Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2325: turbulence, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Ye Tian did not leave the prayer house immediately and go outside to meet the eager Bishop Kent and others. Instead, he turned off the high-definition live broadcast camera he carried and whispered:

“David, Jason, tell me about the situation outside. Don’t even think about it. It must be very lively outside. There will definitely be a series of very exciting dramas coming next. We have to deal with it carefully”

Hearing this, David immediately smiled and nodded and said:

“Yes, Steven, your series of major discoveries have caused a sensation in the whole world and attracted the attention of countless people, especially in the Western world, where almost everyone is paying attention.

Shortly after you entered the crypt and discovered the Templar treasure, we received a call from the Oval Office and a call from the U.S. Embassy in Portugal.

After the call was completed, the U.S. Ambassador to Portugal led a large group of people and went straight from Lisbon to Tomar. They had just arrived in Tomar, and it was estimated that they would enter the castle in a few minutes.

When you discover those legendary religious relics, the sensation will be even greater. The person watching the live broadcast in the Oval Office personally made the arrangements and even mobilized the army.

According to information disclosed by the US Ambassador to Portugal, four Marine Corps special operations teams are arriving in Tomar by helicopter from the nearest military base to help us transport this treasure back to the United States.

If possible, the person in the White House also hopes that we can bring one or two religious relics back to the United States, and the White House has sent a higher-level heavyweight to lead the team, which has taken off and headed straight to Portugal.”

“Hahaha, it’s obvious that the man in the White House can’t afford to be early because there is no profit. He knows very well how much tax revenue this Templar treasure can bring, and naturally he is not willing to let it go. Otherwise, where will it be? Will be so positive!

As for those legendary religious relics, we’d better not think about it! The Vatican, Portugal, and Israel are all watching with eager eyes, staring closely at those sacred objects. Their eyes are probably already red!

Under this situation, we have no chance of obtaining any of the religious relics. If we participate in this matter without knowledge, it may be self-defeating, become the target of public criticism, or even achieve nothing!

We can only disappoint the commander in the Oval Office of the White House. As for the four Marine Corps special operations teams he sent, I am happy to see the results. This will undoubtedly greatly strengthen our security forces.”

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a very relaxed tone.

Before he finished speaking, David continued:

“After you discovered the treasures of the Knights Templar, especially the legendary religious relics, almost all Western countries that believe in Christianity issued public statements to express their congratulations on this series of great discoveries.

Among them, Israel had the most violent reaction. When the Israelites saw King Solomon’s signet ring, the Book of Roger El, and the red cross of Archangel Michael, the entire country fell into madness. .

Just when you were introducing those sacred objects, we received a call from the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office and the Embassy in Portugal, and the Israeli Prime Minister personally led a large delegation and was on his way to Portugal.

On the phone, the Israelis repeatedly reiterated that those religious relics are extremely important to Israel and the entire Jewish nation. They hope to get those religious relics and bring them back to Jerusalem to enshrine them.

According to news from Washington, not only a large number of senior government officials, experts and scholars, as well as religious figures, but also many agents from Mossad came to Portugal with the Israeli Prime Minister.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately chuckled and said:

“I have expected this behavior from the Israelis and am not surprised at all. If they want to get those legendary religious relics, then go talk to the Vatican. I don’t want to get into this trouble.

After the confrontation in London, our relationship with Israel has been greatly improved, and we have reached a preliminary cooperation intention, but we still have to be on high alert against those guys from Mossad.

Those guys in Mossad are crazy enough, especially when it comes to matters involving Israel and the Jewish nation, coupled with religious factors, they will often do whatever it takes, even at the cost of huge sacrifices.

They may try to **** those religious relics, but as long as the distribution of the Templar treasure has not been completed, it is our responsibility to protect those religious relics and prevent anyone else from taking them away.

It is necessary to warn the Israelis that it is best not to break into this underground world, otherwise they will never have the chance to return to the surface alive. Then don’t blame me for being ruthless and sending them to hell!

When the Templar treasures are distributed, our cooperation with the Vatican ends, and we leave with our share of the treasures, the matters between them and the Vatican will have nothing to do with us! ”

Listening to these words, everyone present could not help but feel a chill in their hearts and shuddered secretly.

Next, David continued:

“In addition to the U.S. government and the Israeli authorities, leaders of some other Western countries have also contacted us through various channels and expressed concern about the emergence of these religious relics.

According to the news coming from Washington and the intelligence collected by the European intelligence personnel of Thor Security Company, each of these Western countries is making big moves secretly.

In addition, the French Catholic Holy Land, St. Michael’s Mount, has also issued a public statement that it hopes to obtain the red cross of the Archangel Michael, believing that this religious sacred object should belong to them.

Churches and religious organizations such as the Lutheran Church, the Armenian Church, the Monastery of Mount Martyr, the Greek Orthodox Church, etc. have issued statements one after another to celebrate the discovery of these religious relics and put forward their own demands.

The Jewish bosses in New York City, as well as some Christian and Jewish people, also called us to express their concern about this matter. Some of them are known to you and me…”

With David’s introduction, Ye Tian finally understood how lively the outside world was with the emergence of the Templar treasures and those legendary religious relics!

This kind of lively scene was far beyond his imagination, and he was shocked.

A few minutes later, David just finished the introduction. This is still important to say, some things have not been unfolded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jason continued:

“Steven, the guys are all ready. They can follow you into the underground palace at any time to clean up the Knights Templar treasure and transport the dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts to the surface as soon as possible.

Through Thor Security, we have purchased a large amount of powerful snake repellent, enough to spread throughout the underworld and drive away the highly venomous Moroccan cobras, and these repellents are on their way to Tomar.

In addition, a large number of armed security personnel from Thor Security Company who came to support are also on their way to Tomar. Within a few hours, those guys will be able to rush to Tomar one after another to strengthen the security force.

In addition to land, there are also two large Raytheon yachts cruising on the sea near Lisbon. There are many heavily armed security personnel on board, who can quickly arrive here by helicopter for support.

Our own three helicopters are also ready and can take off to the Tomar Castle at any time; according to your instructions, I contacted the guys at the Sicily Air Force Base that I have cooperated with before.

Three US military heavy transport planes will fly to Lisbon soon to help us transport the gold, silver, treasures and antiques in this Knights Templar treasure. Of course, we have to pay a certain price for this! ”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately nodded with admiration and said:

“Well done, Jason. As long as we are fully prepared and consider all the details, we are not afraid of problems. The worldly goods in this Templar treasure belong to us, and no one else can covet it. ! ”

Just when Ye Tian was learning about the external situation from David and others, Bishop Kent and others, as well as Father Ramirez and Barbosana, three Portuguese people standing outside the prayer house, were like people on a hot pot. Ant-like.

They all stood on tiptoes, craned their necks, and looked anxiously into the prayer room. They wished they could rush in directly, communicate with Ye Tian face to face, and learn more about the situation in the palace deep underground.

At the same time, outside Tomar Castle, a huge motorcade has arrived at the gate of Tomar Castle.

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