Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2205: Stay somewhere cool, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

About an hour later, Ye Tian and the others had checked into a five-star hotel in the center of St. Petersburg, adjacent to the Hermitage Museum.

As usual, Ye Tian and his friends had booked this five-star hotel long ago.

The company employees and security personnel who came to St. Petersburg in advance have made all preparations. Everyone just needs to pack their bags and check in.

Of course, with the Russian way of doing things, this five-star hotel has already been under the control of the Federal Security Service. God knows how many Russian agents are inside and outside the hotel, maybe even the cleaning lady.

Although he knew this, Ye Tian had no intention of changing to another hotel.

He came to St. Petersburg this time to negotiate a deal with the Russians. He did not come to Russia to explore treasures, nor did he come here to fight anyone. The Russians had no reason to deal with him.

More importantly, the Amber Room is in his hands. If the Russians want to take back this unparalleled treasure, instead of taking the initiative to deal with him, they must protect him.

Like most people, the Russians also know that Ye Tian is a guy who doesn’t take hard or soft, puts interests first, is ruthless, and is famous for retribution.

If you are not 100% sure about dealing with such a guy, it is best not to provoke him, otherwise it will only make things worse.

As for Russia, it will never be able to take back the Amber Room, and it will have to face extremely **** and even endless crazy revenge, which is very uneconomical.

Because of this, Bie Jia, a senior agent from the Russian Federal Security Service, appeared with a group of special elites to greet Ye Tian.

Rather than saying that they are here to protect Ye Tian, ​​it is better to say that they are here to deal with those guys who covet the Amber Room and prevent some fools from jumping out and ruining this art deal!

The arrival of Ye Tian and the others inevitably caused a stir inside and outside the hotel. Everyone looked at them and whispered with interest.

“I’m going! This **** Steven actually came to St. Petersburg. He should be here to negotiate a deal with the Hermitage Museum. The person walking next to him is Miha, the director of the Hermitage Museum. il.

As we all know, the Amber Room is Russia’s national treasure! If you want me to say, there should be no deal at all. Now that Steven is here, he should be arrested and forced to hand over the Amber Room.”

“This is a good idea, but there is no chance of success! This **** Steven has always been extremely cunning, very cautious, and almost leak-proof. Since he dares to come to St. Petersburg, he must have a backup plan!

What’s more important is that when he comes to St. Petersburg this time, he will never bring the Amber Room with him. Even if the government arrests him, it will probably get nothing, but will screw up the art deal!

In that case, Russia will never get back the Amber Room. Besides, this **** Steven is a super rich man and an American national. No government dares to touch such a person easily.”

Not only the people in the hotel, but also through social media, the news of Ye Tian’s arrival in St. Petersburg spread quickly and reached many people’s ears, immediately attracting countless attention.

Amidst the commotion, Ye Tian and the others walked straight through the hotel lobby and towards the elevator.

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly came to everyone’s ears. It was English with a slight Russian accent, but fortunately it was not difficult to understand.

“Mr. Steven, please stay, can you listen to me?”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stopped and looked in the direction of the sound, quite curious.

David, Mikhail and others also did the same, turning their heads to look to the left.

The security personnel led by Cole and the group of Russian agents led by Bedya have all increased their vigilance.

Seven or eight meters to the left of everyone, there was a Russian couple in their fifties. It was the Russian man who called out to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked at the other person, then smiled and said:

“Good afternoon, sir, I’m Steven. What do you have to say? I’d love to hear it”

The Russian man nodded and then said loudly:

“My name is Yakov, from Moscow. Mr. Steven, nice to meet you. I watched the press conference you held in Berlin before on the Internet. First of all, congratulations to you for discovering Hit. le treasure.

But the Amber Room hidden in Hitler’s treasure is a national treasure of Russia. It was plundered by Nazi Germany during World War II. Out of morality, should you return this priceless treasure to Russia? ”

Hearing his words, all the Russians at the scene couldn’t help but nodded. They obviously had the same idea and believed that Ye Tian should return the Amber Room to Russia free of charge.

At this time, Ye Tian had a disdainful sneer on his face.

He glanced at Yakov who was seven or eight meters away, then glanced at the many Russians present, and then said in a slightly disdainful tone:

“Mr. Yakov, I am also very happy to meet you. I don’t know if you know me. If you do, you should know that I was born and raised in Beijing, China, and I am familiar with China’s history.

In China’s modern history, there was a period of humiliation for all Chinese people. Those who inflicted these humiliations on the Chinese people were the Western powers, including Tsarist Russia.

From the “Treaty of Nerchinsk” between China and Russia in 16** until the eve of the victory of World War II in 1945, when the Soviet Union threatened the “Yalta Agreement” signed by Britain and the United States, Russia has been invading the land of the United States.

Through a series of unequal treaties and plunder, Russia has occupied a total of about 3.3 million square kilometers of China’s land, which extends from Lake Baikal to the Far East.

Has Russia returned these lands to China? As far as I know, no. Even though the relationship between Russia and China has been relatively good in recent years, I have never heard that Russia is prepared to return these lands.

Mr. Yakov, I don’t know if you know the history of Russia’s invasion of China and its land. If you don’t, I suggest you study this history after you go home.

Mr. Mikhail, who is standing with me, and Mr. Vasily, the Russian Deputy Minister of Culture, must know this history. You can also ask them, and they will give you the answer.

Let me ask you something that Russia has never done, return the territory of the invader country. How can you have the nerve to ask me to return the Amber Room? Could it be that this is Russia’s logic? I disagree! ”

As soon as the words fell, the scene fell silent.

The faces of all the Russians at the scene changed. They became livid and extremely embarrassed. For a moment, they could not find any words to refute, not to mention how depressed they felt!

Especially Yakov’s face was extremely ugly, black with purple in it, as if his biological father had died!

On the other hand, David and the others standing on the side were all trying their best to hold back their smiles. They were all suffering very hard and their faces were red!

It is better to chase the poor bandits bravely!

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“As you all know, we came to St. Petersburg this time to discuss art transactions with the Hermitage Museum, and exchanged the Amber Room for some high-quality antique artworks collected by the Hermitage Museum.

Let me explain here that my goal is the fine Chinese antiques and art collected by the Hermitage Museum. I want to exchange those Chinese antiques and art and display them in my own museum.

But where did these fine Chinese antiques and art and a large number of Chinese historical documents collected by the Hermitage Museum come from? I can tell you that they are basically stolen!

Especially the Dunhuang Buddhist scriptures from the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. They were all stolen goods. But in the past hundred years, when did the Hermitage Museum ever think of returning those Dunhuang scriptures?

Mr. Mikhail, the director of the Hermitage Museum, is here. He can confirm whether what I said is correct or not. You can also ask him whether the Hermitage Museum has this kind of experience. Ideas? ”

Hearing this, the faces of many Russians at the scene suddenly became even more ugly, and they were all as black as the bottom of a pot.

Mikhail, who was brought out alone by Ye Tian to talk about the matter, had an even more wonderful expression. He even glared at Yakov fiercely and gritted his teeth.

But this was not the end. Before many Russians at the scene could calm down, Ye Tian’s sarcastic voice came out again.

“Mr. Yakov, you just said that it was the Nazis who robbed the Amber Room during World War II. What does it have to do with our Intrepid Exploration Company? You can’t hit it with eight poles!

If Russia wants to claim compensation, it should also go to Nacui Germany and the current German government. It is impossible to find the head of our company, even if we find the Amber Room.

Furthermore, our Brave Exploration Company is a treasure hunting company. Treasure hunting is our business. The Amber Room is our product and our wealth.

Let us take out our own wealth and donate it to a certain country, organization, or individual. That is not impossible, but the prerequisite is that it must be voluntary, and no one can force it!

Let me ask, Mr. Yakov, would you be happy if someone forced you to donate your personal property? Maybe you are generous, but sorry, I am a businessman!

Before coming to St. Petersburg this time, I expected that someone would make such a request, and sure enough! My reply to these people is just one sentence: Stay where you can and enjoy it! ”


David and the others finally couldn’t help it anymore, and they all laughed loudly.

Looking at Yakov and the other Russians at the scene, they were all so angry that they wanted to rush up and beat Ye Tian up and vent their anger!

Especially Yakov, the Russian’s eyesight went dark and he almost fainted on the spot!

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