Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2423: Revenge, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Marash, who encountered a massacre in the dark night, quickly targeted the joint exploration team.

To be precise, they targeted Ye Tian and his many armed security personnel for revenge.

From the mouths of several prostitutes who survived the scene, senior figures in Marash quickly learned that the cause of this **** massacre was two Columbia University doctoral students kidnapped by members of their own gang.

The two Columbia University PhDs were from a joint exploration team that had just arrived in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, and were staying in a hotel in this sinful city.

Protecting this joint exploration team, in addition to the Honduran military police, is the famous professional treasure hunter who initiated this tripartite joint exploration operation, Steven, and his group of armed security personnel.

That **** Steven and his men are known to be ruthless and vengeful, and revenge never lasts overnight. They usually kill everyone who threatens their safety.

If he were to learn that someone in the joint exploration team under his protection had been kidnapped, with that bastard’s consistent behavior, he would definitely launch a rescue operation as soon as possible and kill all the kidnappers.

It can be seen from this that the **** massacre that occurred in his organization’s territory tonight was most likely caused by that **** Steven leading his armed security personnel.

In fact, except for those ruthless American bastards, no force in Tegucigalpa dared to kill the people of Marash so brazenly, including the Honduran military and police.

Only Steven and his men could quietly break into Marash’s territory without alerting anyone, successfully rescue the hostages, and kill all the kidnappers.

Those Marash kidnappers who were armed with live ammunition did not even have a chance to resist. They were killed in their sleep without even seeing their appearance. Their deaths were worthless.

There is no doubt that this was an extremely perfect and almost seamless hostage rescue operation, and it was also a **** killing that made all Marash executives extremely frightened.

After the murderer was basically identified, many senior figures in Marash were furious.

After some urgent discussions, the top leaders of the Marash gang quickly reached an agreement to launch a **** revenge operation to avenge those companions who died in their sleep, **** for tat.

When this decision was made, the senior leaders of Marash were actually very scared. They were afraid that they would be the next one to be killed in their sleep. It would be great to live, but who would want to seek death?

However, for the sake of the gang’s face, to continue to rule the Honduran underworld, and to shock others and give everyone in the gang an explanation, they had to take action.

If not, Marash’s dominant position in Tegucigalpa, and even in the entire Honduran underworld, will be challenged by other gang organizations.

Marash responded very quickly and took action quickly, causing the sinful city of Tegucigalpa to boil.

Across the city, a large number of cars carrying heavily armed Marashi gangsters shouting revenge slogans roared through the streets, rushing towards the hotel where Ye Tian and the others were staying.

During the march, the gangsters, who were full of anger and hatred, kept shooting wildly at targets such as the sky or the trees on the roadside. The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the city.

The people who were sleeping were all awakened by the deafening gunshots. They looked at the gangsters passing by on the street in fear, wondering what was going on.

Not only ordinary citizens were alarmed, but also senior figures in the Honduran government and military. These people were also frightened and thought that another military coup had occurred!

When Ye Tian returned to the presidential suite of the hotel, he lay on the bed and rested for a short time when he was woken up by a knock on the door.

In fact, he had been in a state of false drowsiness and had not fallen asleep at all.

On the bedside table next to his head, there were a G36C short assault rifle and an M9 pistol, a Kevlar body armor, and a backpack full of weapons and ammunition.

Once something happens, he will be fully armed as soon as possible, attack all attackers head-on, and send them to hell.

The door opened, Jason walked into the presidential suite with his mobile phone, and said slightly nervously:

“Steven, that guy from Hernando just called and asked if the **** massacre that happened tonight in the red light district of Old Town Tegucigalpa had anything to do with us, and was it us?

According to Hernando, this incident caused a huge sensation in Tegucigalpa, which not only alarmed and angered all senior figures in Maras, but also shocked the Honduran government authorities and military and police forces.

Those scumbags in Maras suspected us immediately. Now the whole of Tegucigalpa is in commotion, and many heavily armed gangsters are coming here, ready for revenge! ”

Just as he said this, Jason’s cell phone rang again, and it was Hernando who called.

Jason immediately answered the phone, said a few words to the other party, and handed the phone to Ye Tian.

The next moment, Hernando’s voice came over, like a house on fire.

“Steven, I’m sorry to disturb your rest. Tonight, a horrifying **** massacre occurred on a street in the red light district of Old Town Tegucigalpa.

According to the information I received, more than a dozen sleeping Marashi gang members were quietly killed in their sleep without any resistance or even a cry.

Several prostitutes who stayed with the Marashi gangsters were knocked unconscious in their sleep and no trace of their attackers was seen, nor did anyone else on the street.

I would like to ask, does this **** killing have anything to do with you? As far as I know, in Tegucigalpa right now, you are the only ones who can pull off such a perfect night attack.

This **** killing has caused a huge sensation. All high-level officials in the Honduran government and military have been alarmed. I am calling you on behalf of Mr. President.”

Hearing this inquiry, a sneer flashed across Ye Tian’s face.

After a short pause, he answered the question and said:

“Good evening, Hernando. I didn’t expect to receive your call so late. It seems that something terrible happened in Tegucigalpa. Otherwise, it would not have alerted all the top officials of the government and the military in the middle of the night. Mr. President.

I have never heard of the **** killings you mentioned before, but I am very happy to hear that the people who died were all the scumbags of Marash. I feel sorry for all the Hondurans who were tortured by Marash. The people are happy.

It would be best if all scumbags like Marash die, so that the world can become a better place! I would like to ask here, what is the cause of this **** killing tonight? Could it be that someone is looking for revenge on those scumbags? ”

After the words fell, Hernando on the other end of the phone couldn’t help but pause, and then said with a slight helplessness:

“This is Tegucigalpa. Needless to say, except for a very limited number of people who have control of power and the army, who dares to massacre the Maras gangsters? Who has the strength?

According to the information I received, the cause of this **** killing was the two hostages kidnapped by those Marash guys. This **** killing can also be regarded as an operation to rescue the hostages.

However, those guys who rescued the hostages were too ruthless. As for the identities of the two hostages, we don’t know yet. Now all parties are inquiring about information related to this incident.”

“Isn’t this the end? Since it was a hostage rescue operation, those Marashi scumbags can’t blame anyone else for being killed. They were the ones who sought their own death and were not strong enough. They deserved to die!”

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his words full of disdain.

“Steven, you are right, but the gangsters in Marash didn’t think so. After discovering that so many people in their gang were killed, everyone in Marash went crazy from top to bottom. Prepare for revenge

They thought of you immediately, thinking that you planned and implemented this **** night killing. Many Marashi gang members were driving to the hotel where you were staying, and everyone was fully armed.

Because of this, I called you urgently, wanting to find out the situation and see how to solve the crisis at hand. Don’t let this matter ruin the upcoming tripartite joint exploration operation”

“I can tell you very clearly, Hernando, we have stayed in the hotel tonight and have never left. The numerous security personnel and military police inside and outside the hotel, as well as the surveillance system, can all prove this.

The vehicles belonging to us have been parked in the parking lot of this five-star hotel. No one has used them and they have never left the parking lot. I believe you will be able to investigate this clearly soon.

Those scumbags in Marash suspect that we carried out tonight’s **** night killing, which is completely nonsense! Hernando, please send a message to those stupid scumbags, don’t mess with me!

If those scum dare to provoke me, or threaten the safety of people around me, I don’t mind uprooting the entire Marash and sending every scumbag in Marash to hell. I always do what I say. ! ”


There was an exclamation from the other side of the phone, and Hernando was obviously taken aback by these murderous words.

While Ye Tian was on the phone with Hernando, some of the Marashi gangsters closest to the hotel had already arrived on the street where the five-star hotel was located.

The few informants who were originally staying on this street and were responsible for tracking Ye Tian and the others had also received the news and took action in confusion.

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