Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2074: Who did it, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Before Sanders could respond, Ye Tian continued:

“In addition to the overt and covert outposts set up by the New York police and your FBI, the media reporters guarding outside the apartment building can also provide strong evidence that I did not leave my home last night.

It can be seen that the series of killings that occurred last night have nothing to do with me at all, and you should not look for me! This may be a dispute within the mafia, but it looks more like a murder and silence.

But I am happy to see the results of these killings. For the citizens of New York, this is also a very happy thing. Those guys are all scum and deserve to die! ”

Hearing this, Sanders couldn’t help rolling his eyes angrily and complaining secretly.

The deaths of those mafia scumbags in the Gambino family have nothing to do with you, bastard? Even if I were beaten to death, I would not believe it. Not only me, but no one else would believe it either.

Although he thought so in his heart, Sanders couldn’t think of any words to refute for the moment, not to mention how depressed he was.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend and continued to smile:

“Sanders, can you reveal the identities of these Mafia scumbags who were killed last night? I really want to know who are the guys secretly plotting against me and helping those Sicilian scumbags?”

After the words fell, Sanders immediately said angrily:

“Steven, stop acting. Don’t you know the identities of those mafia scum? How is that possible? Even if you don’t know, I can’t reveal the identities of those scum, even if they are all dead!”

Hearing this, Anderson, who was sitting nearby, was immediately ready to intervene and warned Sanders to watch his words.

However, Ye Tian reached out his hand and pressed down in time to stop Anderson.

“Whether you believe it or not, Sanders, I still have to say that I do not know the identities and hiding places of those guys. Since you are not going to reveal the identities of those scum, I can’t force you.

I have answered your question. The killings that occurred last night were not committed by me, and there are many witnesses to prove this. Can you remove your suspicions about me? ”

“Yes, Steven, you do have many witnesses to prove that you did not leave this top apartment last night, but witnesses alone are not enough, you need more evidence.

If I guess correctly, this luxury apartment must be equipped with a top-notch security system and many surveillance cameras. Can you let us see the surveillance data from last night? ”

“There is no problem with viewing the surveillance data, Sanders, but there is one thing I must explain. Every day after we return to the apartment, we will turn off the surveillance cameras at home and only turn on the ones outside the apartment.

This is to protect personal privacy. No one wants to expose their private life to surveillance cameras, and the same applies to us. After I got home last night, I turned off all the surveillance cameras in my house.

However, the corridors, elevator rooms, rooftops outside the apartment, as well as the facades of the apartment buildings, as well as the surveillance cameras covering the streets outside, were all turned on last night, and the video surveillance data were all intact.

It can be seen from these video surveillance data that I did not leave my home last night, which is enough to prove that the series of killings in New York last night had nothing to do with me!

I can provide these video surveillance data, but it must be kept strictly confidential, because these surveillance data will expose the locations of various outdoor surveillance probes, thus posing security risks.

In other words, if you want to see these video surveillance materials, you must follow legal procedures and minimize the number of people who come into contact with these surveillance materials. I believe this is not difficult to understand.”

Hearing this, Sanders couldn’t help but have a look of doubt in his eyes.

This **** Steven is so confident in his words. Could it be that he was not responsible for the series of killings last night? Who is it? Who has such strong strength?

Looking at the confused Sanders, Ye Tian couldn’t help but flash a hint of joking in the depths of his eyes, and it disappeared briefly.

Next, Sanders asked a few more questions, then got up and left with the subordinate, still confused when he left.

Ye Tian personally sent them out and to the elevator.

Just when the elevator door opened and Sanders and the others were about to enter the elevator, Ye Tian suddenly smiled and asked:

“When will Sanders, the boss of the Gambino family and other high-level figures come out of your FBI New York branch building? I would like to pay a visit to those famous scum!”

Hearing this, Sanders suddenly seemed to be under a restraining spell. He froze on the spot, his eyes almost flying out of his sockets!

Does Steven, this crazy bastard, want to kill everyone? Kill all the big bosses of the Gambino family? That would definitely cause an extremely **** war.

If he really dares to do this, New York will be doomed and will definitely become a battlefield with bullets flying and blood everywhere.


After Sanders and the others left, Ye Tian discussed with Anderson for a while, discussing how to deal with the subsequent investigation by the New York Police and FBI.

The answer is simple, no matter whether you have done it or not, you cannot admit it even if you are beaten to death.

In the blink of an eye, it was already a quarter past nine in the morning.

Many media reporters, who were waiting outside the apartment building in the cold wind, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to interview, finally got their chance.

When these media reporters saw the door of the apartment building open and Ye Tian and others coming out of the building, they immediately rushed forward like a tide and tried to interview Ye Tian.

As before, these media reporters were once again stopped by the police who maintained order at the scene, but Ye Tian did not refuse the interview this time.

Taking this opportunity, he publicly announced that the person who ambushed him in the underground garage of Rockefeller Center yesterday and planted a large number of remote-controlled bombs was from the notorious Italian mafia organization Cosa Nostra.

He is giving Cosa Nostra an eye candy, and he is also using the power of the media and public opinion to deliberately build momentum to put pressure on the U.S. and Italian governments to come forward to clean up Cosa Nostra.

As for the conflict, or hatred, between himself and ‘Our Cause’, he also briefly introduced it.

Of course it was those scumbags of the Italian Mafia who wanted to loot their own treasures and wealth, but they chose the wrong opponent and kicked them onto the iron plate.

Not only Cosa Nostra, but the Gambino family was also hit by him.

He exposed the fact that the Gambino family and Cosa Nostra colluded to support those Mafia scum from Sicily and engineer yesterday’s horrific ambush.

As for his purpose, it is still to use the media and public opinion to put pressure on the US government, the New York City Government and the police, and use their power to deal with the Gambino family.

In addition, he also did not forget to distance himself, claiming that the series of killings that occurred in New York last night had nothing to do with him, and that he had not gone out since returning home at night.

This can be proven by the police and FBI agents guarding outside the apartment building, as well as numerous media reporters.

And he also used a speculative tone to characterize the series of killings last night, claiming that they were probably fighting within the mafia, or someone was killing people and silencing them.

As he spoke, he vaguely pointed his target at the top members of the Gambino family, pouring a bucket of dirty water on those Mafia scumbags!

Anyway, those mafia scum are already extremely dirty, exuding a stench from head to toe, and they don’t care about an extra basin of dirty water.

After the performance, Ye Tian and the others got in the car and left, heading straight to the Sotheby’s auction house in midtown Manhattan.

At ten o’clock this morning, Sotheby’s auction house will hold a large-scale auction. This can be regarded as a preview of this year’s New York spring auction season, which is relatively important.

In this large-scale auction, several pieces of antique art belonging to Ye Tian will be auctioned, and each piece is valuable, so he rushed to participate.

At ten o’clock in the morning, just as the auction had just begun, Ye Tian also arrived and walked into the auction venue under the leadership of the manager of Sotheby’s auction house.

His arrival immediately set off the entire auction venue.

“I’ll go! Why is this guy Steven here? Does he still have the heart to participate in the auction? This is not a good thing. Could it be that he has taken a liking to a certain piece of antique art that was auctioned today and is preparing to compete with us? No?”

“If he is participating in this auction as a buyer, that’s okay. I’m afraid he is not here to participate in the auction, but to fight with some enemy, which will be troublesome.

Yesterday’s **** fight that shocked the world is still fresh in my mind, and I’m scared to think about it. I hope God bless that such a thing won’t happen here, and don’t let us encounter it! ”

The auction venue was like a boiling pot. Everyone was talking about it. There was a bit of fear in everyone’s eyes, their legs felt weak, and they almost had no strength to stand.

For all this, Ye Tian turned a blind eye and acted as if nothing happened.

While greeting the collectors, antique art appraisal experts, and art dealers he knew, he strode towards the front row of the auction venue.

Soon, a group of them arrived at the front row of the venue, sat down in the reserved seats, chatted in low voices, and looked through the auction brochure.

Other people at the auction venue are still worried, and they are all worried.

This guy who is like a **** of plague will not bring the war here and turn this auction venue into a Shura field with bullets flying and corpses everywhere, right?

Fortunately, this didn’t happen.

As the auction progressed, people’s attention gradually shifted, and they returned to the main topic again, starting to compete for those exquisite and valuable antique artworks.

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