Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2332: A bigger surprise, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Soon, nearly another hour passed.

During this period of time, two more batches of bags filled with gold, silver, treasures and antiques were transported to the ground, and were placed together with the first batch of bags.

At this time, there was a small hill in the Salola Church, piled in the corner of the church, firmly attracting everyone’s attention, and everyone’s eyes were a little red from the excitement.

Around this black hill, stood five heavily armed security personnel holding assault rifles, guarding this priceless hill. No one could get close.

Even the employees of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company and the security personnel who obey Ye Tian’s orders cannot approach this place without legitimate reasons.

After the third batch of bags filled with gold, silver, treasures and antiques were brought to the surface and placed, the underground secret passage suddenly became quiet.

But everyone in Salola Church was excited and energetic at this time, and did not feel tired at all, even though everyone had been busy for most of the day and was always in a state of excitement!

Especially the few employees of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company who were staying in the ** room and guarding the edge of the pit. Everyone’s eyes shone with excitement, as if they had been injected with blood!

Suddenly, the church door, which had been closed, was pushed open from the outside.

Jason and David, as well as Bishop Kent, Father Ramirez and others, entered Salola Church one after another.

Behind them, outside the church door, were a group of guys with unfamiliar faces, standing in small groups

Among them were politicians in suits and ties, senior priests in different monastic uniforms, rabbis wearing kippas, historians and archaeologists, as well as some handsome figures. Tough guy.

These people came with Jason and the others, but after reaching the door of Salola Church, they all stopped and just stood outside the door of the church, looking into the church.

Without exception, the eyes of these guys are extremely hot and full of expectation. Some guys even have red light in their eyes, which looks quite scary.

One by one, every one of them wished they could immediately walk into the church, enter the magnificent palace, and then follow the secret passage into the magnificent palace deep underground. .

However, they restrained this impulse and stopped outside the church door, waiting patiently.

In fact, they could not move forward even half a step further until ** got Ye Tian’s permission.

The armed security personnel guarding the door of the church were blocking them and staring at them eagerly, which was enough to dispel all their illusions!

Each of them knew very well that if they tried to force their way into this ancient church, they would definitely encounter a ruthless blow, and it would be self-defeating and run counter to the purpose of the trip.

Although the guy who controls the Salola Church is in the palace deep underground, no one dares to ignore his existence, and even more people want to provoke the guy who is always magical but cruel.

Seeing this scene at the door of the church, everyone in Salola Church knew that the multi-party talks held in the banquet hall of Tomar Castle had ended, but they didn’t know what the outcome would be.

After entering Salola Church, Jason signaled the two security personnel guarding the inside of the door to close the church door, blocking the view of those outside the church.

Next, David walked straight towards the pile of bags filled with gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts, preparing to check the bags that had just been shipped to the ground to see whether they were coded, whether they were sealed, etc.

Jason, Bishop Kent and others walked towards the ** house.

As they approached, Bishop Kent and Father Ramirez were stopped by security personnel and could only stay outside the ** room. Jason walked into the ** room unimpeded.

As soon as he came in, this guy whispered through the wireless ****:

“Steven, the multi-party talks have ended and the results have been released. As you expected, those guys who came to Tomar in such a hurry all came for those religious relics.

Especially for the Israelis, the delegation was led by President Xi Jinping himself, along with a group of political leaders, religious leaders, and experts and scholars from all walks of life. The standards of the delegation were very high, and it was a bit scary to watch.

After some negotiations, both the Vatican and the Portuguese government made certain concessions and reached an agreement with the Israelis and other parties. The specific content will be discussed later.

As for the worldly property in the Knights Templar’s treasure, those guys didn’t show any covetousness, or they couldn’t care less about it for the time being, so they could only hide their greedy desires well.”

The next moment, Ye Tian’s voice came from the headphones.

“That’s fine. As long as it doesn’t harm the interests of our company, I’m happy to see whatever the Vatican does with those religious relics. As for their covetousness, it’s best for them to keep it hidden!”

After the words fell, Jason immediately continued:

“At the end of the talks, all parties involved in the talks made requests to enter the underground palace and see the religious relics with their own eyes before deciding to hold a ceremony and transport the relics to the surface. “things”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn’t help but fell silent, and gave the answer after a moment.

“You can let them come down, but each country, church, or religious organization can only send one representative down to see these religious relics with your own eyes. One more person will not be enough.

They also know the situation in this underground palace. It can be said that it is full of dangers. Just the air covered bridge above the cliff is enough to deter many people and make their legs weak.

What’s more, there are many highly venomous Moroccan cobras hiding in the darkness here. Those guys are even more dangerous. If there are too many people coming down, I won’t be able to take care of them.

Let Bishop Kent and Mattis take those guys down. Before entering the underground secret passage, each of them must undergo a security inspection, that is, a body search, and they cannot bring any weapons.

And each of them must take safety precautions and record a video statement. If anything happens to them in this underground world, it has nothing to do with our company.

If they can accept these conditions, they can come down to this underground palace. If they cannot accept it, then ask them to leave and wait patiently for the results outside the church.”

“No problem, Steven, I will tell those guys right now. In my opinion, those guys will definitely nod their heads without hesitation. No matter how dangerous it is deep underground, there is no way those guys will let this go. Opportunity”

Jason continued, speaking conclusively.

Next, Ye Tian gave the boy a few more words before ending the call.

Afterwards, Jason walked out of the dormitory and came to Bishop Kent, Father Ramirez and others, and told them what Ye Tian meant.

Hearing what he said, these people immediately cheered excitedly.

“It’s really not easy. It’s rare for this guy Steven to get a favor! No problem, I accept these conditions. As long as I can enter the underground palace and see the religious relics with my own eyes, everything else is easy to talk about. ! ”

“Great! I also accept Steven’s conditions, and the guys outside must be the same. The Japanese will refuse. As long as they can see those religious relics as soon as possible, it doesn’t matter what the body search is. ! ”

After a while, the cheers died down.

Immediately afterwards, Jason and Bishop Kent walked towards the door of the church to inform the eager guys outside the door.

When they walked out of the Salola Church, a cheer soon sounded outside the church door, resounding throughout Tomar Castle!

At the same time, Ye Tian, ​​who was in the underground palace, turned his head and glanced at the marble statue of Guardim Pais standing against the wall not far away, and the sarcophagus behind the statue.

It seems it’s time to reveal the secret hidden behind this sarcophagus and bring an even bigger surprise to the world!

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