Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1956: Hypocritical, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

It’s another new day, the sun is shining brightly and the sky is clear.

Just after nine o’clock in the morning, Ye Tian took his team of lawyers and seven or eight company employees to the famous British Museum, escorted by a large number of armed security personnel.

After making an astronomical fortune in the Ritz Hotel yesterday, today he is preparing to loot the British Museum, the British royal family and other famous cultural institutions in the UK to continue to expand his achievements.

Today at the British Museum, he will hold a series of talks with representatives of the British royal family, representatives of the British Museum, the British Library and the David Wade Foundation.

If nothing unexpected happens, when Ye Tian and the others leave this famous museum, they will take away many signed art transaction contracts.

In the next one to two days, these art transaction contracts will be implemented one after another, and a large number of Chinese antique art masterpieces collected by major museums and cultural institutions in the UK will fall into Ye Tian’s hands one by one.

In exchange, many of the remaining antique artifacts from the Knights Templar’s treasures in his hands will flow into major British museums and become their collections for public exhibition.

In particular, King Edward I’s golden crown and other antiques closely related to the British royal family will fall into the hands of the British royal family and become their collections.

When all art transaction contracts are completed, the joint exploration team can leave the UK and return in triumph.

As soon as Ye Tian and his convoy arrived in front of the British Museum, many media reporters who had already received the news and heard about it immediately rushed up like a tide.

Fortunately, the London police and British Museum security personnel on duty were well prepared and blocked these media reporters outside the cordon, leaving a passage leading directly to the main entrance of the museum.

As soon as the motorcade stopped, Cole got out of the car first with a large number of armed security personnel, and set up another line of defense within the police cordon, watching everyone around him vigilantly.

After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and David got out of the car and stood in the square in front of the British Museum.

As soon as they appeared, the media reporters outside the cordon suddenly felt like they had been given blood, and they started asking questions loudly at the top of their lungs.

“Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from the BBC. Can you tell me about the private auction held at the Ritz Hotel yesterday? According to reliable information, you sold a large amount of value at that auction. Expensive antique artifacts! ”

“Good morning, Steven. I am the New York Times correspondent in London. Why did you come to the British Museum today? Are you really here to negotiate a deal with the British Museum, as the legend says?

The gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts from the Knights Templar’s treasures are all valuable, especially King Edward I’s golden crown, which is of special significance. Have you ever thought about taking them back to New York? ”

Hearing these incoming questions, Ye Tian immediately stopped and turned to look at these media reporters.

He quickly scanned the scene, then smiled and said loudly:

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I’m Steven, I’m glad to see you all here, the weather is very nice today, I hope everyone has a good day.

Thank you very much for your attention. A reporter friend just asked me about the private auction I held at the Ritz Hotel yesterday, so I will tell you about it to set the record straight and avoid random speculation.

At yesterday’s private auction, I traded part of the worldly property I had previously obtained from the Knights Templar’s treasures, namely gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts, through auction.

Some of the unsold gold and silver treasures and antique relics were entrusted to major auction houses in London. In the future, those gold and silver treasures and antique relics will appear in various auctions one after another.

I still have half of the treasure I received. In the next few days, I will trade the remaining gold, silver, treasures and antiques, or entrust them to major auction houses, all of which will be processed locally in London.”

“Wow! It’s all handled locally in London. What a huge fortune! It will definitely make everyone completely crazy. This guy Steven is really making a lot of money!”

“Isn’t it! Just the value of the gold products, jewelry and diamonds in the treasure itself is an astronomical amount of wealth, not to mention that they are antique cultural relics and are even more valuable!”

There was a sound of discussion at the scene, interrupting Ye Tian’s words and forcing him to stop.

While there was a lot of discussion, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian with eyes full of envy, even jealousy, and everyone wished they could replace him.

Ye Tian raised his hands and pressed them down gently, signaling everyone to be quiet.

When the sound at the scene subsided, he immediately continued:

“Needless to say, the reason why we came to the British Museum today is to discuss art transactions with the British Museum and several other famous cultural and museum institutions. We hope to achieve good results and everyone will be happy.

Here, I would like to make a special statement that all worldly property in the Templars’ treasures belongs to our Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company, and I have the right to freely dispose of it. This is beyond doubt.

In fact, although many antique artifacts from the Knights Templar’s treasures belong to me, it is very difficult and troublesome for me to take them away and bring them back to New York.

For example, the golden crown of King Edward I and the Crusader equipment worn by him and the Earl of Lancaster are all well-deserved British national treasures. There is no way I would leave the UK with them.

When the priceless treasures were discovered in the Temple Church, the Queen and the British Prime Minister who were present at the scene made it clear that no one would be allowed to leave the country with those priceless treasures, and they must stay in London.

In this case, why should I take them out of the UK and violate British laws? I am a businessman, and in business, of course I have to trade them and strive to maximize my profits.

The transaction partners I chose are famous cultural and museum institutions such as the British royal family and the British Museum. We have contacted several times before and reached some preliminary agreements. I hope to finalize the transaction today.”

Having said this, Ye Tian glanced at the New York Times reporter who had just asked the question seemingly casually, and a cold light flashed deep in his eyes.

As far as the eye could see, the New York Times reporter standing behind the cordon suddenly felt a chill on his body. A gust of cold air ran directly from his heels to the top of his head, making him shiver.

He instantly understood where this chill came from. Where else could it come from besides Steven, that ruthless **** who had no inhibitions?

This **** Steven won’t cause trouble for him, right? I am full and full, and I have nothing to do to provoke this guy who is determined to retaliate. Isn’t this asking for trouble!

When he thought of this, the New York Times reporter immediately took a step back, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes!

After a quick glance at this guy with ulterior motives, Ye Tian looked elsewhere, with a bright smile always on his face.

Next, he answered a few more questions, ended the impromptu interview, and then walked toward the main entrance of the museum with David and others under the protection of a large number of security personnel.

In just a few moments, the group of them had arrived at the main entrance of the British Museum.

At the same time, Fisher, the director of the British Museum, and several museum executives came out of the museum to welcome him.

After the two parties met, there was naturally a lot of false politeness.

Then, Fisher answered questions from several media reporters, then led Ye Tian and others up the steps and entered the British Museum from the staff passage.

Although I have been to the British Museum many times, I am very familiar with the antique artworks displayed in this famous museum, and I am even familiar with them.

However, when Ye Tian entered this top museum again today, he was completely attracted by the top antique artworks that radiated bright light, and he could hardly move.

Unfortunately, today I am here to negotiate with the British, not to visit the museum. I don’t have much time to appreciate the top antiques and art that the British have collected from all over the world.

After entering the museum, Ye Tian and the others only stayed in the exhibition area for a moment, and then led by Fisher and others directly into the office area.

It didn’t take long for the group of them to arrive at the door of a medium-sized conference room in the office area, and then walked into the conference room.

As soon as he entered the conference room, Ye Tian saw several very familiar faces, all of whom were old friends he had met and dealt with before.

The leaders were Prince Charles and Prince William, as well as the British Minister of Culture and several senior officials of the Ministry of Culture, as well as the director of the British Library and the chairman of the David Verde Foundation.

Seeing these British guys, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said loudly:

“Good morning, His Royal Highness the Prince, His Royal Highness the Prince, and all gentlemen. It’s nice to see you all again. I didn’t expect you all to come so early. I’m very sorry to keep you waiting for so long.”

With that said, Ye Tian walked up, shook hands with these British guys one by one, and said hello, just like meeting old friends.

“Good morning, Steven, this is London. As landowners, we should arrive first, and it didn’t take us long to arrive, so we don’t have to wait for a long time. We are also happy to meet you again”

When shaking hands, Prince Charles said a few polite words, but his eyes were filled with fear.

At this time, he was so happy!

If the situation allowed, he would really like to punch the extremely greedy **** in front of him and give him a good vent!

After exchanging polite greetings, everyone walked to the long conference table in the middle of the conference room and sat down on the left and right sides.

Next, the talks officially began, and it was another fight between you and me.

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