Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2313: It’s all mine, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

“Thank you, Steven, for saving my life”

Peter said gratefully, while his eyes were fixed on the Moroccan cobra that was held seven inches by Ye Tian and held in the air, with a lingering fear.

Walker, standing next to him, looked highly nervous, constantly scanning the surrounding situation, ready to react at any time.

Ye Tian looked at these two guys, then said with a smile:

“No need to thank you, Peter. Since I took you into this underground palace to explore the treasure, I have the responsibility to protect your safety. You are my employees, and I don’t want to see anything happen to you.

The situation in this underground palace is unknown. God knows how many highly venomous Moroccan cobras there are, hiding in dark corners and peeping at us, ready to attack at any time to protect their territory.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that this place is in danger every step of the way! For safety reasons, you must stay close to me during the next exploration process. Only in that way can I protect your safety.

You’d better not touch anything here without my careful inspection and nodding permission. There may be many Moroccan cobras hidden among these gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts.

The bright light emitted by these gold and silver treasures will easily attract your attention. If a Moroccan cobra suddenly attacks, it will be difficult for you to avoid being attacked, just like this time.

Next, wherever we go, we must be careful and sprinkle snake repellent to avoid being attacked by these Moroccan cobras again. If there is a next time, we may not be so lucky.”

While saying these words, Ye Tian raised his right hand and threw the Moroccan cobra far away into the darkness in the distance.

At this time, the atmosphere inside and outside the Salola Church on the ground, as well as in front of countless live broadcasts, was already completely boiling.

“Wow! How did that guy Steven do it? He was able to identify and grab seven inches of the Moroccan cobra at the critical moment at lightning speed. It’s simply amazing! ”

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that something like this would happen. What a miracle! It’s just this guy Steven. If it were anyone else, he probably wouldn’t be able to react, let alone the uniform. A Moroccan cobra! ”

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian and the others, who were in the underground palace, took action again and continued to explore forward.

Walker and Peter, who were initially frightened, have become more cautious now, and do not dare to reach out randomly even if they are killed.

Both of them followed Ye Tian with their bodies half sideways, back to back, observing the situation on both sides with their eyes wide open, ready to react at any time.

While on high alert, they are also responsible for arranging electrical wires and lighting fixtures, and constantly throwing snake repellent to create a safe passage.

Ye Tianze walked in front, responsible for clearing the way, checking whether there were any traps on the road ahead, and whether there were Moroccan cobras hiding in the darkness, waiting for opportunities, to eliminate danger.

Next, they passed several hills filled with gold and silver treasures and antiques, and encountered several Moroccan cobras wandering among these treasures, but they were all safe.

During the march, Ye Tian did not forget to conduct a live broadcast, introducing the various gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics he saw to countless viewers on the live broadcast.

“Please take a look at this marble sculpture. It is carved with the head of Apollo, the sun god. Judging from its artistic expression and carving skills, it should come from the early Roman Empire.

Although the appearance of this Apollo head sculpture is somewhat damaged, the flaws are not concealed. This is a very good antique cultural relic with great artistic value. It should have been made by a master!


Let’s take a look at these gold vessels again, with obvious Byzantine art style. On the edge of this gorgeous and unusual gold plate, there is the coat of arms of the usurper Alexios family engraved on it.

The last few centuries of the Byzantine Empire began with the usurper Alexios I. From the 11th to the 12th century, they and the Crusaders were both allies and enemies of each other.

During the Fourth Crusade, in 1204, instigated by the Venetians, the Crusaders captured and sacked Constantinople. This batch of gold vessels should have come from Constantinople.


This golden sacrificial mantle inlaid with rubies and sapphires obviously comes from the Holy City of Jerusalem. The emblem engraved on the bottom is the emblem of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. It may have been enshrined in a church in the Holy City.

Looking at these gold coins, there are ancient Roman gold coins, as well as gold coins from European and Arab countries in the Middle Ages. They may be trophies of the Knights Templar, or they may be business income.”

With Ye Tian’s introduction, people suddenly knew more about the gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts in this Knights Templar treasure.

At the same time, people have become more aware of the enormity of this treasure and how amazing this huge wealth is.

In front of Tomar Castle on the ground and countless live broadcasts, the crazy exclamations almost never stopped, one after another, resounding in every corner.

Those dazzling gold and silver treasures and valuable antique cultural relics stimulated many people’s eyes to turn red. They were extremely envious, even jealous, and almost went crazy. They wished they could take Ye Tian’s place instead.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others gradually entered this extremely luxurious underground palace.

As the light extended forward little by little and dispelled the darkness, more of the situation in this underground palace was revealed to everyone and on the live broadcast screen, which attracted waves of exclamations.

And this is still only a partial situation of this underground palace.

There are still many places here that Ye Tian and the others have not set foot in. Those places are still shrouded in darkness. There must be more gold and silver treasures and antiques waiting for Ye Tian and the others to discover.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived in front of a pile of boxes stacked up like a hill.

Different from the gold and silver treasures and antique relics we saw before, these boxes, which are also filled with gold and silver treasures and antique relics, are in relatively better preservation conditions.

These boxes are all tied with iron bars, and most of them still maintain their original shape. Although some are damaged, the damage is not too serious.

From those broken boxes, some relatively small gold and silver treasures also fell out, and they were all scattered on the ground.

It can be seen that these boxes are covered with dust and covered with a layer of moss, covering some of the marks on the boxes and some of the words engraved on them.

When he came here, Ye Tian was not in a hurry to check these boxes and the gold and silver treasures scattered on the ground, but quickly observed the situation here.

On the ground, the vaults above, and a few granite pillars nearby, he did not find any traps, nor did he see the highly venomous Moroccan cobra. There seemed to be no danger.

But for safety reasons, he still did not touch the boxes with his hands.

He reached out and pulled out the folding engineer shovel he carried with him, opened it, then picked out a box that seemed to be engraved with text, and used the engineer shovel to gently scrape away the dust and moss on the side of the box.

As he moved, the words engraved on the side of the box and the badge imprinted on it suddenly appeared. Although it was not clear, it was still legible.

It was a few lines of French text. Below the French text were marked the chronological number, as well as the unique symbol of the Knights Templar, a two-person and one-horse pattern that symbolizes poor knights and brotherhood.

The moment he saw these French words, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly and said loudly:

“Although I don’t know French, I do know Arabic numerals. The number 1294 engraved on this box has a very special significance in the history of the Knights Templar.

After suffering a tragic defeat at the siege of Acre in 1291, the remaining members of the Knights Templar withdrew to the island of Cyprus. After repairing the island, they withdrew to France in 1294.

But these Templar knights who survived the battlefield never expected that Philip IV, far away in Paris, was already staring at blood-red eyes, sharpening his sword, and was ready to attack them!

When the remaining members of the Knights Templar left the island of Cyprus, they took most of the wealth they had accumulated over time and took it all to Paris, where they hid their secrets.

After Philip IV wiped out the Knights Templar, he did not get this wealth. Instead, he suddenly died while hunting not long after. His death was inexplicable. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army! ”

Hearing this, everyone in Tomar Castle, as well as those in front of the live broadcast who knew something about the history of the Knights Templar, couldn’t help but nodded.

Everyone knows this period of history well and knows that what Ye Tian said is correct!

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“There was a legend circulating at the time that before Black Friday, the Knights Templar had received inside information that Philip IV was preparing to deal with them, and immediately carted away the huge wealth.

They used carriages to transport the gold and silver treasures out of Paris overnight and transported them to the naval base in La Rochelle. Then they loaded eighteen large ships with this huge amount of wealth and sailed to the sea, completely disappearing.

From then on, no one knew the whereabouts of these gold and silver treasures, but there was a folk legend that someone once saw the eighteen large ships loaded with gold and silver treasures sailing to Portugal.

At the beginning of the fourteenth century, the Portuguese royal family still maintained a close cooperative relationship with the Knights Templar, and under the great pressure of Philip IV, it provided certain protection to the Knights Templar.

Judging from the current situation, this folklore is very likely to be true. The staggering amount of gold and silver treasures of the Knights Templar were indeed transported to Portugal. This is the best evidence! ”

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed at the mottled box in front of him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bishop Kent’s voice came over the intercom, proving his judgment.

“Steven, you are right. It is clearly engraved on this box that the gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts contained in the box belong to the Knights Templar and are part of the Knights Templar’s treasures. ! ”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

“Correction, Bishop of Kent, the gold and silver treasures and antiques contained in these boxes, as well as all worldly goods in this Templar treasure, once belonged to the Knights Templar.

However, now they belong to the Intrepid Exploration Company, there is no dispute about this! It was we who discovered this magnificent underground palace and subsequently this Templar treasure.”

With Ye Tian’s words, the entire outside world was instantly detonated!

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