Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2558: Calm and calm, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

As soon as Ye Tian and the others came off the main pyramid of the Golden City, they were surrounded by eager experts and scholars on the ground, as well as many joint exploration team members, who couldn’t wait to watch the video materials they shot.

Soon, these guys got their wish.

As the video material started to play, the scene immediately burst into gasps of exclamation. Everyone was completely shocked by the ancient starry sky maps on the ground at the top of the pyramid.

While everyone was amazed, Hernando reluctantly withdrew from the crowd, walked to Ye Tian, ​​and whispered with a complicated expression:

“Stephen, what are you going to do with the ancient starry sky maps on the top of the Pyramid of the Sun? And the golden sun **** in the center of the top of the tower that is still hidden under flowers and trees but is destined to shock the world. Temple?

Those ancient starry sky maps and everything inside and outside the Golden Temple of the Sun God are so important. They should be the most important relics of the Mayan civilization in the world and are well-deserved national treasures of Honduras. Their value is inestimable.

If possible, I hope that these national treasure-level antiques of the Mayan civilization can stay in Honduras and stay in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. Only the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is the place where they should exist.”

Ye Tian turned to look at this old friend, then said with a smile:

“Hernando, it’s too early to talk about this matter now. It won’t be too late to discuss this issue after we explore the entire Golden City of the Mayan Empire and dig out and clear out all the treasures buried in the Golden City.

But there is one thing I don’t agree with. No matter where those ancient starry sky maps and things inside and outside the Golden Temple of the Sun God end up, they cannot continue to be placed here, our company or your country!

This is the junction of the three countries. You know the security situation well. Moreover, it is deep in the rainforest and inaccessible. Placing those priceless treasures here is tantamount to opening the door for thieves and waiting to be robbed!

I bet that if those priceless treasures were placed here, they would probably not be used for even a day. All the stone slabs with starry sky maps would be pried away, and the golden temple of the Sun God would be looted!

The first ones to loot those priceless treasures were probably the Honduran military police who guarded them. With the treatment and discipline of the Honduran military and police, can they withstand the temptation of huge wealth at their fingertips?

In my opinion, they will definitely not be able to withstand this kind of test. It would only take a matter of minutes for them to commit theft. Besides, according to the treasure distribution agreement we signed, these priceless treasures should all belong to me.”

Hearing this, Hernando couldn’t help but turn his head and look at the other Hondurans at the scene, especially the senior government officials.

When he saw the greedy light in those guys’ eyes, he suddenly couldn’t even think of a defense, only sadness and lamentation were left!

Hernando’s reaction was all seen by Ye Tian.

But he continued as if he hadn’t seen him before:

“If I get these priceless treasures, then I can promise everyone that I will give them the highest level of protection, and I can even dismantle and move the Pyramid of the Sun God and move it to New York for reconstruction.

As compensation, I will rebuild a Pyramid of the Sun God here. All the details will be exactly the same as the Pyramid of the Sun God in front of me. Even the starry sky map and the Golden Temple on the top of the tower will be copied exactly!

Of course, this is just an idea. It is obviously unrealistic to move this magnificent pyramid in its entirety. Neither the government and people of Honduras nor UNESCO will agree.

However, I will take away the antique artifacts that can be removed from this Pyramid of the Sun God, such as those ancient starry sky maps and the entire Golden Temple of the Sun God, but I will leave behind the pyramid as the foundation.

Not only the Pyramid of the Sun God, but also other pyramids, altars, temples and other Mayan civilization architectural ruins in the Golden City will follow this procedure, but I will restore these architectural ruins to their original state and repair them as they were before.

In this way, Honduras can still develop and utilize the Golden City and develop the Golden City into a famous tourist attraction and the most important and representative Mayan civilization site in the world.

For Honduras, this is the most practical approach, so that you can attract countless tourists from all over the world, as well as experts and scholars who study the Mayan civilization, and continuously collect tickets! ”

After the words fell, Hernando fell silent. He did not immediately refute or argue with reason. His eyes and expression were a bit depressed.

In fact, he knew very well that the requests he had just made were simply wishful thinking and had no chance of being realized!

With the greed of the **** in front of me, how could he let go of the priceless ancient starry sky map and the priceless antiques inside and outside the Golden Temple of the Sun God!

There is no doubt that this **** Steven will sweep away all the valuable antiques, leaving only the Mayan pyramids, temples, altars, etc. that have been completely stripped to Honduras!

Even these ancient Mayan civilization architectural ruins and even ruins, this greedy **** will not give up!

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian ended the topic.

Then, he walked over to those guys who were still watching the video materials and were still amazed, and reminded those guys that the exploration operation was not over yet and it was time to move on.

After his reminder, everyone just woke up and took action immediately.


After leaving the main pyramid of the Golden City, not far forward, the joint exploration team came to the water pool located on the west side of the main pyramid.

About four or five meters away from the water pool, Ye Tian, ​​who was walking in front, stopped and picked up the walkie-talkie to stop the three-party joint exploration team following him.

As the order came out, this huge joint exploration team immediately stopped. Everyone looked ahead, everyone’s eyes were full of curiosity, and they didn’t understand what was happening in front.

At this time, Ye Tian had already stepped out and came to the cordon set up by Cole and the others, and met up with Cole and Gray Wolf.

After meeting these guys, Ye Tian first learned about the latest situation here, and then said loudly:

“Attention, everyone, no one is allowed to approach the water pool in front without permission. According to Cole’s exploration, this water pool is very deep and contains a certain amount of toxins.

More importantly, there is a group of adult electric eels entrenched in this pool. The current released by any one of them can easily stun an adult man and drown him.

In addition to adult electric eels, this pool is also home to the notorious toothpick fish. They like to attack all holes on the human body, then parasitize and lay eggs inside, eating the dried flesh and blood of the host.

This thing is like a nightmare. If you accidentally fall into this pool, you’d better pray for God’s blessing. You’d rather be electrocuted by an electric eel than let a toothpick fish get into a small hole in your body! ”

Hearing this, everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team, regardless of gender, felt a chill and all shuddered!

At this time, when everyone looked at the pool in front of them, they couldn’t help but have a hint of fear!

Seeing everyone’s reaction, Ye Tian suddenly chuckled.

Then he continued:

“Not only the water pool ahead, but also the rain forest around the water pool is full of dangers. After Cole and Gray Wolf’s exploration, they discovered many deadly animals and plants in the rain forest around the water pool.

Among them are angel’s horns, curare flowers, highly poisonous water vines, and man-catching vines, especially those highly poisonous water vines that often coexist with highly toxic plants such as angel’s horns, so special attention should be paid to them. careful.

There are several creeks around this pool. One end of the poisonous water vines hangs in the creek, constantly releasing poison into the creek. The water in the creeks eventually flows into to the pool in front of us.

But this pool has no outlet, and the water in the pool has not overflowed. It has always remained calm and waveless, as if it will never be full. From this, it can be seen that this pool should be connected to the underground river…”

Next, Ye Tian continued to introduce the situation of this water pool, detailing everything to attract everyone’s attention.

Of course, these situations were discovered by Cole and his colleagues.

In fact, Ye Tian knows the situation of this pool better than anyone else, and he also knows what secrets are hidden here, and what a huge surprise it will bring to him!

With his introduction, everyone couldn’t help but pay more attention to this calm water pool, and the expressions on their faces became much more solemn!

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