away no matter what. Bring it back to America! ”

The man behind the table said with excitement and expectation.

“Okay, Mr. President, I will contact astronomers from universities such as Harvard and Yale, as well as experts and scholars who study the Mayan civilization, and ask them to work together to identify the value of these ancient starry sky maps”

The presidential staff nodded in response, then turned and left the office to contact various experts and scholars.

It didn’t take long for a group of experts and scholars from top universities such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia University, and MIT to appear on the projection screen.

Next, the presidential staff briefly introduced the situation, and then showed the pictures of the Mayan starry sky map and the main pyramid of the Golden City that had just been received.

Seeing these ancient starry sky maps and the main pyramid of the Golden City, all the experts and scholars participating in this video conference call suddenly jumped up from their seats as if they had been electrocuted.

A moment later, bursts of almost crazy exclamations filled the entire Oval Office of the White House.

“Oh my God! That amazing guy Steven is absolutely right. These ancient starry sky maps and the main pyramid of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire are definitely the greatest archaeological discoveries in the history of the Americas! It’s so amazing!”

“Mr. President, these ancient starry sky maps and even everything on the main pyramid of the Golden City are truly priceless treasures. They must be shipped to the United States, at any cost!”

Seeing the almost crazy performance of these experts and scholars, and hearing these affirmative answers, the President of the United States, who was sitting behind the table, suddenly stood up, his eyes fixed on the priceless treasures on the projection screen!

“Intrepid Exploration Company is an American company and a major taxpayer. It is the duty of our government and military to protect their interests from infringement. There is no doubt about this.

Since these priceless treasures belong to Intrepid Exploration Company, we will ensure that these priceless treasures can be safely transported to the United States and displayed in the best museums in the United States! ”

The President of the United States said excitedly, with a bit of greed in his tone.

At the same time, in a small conference room at Columbia University.

The president of Columbia University, as well as several astronomers and experts and scholars who study the Mayan civilization, are standing at the conference table, enjoying a video played on the large-screen TV in front of them.

At this time, each of them was extremely excited, and each of their eyes shone brightly, like searchlights.

The videos played on the big-screen TV are the ancient starry sky maps engraved on the ground at the top of the Golden City’s main pyramid. They were shot by Professor Delgado and sent back to Columbia University by him.

After only watching half of the video, the president of Columbia University slammed the conference table and said in a voice that was slightly trembling with excitement:

“Go ahead and inform all astronomers at Columbia University, including all Ph.D.s in astronomy at the school, as well as all professors and Ph.D.s in the School of History who are studying Mayan civilization, please be prepared.

I will communicate with that amazing guy Steven and the Honduras government as soon as possible and try to get their permission to lead a team to the ancient city of Copan and join the archaeological team exploring the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

For Columbia University, this is a once-in-a-lifetime historic moment that must not be missed! If we hesitate even a little bit, I bet those guys from Harvard will get there first! ”

Before he finished speaking, everyone else on the scene nodded in unison and said in unison:

“Yes, we must rush to the ancient city of Copan as soon as possible, to the rain forest where the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is located, and participate in the greatest archaeological discovery in American history, otherwise we will all regret it for the rest of our lives!”

While the outside world is turbulent, joint exploration operations are still continuing in the volcanic basin where the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is located.

The large group of people in the joint exploration team stayed behind the cordon. Ye Tian only brought five or six experts and scholars to the edge of the waterhole under the protection of Matisse and others.

For safety reasons, each of them has a safety rope tied around their waist, and the other end of the safety rope is in the hands of the exploration team members and security personnel behind them.

Once these experts and scholars who come to the edge of the pool are in danger, the security personnel behind them will pull them back immediately to prevent them from falling into the pool or being bitten by poisonous insects.

The water pool at this time was no different from what Ye Tian saw last night, except that there was an extra cordon around the water pool.

The hill standing in the middle of the pool is still lush and green, completely covered by a large number of flowers, trees and various vines, making it difficult to see clearly.

This hill is located below the water surface and cannot be seen by everyone.

Several creeks around the pool continuously poured clear water into the pool, but the water in the pool did not increase or overflow, and it always remained calm and waveless.

Perhaps there were too many people in the joint exploration team, causing too much noise. None of the group of electric eels entrenched in this pool came out of the water to check out their territory.

As for those extremely light-colored toothpick fish, they have never appeared.

In fact, everyone in the joint exploration team does not want to see that extremely vicious creature.

When he came to the edge of the pool, he pretended to take a serious look at the surroundings, and then Ye Tian smiled and said:

“Mattis, bring a small underwater robot over, put it into this pool, check the depth of the pool and the situation below the water surface, and be aware of it.

This water pool is very close to the main pyramid of the Golden City. From the GPS signal analysis, this water pool is the real center of the volcanic basin. Perhaps this is the former crater.

Just because it is so old, and the area where this tropical rain forest is located has abundant rainfall and dense vegetation, such a deep pool has been formed over time.

Based on the location of this water pool, if I guessed correctly, during the Mayan Empire, the ancient Mayans most likely regarded this water pool as a sacred lake to worship the gods.

The ancient Mayans also had the tradition of throwing gold and various treasures into the holy lake to offer sacrifices to the gods. From this, it can be inferred that this deep pool may be a huge treasure! ”

Hearing what Ye Tian said, the experts and scholars at the scene nodded in unison, and everyone was excited.

Mattis responded, and immediately sent someone to get a small underwater robot, ready to explore this dangerous waterhole!

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