Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2389: Ants moving, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

One night passed, and it was a new day. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear.

After getting up and having breakfast, Logan left the apartment with his luggage and flew directly to Beijing with Calatrava’s design team to prepare for a field trip to Beijing.

Not only them, but several other top design teams will also leave New York one after another for on-site inspections in Beijing.

After completing the inspection, they will start the design work and then submit their respective museum design plans to Ye Tian.

The best design plan will finally win after getting Ye Tian’s nod and approval, and then enter the implementation stage.

When these top architectural design teams set out, my sister-in-law, who was far away in Beijing, led a group of company employees and was already ready to receive them.

In addition, an art advisory team composed of several top antique art appraisal experts from the Forbidden City and the National Museum of China, as well as several famous Chinese painting masters, has also been formed.

When these top architectural design teams arrive in Beijing and conduct on-site inspections, the Chinese and foreign parties will sit down and discuss the overall structure of this private museum from a macro perspective.

By then, Ye Tian should have returned to China and appeared at this meeting, where he could explain his ideas in public and embody his ideas in the design plan.

As for the architectural designer team of the China Pavilion of the museum, they plan to build it after returning to China, and they have enough time.

In fact, he already has a basic outline in mind on how to design and build the China Pavilion. He only needs to find a team of top domestic architectural designers to perfect it.

After all, he himself is not an architectural designer. It is inevitable that some aspects are not comprehensive enough, or even whimsical, and require professionals to standardize and enrich them.

Shortly after Logan left, Jason and David arrived at the house.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took them away from home and went straight to Columbia University not far away, preparing to meet with Professor Douglas and others.

After the motorcade left the apartment building, Jason, who was sitting in the back seat of the Paramount Predator, began to report to Ye Tian some of the events that had just happened from last night to this morning.

“Steven, the Intrepid deep-sea salvage ship has completed its exploration and salvage mission in the Ionian Sea. It has set sail back early this morning and is heading straight to New York.

The gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts subsequently recovered from the depths of the Ionian Sea and distributed to our company in accordance with the exploration agreement have been shipped from Sicily.

The ones transporting the gold, silver, treasures and antiques are still the C5 heavy transport aircraft from the US military base in Sicily. Charlie will **** them and they will arrive in New York at noon.”

After hearing the announcement, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then said with a smile:

“Very good, this is really surprising good news. It seems that we are going to make a lot of money again. After I finish my talks with Professor Douglas and others from Columbia University later, I still have some things to do, so I won’t reply. Company.

The pick-up and **** at noon will be left to you. You and Cole will take a team of armed security personnel to JFK Airport to **** the gold, silver, treasures and antiques back. You must pay attention to safety on the way.

In addition, please notify the Dauntless deep-sea salvage ship and ask them to rest in Houston or Miami. When we go to Honduras to explore the treasures of the Golden City, we must prepare backup plans on the Caribbean Sea.

When I come back from Beijing, the Intrepid should also arrive in Houston or Miami. By then, the crew on the ship can take a vacation, enjoy the sunshine on Miami Beach, or go home to reunite with their relatives.

After we entered Honduras and launched a joint exploration operation, the brave deep-sea salvage ship began to move again and moved to the waters off Honduras, just in case of an emergency, so that we could be supported at sea.”

“Okay, Steven, just leave these things to us, don’t worry”

Jason nodded in response, with a rather excited tone.

While talking, Ye Tian and his convoy had arrived at the gate of Columbia University. After going through a security check, they drove into the Columbia University campus.

When the motorcade arrived at the School of General Education building, Ye Tian could already see Professor Kane, Professor Douglas, Professor Delgado and others standing on the steps, stretching their necks towards the motorcade. While looking around.

In addition to these familiar old friends, some leaders of the Columbia University School of History and other professors were also standing on the steps in front of the building, waiting for the arrival of Ye Tian and others.

Soon, the motorcade arrived in front of the building and stopped on the roadside in front of the building.

Ye Tian and David immediately got out of the car and stood in front of the steps. Professor Kane and Professor Douglas walked down quickly. Everyone was excited.

In a few steps, these famous historians have descended the stairs and come closer.

As soon as he stood still, Professor Delgado said excitedly:

“Good morning, Steven, you are finally here. My hair has turned gray waiting for this day. When will we sign the tripartite joint exploration agreement, and when will we set off to Honduras to explore the treasures of the Golden City?”

“Good morning, Steven. Seeing that the dry season in Central America is about to end and the rainy season is coming, I thought it was over this year! It is impossible to explore the treasures of the Golden City again. I didn’t expect to receive a call from you. ”

Professor Douglas continued, equally excited.

Ye Tian looked at the two historians and archaeologists who studied American culture, then glanced at the other acquaintances and friends in the History School, then smiled and said loudly:

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m glad to see you all here. Considering the weather factors and the relatively stable political situation in Honduras, I decided to explore the treasures of the Golden City this year.

It seems that our Intrepid Exploration Company and your Columbia University School of History are going to cooperate again. I hope that our cooperation this time will be as successful as in the past and everyone will be happy.”

Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause.

“Pa bang bang”

Amidst the applause, accompanied by Professor Kane, Professor Douglas and others, Ye Tian and the others climbed the stairs and walked into the Columbia College of General Education on the stairs.


By the time the meeting was over and Ye Tian and the others left Columbia University, it was already 10:30 in the morning.

After the motorcade left the Columbia campus, Jason left in a full-size bulletproof SUV, joined Cole and the others, and headed straight to JFK International Airport.

The US military C5 heavy transport plane flying from Sicily will arrive in New York soon.

All they have to do is **** the gold, silver, treasures and antiques brought by the C5 transport plane to Manhattan, and then store them in a designated vault.

Ye Tian and the others went straight to the Sotheby’s auction house.

Just this morning, Sotheby’s auction house is holding a heavyweight auction, and three top-notch antique works of art by Ye Tian will be unveiled at this auction.

One of the antique works of art was the finale of this heavyweight auction.

Once these three top antique works of art are successfully auctioned, even if only one is auctioned, it will bring an astronomical amount of wealth to Ye Tian!

Participating in the auction is one reason, but the main purpose of Ye Tian going to Sotheby’s today is to go to his private vault to inventory and package some top-notch antiques.

When he flies back to Beijing in two days, he plans to take away a large number of top-notch antiques and artworks.

There are many national treasures from China, as well as many top-notch artworks from Western art masters. Each of these top-notch antiques is priceless.

After these top antique artworks are transported to Beijing, they will be temporarily stored in a vault on Financial Street. Among them, China’s top antique artworks will be displayed in turn in Ye Tian’s private exhibition hall in the Forbidden City!

When his private museum is completed, these top Eastern and Western antiques will appear in his private museum, shining the brightest light of civilization and art.

Such transfer operations will continue to happen in the future. Ye Tian plans to use this ant-like method of moving to gradually transfer most of the top antique artworks in his hands to Beijing.

The reason why he did this and was so careful was mainly to guard against the guys from the FBI Art Crime Team, and also to guard against some hawkish politicians who were unfriendly to China.

It didn’t take long for Ye Tian’s motorcade to arrive at the Sotheby’s auction house and drive straight into the underground garage of the office building!

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