Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2548: Step by step, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

“It is basically certain that under this towering hill, there is most likely the main pyramid of the Golden City, which is the Pyramid of the Sun God engraved on the head of this six-pointed star golden scepter”

Ye Tian said excitedly, looking up at the hill about forty or fifty meters high not far ahead.

At this time, he had taken out the six-pointed star golden scepter head from his backpack, on which was engraved a magnificent Mayan pyramid, or the Pyramid of the Sun God, that radiated bright light.

Before discovering the tall hill in front of them, everyone was still wondering where the shining golden Mayan pyramid on the head of the six-pointed star golden scepter was, and which pyramid in the Golden City was it?

At this moment, although everyone has not seen the pyramid under this hill, everyone is sure that buried under this hill is the Mayan pyramid on the head of the six-pointed star golden scepter!

Besides and around Ye Tian, ​​David and Professor Delgado were also looking up at the towering green hill in front of them. Everyone had a shocked expression.

Like the nine hills discovered before, this hill is also located on the central axis of the Golden City and is symmetrical. The hill is covered with low flowers, trees and various vines, which is very similar to this tropical rain forest. Completely integrated.

If you look down from the air, all you see is a lush green hill, standing deep in the rainforest.

It’s just that this hill is relatively tall and quite steep. It is different from the hills in other places. It seems to appear suddenly from the ground, which is somewhat abrupt.

The base of the east side of the hill is about fifty meters long, and the other three sides are probably about the same. It should be a cone with a square bottom, which shows how huge and majestic it is.

As for what is buried under this huge green hill, is it the main pyramid of the Golden City? Were the pyramids heavily decorated with gold and precious stones? Is there a golden temple of the sun **** at the top of the pyramid?

Are there many treasures buried deep underground around this green hill, or are there other secrets hidden? None of this is known for the time being, and we can only find out after digging up this hill.

While being shocked, everyone has already let their imagination run free, imagining what will happen after digging up this green hill. That picture must be extremely beautiful and moving, and even make people completely crazy!

After standing in front of this green hill and admiring it for a moment, Ye Tian smiled and said loudly:

“Gentlemen, please wake up. Judging from the location and shape of this hill, what is buried under this hill is most likely the main pyramid of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, which is the Pyramid of the Sun God.

If it is really the Pyramid of the Sun God, then there is no doubt that this will be the most significant discovery since we entered the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. This Pyramid of the Sun God is also the most important architectural site in the Golden City.

On this Pyramid of the Sun God, we may be able to discover many secrets about the Mayan civilization. It may record the rise and fall of the entire Mayan civilization. This will be an earth-shattering archaeological discovery.

As for the large amounts of gold and other gold and silver treasures, they are insignificant compared to them, because this main pyramid is a huge treasure of immeasurable value. Of course, these are just my speculations.

To prove these conjectures, we need to dig up this green hill to know the truth. Before starting to dig up this hill, the first thing we need to dig and clear is the lower hill behind us.”

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed at the hill behind him.

With his words, everyone at the scene who was in a state of dementia suddenly woke up.

The next moment, the scene exploded.

Experts and scholars from Columbia University and Honduras all exclaimed in unison and rushed forward like a tide, trying to get closer to the hill ahead to see what they could find.

However, they were stopped by Cole and several other armed security personnel who were well prepared and were not allowed to approach the hill ahead.

Cole and the others did this, of course, for safety reasons. No one could approach rashly without investigating the situation around the hill ahead.

At the same time, Ye Tian’s clear voice sounded again, reaching the ears of everyone present.

“Gentlemen, please be patient. This hill and the Pyramid of the Sun God covering the hill below have been standing in this rainforest for a thousand or two thousand years and will not disappear suddenly. There will be plenty of time later. Enjoy and study slowly.

For safety reasons, before everyone gets close to this hill, my security personnel and Gray Wolf must carefully explore the place to eliminate hidden dangers. After making sure it is safe, everyone can come over to enjoy and study this mountain. “Qiu”

With these words, the emotions of those experts and scholars calmed down a little, and they were no longer so excited. Everyone nodded and had no different opinions.

“Okay, Steven, you are right. Let’s proceed step by step. First, clean the golden pyramid of Itsumna, the **** of the Mayan Ennead, and then dig and clear this hill later!”

Professor Delgado nodded and said, his eyes still shining with excitement.

The other experts and scholars nodded, and then walked towards Ye Tian, ​​looking back three times at a time, reluctantly looking at the tall hill in front of them.

After chatting for a few more words, everyone returned to the hill where the golden pyramid of Itsumna, the **** of heaven, might be buried.

When leaving, Ye Tian told Cole and Gray Wolf to carefully explore the ground and rainforest around the hill, eliminate all safety hazards as much as possible, and prepare for subsequent exploration operations.

Afterwards, Cole and Gray Wolf took action and began to investigate the situation around the hill.


Soon, twenty minutes passed.

The investigation work around the hill on the east side is almost complete, and safety protection measures for climbing to the top of the hill for excavation and cleaning have also been set up.

The small animals that originally lived in the rainforest around this hill were driven away by everyone, and some of them died under the jungle machete, including some dangerous guys.

As for the flowers, plants and trees around this hill, no matter whether they were rare or ordinary, as long as they were in the way, they were cleared away with engineer shovels or hand-held electric saws.

Especially those plants that carry highly poisonous substances were completely eliminated, leaving not a single one left.

Next, it’s time to climb the hill and start digging from the top.

Back at the foot of the hill, Ye Tian, ​​Professor Delgado and others, as well as many members of the joint exploration team, all looked up at the hill, and everyone’s eyes were full of expectation.

“Steven, you can climb this hill. We have set up a total of five safety ropes, which means that five people can climb to the top of this hill at the same time for excavation and cleaning.

The safety rope is set up using five large trees and fixed pulleys around it. It is very strong and strong. The safety rope is at the ground end and is in the hands of the security team members for protection.

Once the workers working on the top of the mountain encounter danger, such as the hill suddenly collapses, the security team on the ground will tighten the safety rope as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the workers on the top of the mountain.”

Mattis came over and introduced the safety measures to Ye Tian.

Following his introduction, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the five safety ropes, thought for a moment, and then said with a smile:

“This hill is covered with flowers, trees, and many vines, which are intertwined. God knows whether there are deadly things hidden in those flowers, trees, and vines, such as poisonous snakes, hunting spiders, etc.

For the sake of safety, I decided to climb the hill alone first, open up a safe route, and eliminate hidden dangers. After confirming that the top of the mountain is safe, the excavation guys and archaeological experts can then climb to the top.”

Hearing this, everyone on the scene nodded without any objection.

Everyone knows very well that this is the safest and safest approach.

No matter what is hidden in the flowers, trees and vines on the hills, no matter how dangerous and deadly it is, it cannot harm this magical guy like Steven!

Once he has opened up a safe route, the others can climb the hill, dig out the soil, flowers, plants and trees covering the top of the hill, and uncover the secrets hidden under the hill.

Ye Tian gave a few instructions to Matisse and Jason, then took a safety rope and tied it around his waist with a safety lock.

Next, he carried the jungle machete and walked towards the hill a few meters ahead, preparing to climb the hill.

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