Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2552: Wolves, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After cleaning the golden shrine and taking pictures of everything inside and outside the golden shrine of God Itsumna, Ye Tian took Jason and the others down from the top of the mountain and did not continue to dig and clean the hill.

Compared to when they climbed this hill before, they came down slower. Fortunately, they were protected by safety ropes, and everyone descended to the ground smoothly without any danger.

As soon as we landed, the experts and scholars who were staying under the hill rushed up, and everyone was extremely excited.

As he approached, Professor Delgado immediately said impatiently:

“Steven, why don’t you bring down the bottle of death? It is a priceless treasure. It is no exaggeration to say that the value of the bottle of death is no less than the golden statue of the **** Itsumna. .

By studying the death bottle and the composition of the remaining substances in the bottle, we may be able to get a glimpse of the mysterious sacrificial rituals of the ancient Mayans and see how they communicated with gods and ancestors! ”

Not only Professor Delgado, but also other experts and scholars present had the same idea, nodding their heads frequently, with a bit of regret in everyone’s eyes.

Ye Tian looked at Professor Delgado, then glanced at the others, then smiled and shook his head and said:

“Forget it. I have no intention of touching the mysterious Mayan death bottle before I am fully prepared. The same goes for everyone else in the three-party joint exploration team. They are not allowed to touch the death bottle without permission.

You must have heard about the legend of the Mayan Death Bottle. Except for the ancient Mayan priests, anyone else who touches the Mayan Death Bottle will die. Even family and friends will be implicated. .

This sounds like it has no scientific basis and is just a mythical legend, but one thing is undeniable. All those who came into contact with the death bottle discovered in the last century died tragically, which was very bizarre! ”

Hearing Ye Tian’s words, the experts and scholars at the scene immediately thought of the series of bizarre death cases that shocked the entire American archaeological community in the last century. They couldn’t help but shuddered and were secretly terrified!

Without exception, a look of fear appeared in each of their eyes, and they looked up at the splendid golden temple on the top of the mountain.

Next, Ye Tian gave a general introduction to the situation of the Golden Temple of God Itsumna, and took out the captured video materials for many experts and scholars to take a look.

As the video material started to play, the audience immediately heard a chorus of admiration.

While these experts and scholars were watching the video information, various groups that had been sent out to explore the hill and the surrounding area also returned here and began to report the exploration results to Ye Tian.

Under the green hill in front of everyone, there is a huge golden pyramid buried, which is the golden pyramid of the **** Itsumna. This is very clear and indisputable.

As for how much gold there is on this golden pyramid, how many priceless gems are inlaid, and how many ancient Mayan statues there are, it is still unknown.

Only when this golden pyramid is excavated and cleaned will everyone know what a huge treasure this is and how amazing it is.

In addition to this golden pyramid, which was completely covered by countless flowers, plants, and vines, everyone also discovered some hidden treasures around it.

These treasures range from large to small, including Mayan civilization architectural ruins such as gold-covered altars and palaces, as well as treasures buried deep underground, which contain large amounts of gold.

Besides gold, it is temporarily unknown whether there are other things in these large and small treasures, such as various rough gemstones, stone tablets engraved with hieroglyphs and patterns, pottery, statues, etc.

When we go back and excavate and clean up these treasures, everyone will naturally be able to see the truest condition of these treasures and understand the true value of these hidden treasures.

After listening to these reports, even Ye Tian, ​​who knew everything about the situation here, felt excited. He waved his fist vigorously and high-fived each of his subordinates who reported the exploration results.

Hernando and several other Hondurans standing aside were even more excited and ecstatic, and their eyes almost turned golden.

After a while, when the experts and scholars finished watching the video materials, Ye Tianfang smiled and said loudly:

“Ladies and gentlemen, the exploration of the hill in front of you, which is the Golden Pyramid of God Itsumna, has come to an end for the time being. Let’s dig and clean up this green hill again.

Behind this hill, there is a bigger hill waiting for us. We can go over now and see what treasures are hidden under that hill and what a huge harvest we can get. surprise! ”

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to the back of the hill in front of him with high spirits.

Although the tall hill in front of us blocked everyone’s view, everyone at the scene knew what was in that direction.

Without exception, everyone at the scene looked towards the west, and everyone’s eyes were extremely hot and full of expectation.

Next, Ye Tian packed up his equipment, then took the lead to step out, bypassing the hill in front of him and walking towards the more majestic hill ahead.

Behind him, the experts and scholars immediately followed, followed by a large group of people from the joint exploration team.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others came to the hill about forty or fifty meters high and stopped.

Cole, who is responsible for exploring the surroundings of this hill, as well as several other security team members and Mayans, have opened an open space here for everyone to stay, and have done some preliminary cleaning work to eliminate safety hazards. .

Seeing Ye Tian and the others coming, Cole immediately came up to them and began to report the situation to Ye Tian.

“Steven, we have checked the situation around this hill just now. Except for some poisonous snakes, centipedes, spiders, and some highly poisonous flowers and plants, there are no Discover the trap

This is the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, the holy land of the ancient Mayans, and the periphery of this volcanic basin is surrounded by Jedi. Perhaps for this reason, the ancient Mayans did not set up traps in this volcanic basin.

For us, this is undoubtedly a good thing. It saves a lot of trouble. We have just cleaned up the poisonous insects and highly poisonous flowers and plants that live around this hill. Now it is still okay here. safer.

In addition to these poisonous insects and flowers, around this hill, we found some highly poisonous water vines and a few man-catching vines. These things are far away from the hill and the threat is not too great. , haven’t had time to clean it up yet.

However, not far to the west of this hill, we found a pool. The situation in that pool was a bit strange. In the center of the pool, there was a hill. There seemed to be a group of adult electric eels entrenched in the pool… …”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn’t help but a smile flashed in his eyes.

He knows better than anyone else the situation inside and outside that pool, and he also knows what surprises that pool will bring to him!

Meanwhile, in the distance, Copanrenas.

Two Chinook heavy transport helicopters bearing the logo of the US Marine Corps and the Stars and Stripes, as well as another medium-sized helicopter, took off one after another and flew quickly towards the depths of the rainforest in the southwest.

As these three helicopters took off, the small border town of Copan Reinas, and even the entire Copan Valley, immediately became agitated.

Countless people in Copanrinas and deep in the rain forest all looked up at the three helicopters whizzing by in the sky. Without exception, everyone’s eyes flashed with greed.

“Fake! This **** Steven is going to transport the treasure of the Golden City. What’s so hateful is that this **** **** actually used the US military’s Chinook heavy transport helicopter. Now we’re in trouble!”

“Guys, the opportunity has come. Since we have come to this tropical rainforest and paid a huge price, even our brothers’ lives, we cannot go in vain,

We can’t just watch that **** Steven and the Honduran government sweep away the treasures of the Golden City. No matter what, we also want to grab a piece of fat, let’s go! ”

With waves of hysterical and greedy roars, almost all the treasure hunters around Copanrinas and deep in the rain forest started to move.

Like the tide, or like a pack of red-eyed wolves, these greedy guys all swarmed into the tropical rain forest southwest of the ancient city of Copan, and began to run wildly in the rain forest, chasing the three men whizzing by in the air. helicopter.

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