Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2551: Death Bottle, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

“Stephen, look here, what this Mayan hieroglyph represents is the **** Itsumna. There is no doubt that this is the golden temple of the **** Itsumna.

Hidden in the green hill below us is the Golden Pyramid of God Itsumna, which is also the largest and most magnificent Mayan pyramid in the Nine Stars.

The Mayan hieroglyphs next to it praise the **** Itsumna, which means the king of gods, the lord of heaven, the lord of day and night, the protector of priests, etc.”

Grant pointed to several Mayan hieroglyphs engraved on the front of the Golden Temple and said, his voice trembling with excitement.

Following the direction of Grant’s finger, Ye Tian admired and studied these Mayan hieroglyphs one by one. He also recognized some of them, so he naturally knew the meaning of these Mayan hieroglyphs.

In fact, he knows everything here better than anyone else, but in order to make the performance more realistic, he still has to look eager for knowledge and show an expression of ecstasy.

Jason, who was also standing in front of the Golden Temple, was also looking at these Mayan hieroglyphs, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

Although everyone had already expected this result, that this was the golden temple of the **** Itsumna, everyone was still excited when they saw the conclusive evidence.

Jason and the others at the top of the mountain, as well as Professor Delgado and others watching the live broadcast at the foot of the mountain, all cheered in unison, and the cheers resounded throughout the rain forest.

After a short celebration, Ye Tian instructed Grant and Jason to start clearing away the flowers, trees, vines, soil and moss in the shrine, and repeatedly told Jason and the others to be more careful.

Jason and the others nodded in agreement and immediately took action.

This golden temple located on the top of a hill is actually not too big. There are three square entrances on the front. Entering from the middle entrance is the shrine. Its height and width are just enough for an adult to enter.

In a short time, Jason and the others cut off the flowers, trees, and vines that filled the golden shrine one by one, then took them out and threw them under the hill.

With their actions, the situation in this golden shrine gradually appeared before everyone’s eyes.

In the center of this golden shrine, there is a golden statue enshrined. Although there are some dirt and grass chips hanging on the statue, it looks mottled, but it is easy to identify.

This golden statue is carved from an old Mayan man sitting cross-legged on the altar, wearing a crown, a flat mouth, and two deeply sunken cheeks.

His eyes were wide open and black and white, staring at the sky and rainforest outside the temple, as well as at Ye Tian and Jason standing outside the temple.

Although this is an old Mayan man, his posture and expression give people a sense of calmness and authority. His eyes are extremely focused, and he seems to be able to understand all the mysteries of the world and even the universe, including the human heart!

In his right hand, he holds a small golden scepter. The head of the scepter seems to be engraved with a sun pattern, symbolizing his status and identity.

The moment they saw this golden statue, everyone, including Ye Tian and others standing at the entrance of the temple, as well as the experts, scholars and many exploration team members staying at the foot of the mountain, were all stunned.

At the same time, everything above and below this green hill became completely quiet.

After a long time, everyone just woke up, and bursts of exclamations immediately sounded.

“Wow! It is indeed the golden temple of the **** Itsumna. The image of this golden statue is almost exactly the same as the image of the **** Itsumna in Mayan myths and legends!”

“This is definitely the most exquisite and perfect golden statue of the **** Itsumna that has ever been discovered. It is also a priceless treasure whose value is immeasurable!”

While everyone was exclaiming, several Mayans headed by Gray Wolf put down the things in their hands, then put their hands on their chests, knelt down towards the golden temple on the top of the mountain, and prayed devoutly.

As modern Mayans living in the Copan Valley, although they have not inherited the ancient and mysterious Mayan civilization, and are not even pure Mayans, even their beliefs are different.

However, each of them thinks that they are Mayans and think that they have the blood of ancient Mayans flowing in them!

At this time, when the golden statue of the **** Itsumna, the king of gods revered by the ancient Mayans, appeared, they were naturally excited and paid their respects.

Ye Tian and the others who were standing at the door of the Golden Temple of God Itsumna also woke up. Jason and Grant even cheered and danced excitedly.

After the two guys calmed down a little, Ye Tian said with a smile:

“Jason, Grant, go in and wipe off the dirt and moss on the golden statue of the **** Itsumna, so that we can take a closer look, and also clean the base of the statue and the surrounding walls.

If expected, the base of this golden statue and the surrounding walls should be engraved with Mayan hieroglyphics and various patterns, as well as various information about Itsumna, the king of the gods. Myths and legends.

You still have to be more careful when you go in to clean up. In this golden shrine, although I didn’t find any poisonous insects or traps, it’s better to be careful if there are any accidents if it’s not properly secured.”

After the words fell, Jason and Grant immediately nodded in unison:

“Okay, Steven, just leave these things to us, don’t worry”

After finishing speaking, the two guys walked into the golden shrine, both of them a little impatient.

Seeing them entering the shrine, Ye Tian called the other three guys on the top of the hill over and asked them to clean up the dirt and moss in the other two doors in front of the golden temple.

He himself stayed outside the temple, admiring and studying the many Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns carved on the outside of the temple, as well as the exquisite stone murals, exploring the secrets of this golden temple.

Of course, during this process, he did not give up the perspective of the golden temple of the **** Itsumna and the golden pyramid at his feet.

At the same time, Professor Delgado and others who were staying at the foot of the mountain were also admiring this ancient and mysterious golden temple and everything engraved on it through live video.

In just a moment, Grant’s voice suddenly came out from the shrine, sounding extremely excited.

“Stephen, this golden shrine is filled with Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns. Some of the hieroglyphs and patterns are discovered for the first time and are of great research value.

In addition to a large number of Mayan hieroglyphics and patterns, there are also more than a dozen murals here. The content depicted in these ancient murals seems to be related to the **** Itsumna.

In one of the murals, Itesumna wears the symbol of Ajozhi, which means ‘king, emperor, monarch, prince or great god’, symbolizing that he is the patron saint of Ajozhi.

In another mural, the **** Itsumna seems to be thinking and writing on the ground with a scepter, which shows that he is the creator of writing and science.

Behind the golden statue of the **** Itsumna, we also found a white marble bottle, which looks very similar to the legendary bottle of death. Maybe it is really a bottle of death! ”

Before Grant could finish his words, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing outside the golden temple, and the experts and scholars at the foot of the mountain, were immediately shocked.

Of course, Ye Tian was acting to make everything look more realistic, while Professor Delgado and the others showed their true feelings. They were all shocked by what they just heard!

“Death bottle? Did I hear it correctly? There is actually a mysterious Mayan death bottle in this golden temple. It’s incredible!”

“Wow! This is another shocking discovery, but it makes sense if you think about it. According to legend, the **** Itsumna is the patron saint of priests, and a psychic bottle of the King of Death was found in his golden temple. , which is also reasonable!”

While many experts and scholars were exclaiming, Ye Tian said solemnly:

“Grant, Jason, you’d better not touch that death bottle. According to legend, it is a psychic treasure used by Mayan priests when presiding over sacrificial rituals. Once an outsider touches it, they will definitely die.

Although this is just a mythical legend, since the King of Death Bottle has appeared, for safety reasons, we would rather believe that it exists than believe that it does not exist, so as to avoid any accidents! ”

After the words fell, Jason and Grant who were staying in the Golden Temple immediately responded in unison:

“Okay, Steven, we will never touch this death bottle. To be honest, looking at this black white marble bottle, we really feel a little creepy!”

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