Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2127: Action at night, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Over the sea shrouded in night, there was a sudden roar of a huge helicopter engine, which instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

People on the various ships of the exploration fleet, as well as people on the ships anchored outside the restricted area, all looked up in the direction of the sound.

Everyone was a little curious and wondered who came by helicopter and actually flew directly into the sea area where the exploration fleet was operating, but the armed security personnel under Steven did not react at all.

However, they did not see the helicopter flying in the sky. They only saw two powerful beams of light sweeping from the sky and quickly sweeping across the sea.

Just when everyone was surprised and puzzled, the two helicopters flew over the Blue Princess and slowly landed on the helipad located at the stern of the Blue Princess.

At this time, all the lights on the main deck of the Blue Princess were on, illuminating the entire deck as if it were daytime.

It was only then that people could clearly see the appearance of the two helicopters.

They were two Chinook heavy transport helicopters, and the fuselage was printed with the logo of the US military, which could be seen very clearly through the telescope.

When people saw the two Chinook heavy transport helicopters, they couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, not understanding why the two heavy transport helicopters came.

However, everyone soon woke up.

The next moment, the sea where the exploration fleet was located, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, were boiling.

“Faq! I understand, this **** Steven plans to transport the priceless treasures just salvaged from the water overnight, transport “Aphrodite of Nidus”, and even use the heavy transport helicopter of the US Navy ! ”

“Obviously, Steven was worried about the long nights and the Greeks and Italians plotting “Aphrodite of Nidas”, so he played such a trick. This **** is really cunning to the extreme! ”

Amidst the murmurs of discussion, the Greeks who came with the exploration fleet, the many Greeks in this sea area, and almost all the Greeks on the live broadcast side were driven crazy.

When they figured out why the two Chinook heavy transport helicopters had come, they immediately cursed loudly at the top of their lungs. Everyone wanted to eat Ye Tiantian alive, tear him into pieces and feed them to the dogs.

“Steven, you are a complete bastard, a robber, and a shameless liar!”

“No wonder you **** asked us to leave the Blue Princess and transfer to the Brave and Dauntless. That was the original idea. How **** hateful!”

On the deck of the Brave and Intrepid, Maria and several other experts and scholars from Greece, as well as senior officials from the Ministry of Culture, pointed at the Blue Princess and loudly cursed and condemned them. They were all so angry that their noses were almost smoking. Got it!

However, the done deal is done and it is too late to say anything.

In just a few moments, a Chinook heavy transport helicopter landed on the Blue Princess’s helipad, while another Chinook hovered over the yacht to provide warning.

The Chinook helicopter in the sky carried a team of fully armed Marine Corps special forces, here just to carry out this **** mission.

The Chinook that landed on the Blue Princess had just stopped on the apron. Walker and the others, who were fully armed, boarded the apron, entered the helicopter, and took over the military helicopter.

Next, this military helicopter will be driven by Walker and others to transport the priceless treasures that were just salvaged from the sea and directly to the US military air base in Sicily.

At the US Air Force Base in Syracuse, Sicily, a US C5 heavy transport aircraft is ready for departure on the runway.

As long as Walker and the others arrive in Sicily by helicopter and transfer several statues to the C5 transport plane, the C5 heavy transport plane can take off immediately and fly directly to New York!

At that time, no matter the Greeks, Italians, or other people with ulterior motives, they could only watch helplessly as Ye Tian took those priceless treasures for himself, but there was nothing they could do about it.

After Walker and the others took over the Chinook helicopter, David took his paralegal and boarded the heavy helicopter to complete the relevant legal procedures.

Next, with the full cooperation of everyone, the packed “Aphrodite of Nidas” and the bronze heads of the two ancient Greek philosophical giants were successively transported to the heavy helicopter.

Of course, the portable safe containing several gold artifacts from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic era was also sent aboard the Chinook helicopter.

It didn’t take long before everything was ready.

Until this moment, Ye Tiancai appeared on the Blue Princess’s tarmac and in everyone’s sight.

When people saw this scene through telescopes or on live broadcasts, they couldn’t help but sigh, or gnashed their teeth and cursed.

“This cunning **** is so cautious and thorough in his actions that he is almost invulnerable. No one can take advantage of this bastard, they will only be calculated by him!”

“It seems that Steven is planning to personally **** those priceless treasures away. This move is really clever. As long as he is not here, anyone who wants to explore the exploration fleet will be wary of three points!”

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian had already arrived next to the Chinook heavy transport aircraft, joined David and the others, and whispered to them:

“David, you will **** these priceless treasures on this Chinook transport plane and fly directly to the U.S. Air Force Base in Syracuse, Sicily. I will take a Bell helicopter and then set off.

Setting out with you are not only my security personnel, but also two company employees, and two guys from the NBC live broadcast team, in order to contain those American soldiers.”

While saying this, Ye Tian also secretly turned on X-ray and scanned the Chinook heavy-lift helicopter and the boxes in the helicopter cabin thoroughly, and found no problems.

The two Marine Corps helicopter pilots in the helicopter were also looked through by him, and he instantly grasped the situation of those two guys.

At least for now, there is nothing wrong with these American soldiers and they are worthy of trust!

“I understand your intention, Steven, don’t worry, we will transport these priceless treasures safely to Sicily and then to New York”

David smiled and nodded in response, without asking or saying anything more.

After many times of cooperation in the past, he and Ye Tian had already formed a tacit understanding, so there was no need to ask more questions.

Next, Ye Tian gave David and the others a few more words, and then left the tarmac, while David and the others boarded the Chinook heavy helicopter.

Soon, the Chinook heavy helicopter roared into the air, carrying the priceless treasures that had just been salvaged from the sea, and rushed directly into the night sky above the exploration fleet.

As the two Chinook heavy-lift helicopters quickly left, a sigh of relief suddenly sounded in front of the sea area where the exploration fleet was located, and in front of countless live broadcasts.

At this time, the Greeks were all heartbroken and bleeding crazily. They hated Ye Tian so much that their teeth itched with hatred.

About five minutes after the two Chinook heavy-lift helicopters left, Ye Tian’s Bell helicopter roared from the sky and slowly landed on the tarmac of the Blue Princess.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​who was carrying a black backpack and a metal suitcase in his hand, boarded the tarmac of the Blue Princess again, and then boarded the smooth-lined Bell helicopter.

Two or three minutes later, the medium-sized helicopter roared into the night sky, flying straight towards Sicily.

At the same time, on the sea about two to three nautical miles to the west of the exploration fleet, a medium-sized seaplane also moved and was ready to take off at any time.

Farther away in Valletta, the capital of Malta, a Gulfstream G650 private jet slowly rolled out of the hangar and taxied to a private runway not far away, preparing to carry out a secret mission.

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