Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2048: A boy playing polo, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

In the blink of an eye, the second auction has begun.

Ye Tian picked one of the many boxes on the stage, moved it to the front of the stage, and then opened the box himself in front of the little treasures in the audience, and took out the items in the box and placed them on the stage. edge.

This is a bronze sculpture about fifty centimeters high. The theme is a young man riding a horse. He is twisting his waist and swinging to hit polo. Somewhat childlike.

The young man on the horse is about fourteen or fifteen years old. Judging from his appearance, he is a typical European. Judging from the polo clothing he is wearing, he should be from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. polo apparel.

It can be seen that this bronze sculpture is likely to come from Europe from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. It is a Western artwork with some history.

As soon as it appeared, this bronze sculpture attracted all the attention of the little ones in front of the stage. Those little babies were jumping up and down one by one, shouting that they liked this thing and wanted to buy it.

Next, Ye Tian began to show and introduce the bronze sculpture to these little babies. He even walked off the stage with the bronze sculpture and let the little babies touch the sculpture one by one.

At the same time, a close-up shot of this sculpture also appeared on the large-screen TV at the scene, and it was shot from various angles in great detail.

Many top collectors and antique art appraisal experts in this banquet hall quickly realized that this bronze sculpture from the West was of a very high standard and was a very good work of art.

However, everyone’s understanding and research of Western artworks is not deep, and they cannot tell who made this sculpture and how much it is worth!

As for the many laymen in the field of antique art collection at the scene, they were even more confused, but everyone felt that this bronze sculpture was very good, with a sense of movement.

After all, beauty is common and everyone can feel it as long as they use their heart.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know or understand this sculpture, isn’t there still Ye Tian!

Soon, Ye Tian’s personal close-up appeared on the big-screen TV, and he began to introduce this bronze sculpture to everyone.

“The bronze sculpture in front of you is full of youth and has a somewhat romantic tendency. It is a Western sculpture art. It is also a treasure I discovered at the Saint-Ouin flea market in Paris.

When I found it in Paris, it was thrown in the corner of a small antique shop. It was covered with a thick layer of dust and splattered with green paint. It didn’t look aesthetically pleasing at all and had been neglected for many years. .

Then, I asked one of my men to pretend to be a tourist, go to the antique store later, accept the bronze sculpture, and then take it back to the hotel to clean it and make it shine again.”

Hearing this, everyone in the banquet hall laughed softly.

Ye Tian is not only extremely sharp-sighted, but also extremely cunning. He has all kinds of tricks that make it difficult for people to guard against. Who can resist his schemes!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but sympathize with the owner of the antique shop in the Saint-Ouan flea market in Paris.

On the big screen at the scene, Ye Tian was still introducing this bronze sculpture, and the clear voice kept coming from the sound system and reaching the ears of everyone present.

“After getting this piece of “Young Man Playing Polo”, I carefully studied and appraised it, and I am basically certain that it is a sculpture by the famous French sculpture artist Antoine Boudel.

To be more precise, this is a work from the early period of Anthony Budel’s artistic career. The specific creation time should be around 1880. The romantic tendency shown in the sculpture is the best proof.

You may not know much about Antoine Boudel, the famous French sculptor from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, but you must know about his mentor and his idol.

That is the famous French sculpture art master Rodin, who created “The Thinker” and other immortal sculptures. Anthony Boudel is one of Rodin’s most outstanding students, and he was also deeply influenced by Rodin.

In fact, in the field of modern European sculpture art, Rodin and his two students, Maillol and Boudel, are collectively known as the “three pillars” of European sculpture, and they hold a very high status in the history of Western art.

When he created this “Youth Playing Polo”, Anthony Boudel had not yet been a student of Rodin, and his sculpture style had not yet been influenced by Rodin. His early works had obvious romantic tendencies.

Although he has nothing to do with Rodin, his early works are also very outstanding. When he created this work, Boudel was just around 20 years old, an age full of youth and passion. This is reflected in the work,… …”

As Ye Tian explained, the banquet hall suddenly became excited again, exclamations continued one after another, and everyone was talking about it.

“I’ll go! A sapphire tiger by a disciple of Lu Zigang has just been auctioned, and another work by a disciple of the Western sculpture master Rodin has appeared. Today’s charity auction is really awesome and will definitely cause a huge sensation! ”

“Who has never heard of Rodin? It is a shocking name! As Rodin’s most proud student, and one of the ‘three pillars’ of European sculpture along with Rodin, how could Anthony Boudel be any worse?

There is no doubt that this guy named Anthony must also be a top sculptor. This “Young Man Playing Polo” must be worth a lot of money. I have to say that Xiaotian’s handwriting is really scary! ”

While everyone was talking about it, they all took out their mobile phones and started searching online for relevant information about the sculptor Anthony Budel.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you will be shocked if you check!

Without exception, everyone was shocked by the distinguished name and status of this French sculpture master, and also shocked by the auction records of his related sculptures!

When everyone finished checking the information and turned back to look at the bronze sculpture placed at the edge of the stage, everyone’s gaze became extremely hot and their eyes were as bright as searchlights.

Especially the top collectors and antique art appraisal experts who were present, all of them were so envious that their eyes turned red with jealousy.

At this time, they wished they could become three- or four-year-old kids and run to the edge of the stage to participate in this unique auction, trying their best to win this sculpture.

At the same time, they also regretted it very much. If they had known that Ye Tian had such an arrangement and had so many valuable and rare antiques and art for auction, they should have brought their little brat with them!

But unfortunately, these are all wishful thinking. They can only look at it with greed at this time and have no chance to participate in this competition.

While everyone was talking about it, under the auspices of Ye Tian, ​​the auction had begun.

“Little darlings, what you are seeing now is a sculpture from Europe with a history of more than 100 years. This is the item in the second auction.

If you like this sculpture, after the auction starts, you can raise your hands to bid and compete with other children to see who can win this sculpture.

Like the cute sapphire tiger just now, the starting price of this bronze sculpture is also one yuan, one yuan! Is that little baby ready to bid? Please raise your arms! ”

Before he finished speaking, a dozen small arms of different lengths were raised in the audience, and a pleasant childish voice sounded.

“I want this little bronze man riding a horse. Uncle Ye Tian, ​​sell it to me and I’ll give you a dollar!”

“Uncle Ye Tian, ​​I like this little golden man. It’s so beautiful. Can you sell it to me?”

Amidst the coquettish bidding, competition started again among these little darlings.

At the same time, the eyes of everyone present were instantly attracted, watching the auction process.

Especially the parents of these little babies are staring at their babies closely, with their hearts in their throats, but they still have to put on a nonchalant expression on their faces.

It didn’t take long for the five rounds of bidding to end.

This sculpture, “The Boy Playing Polo”, by the French sculpture art master Antoine Boudel, was finally sold for 2,000 yuan.

The person who took the photo of this sculpture is a boy of about seven years old and a little kid of three and a half years old. They share the sculpture, and each of them owns half of the rights.

As for the follow-up procedures and whether there will be disputes, Ye Tian has already thought of a response strategy.

If the parents of the two little ones want to take away this sculpture, they must sign a contract confirming that the family owns half of the rights, and have it notarized on-site by the staff of the Beijing Notary Office.

This auction confirmation contract will also clearly state that this sculpture will not be stored in any of them, but will be stored in Ye Tian’s vault on Financial Street.

If the two families want to take out this sculpture, whether they take it home and take turns to appreciate it, sell it, or send it to auction, they must reach an agreement before they can take out the sculpture.

The reason why Ye Tian did this was to avoid controversy, unpleasant things, and turn a good thing into something disgusting.

The auction continues!

Antique works of art one after another were brought to the stage and displayed in front of everyone.

Among these antique works of art, there are traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting works of art, porcelain, and other Chinese antique works of art, as well as paintings, sculptures, etc. from the West, appearing alternately.

As these antique works of art appeared one by one, the exclamations on the scene continued one after another, one after another, continuously.

People in the banquet hall were shocked by Ye Tian’s generosity again and again, so much so that they were amazed. The scene was like a pot boiling, and it was very lively.

And the little ones who participated in the auction also gained something.

Under Ye Tian’s adjustment, they either took a photo of an antique piece of art alone, or a group of people took a photo of a favorite antique piece of art together. No one came away empty-handed, and everyone was happy!

For this result, not only the little guys who participated in the auction were very satisfied and had a great time, but their parents were also very satisfied, with a bright smile on everyone’s face.

Of course, those who are not married yet, do not have children, or do not bring children to attend the wedding banquet, will inevitably have some regrets!

But that doesn’t matter. The second part of the auction is their stage.

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