Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1882: Roaming France, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

In my busy schedule, two days have passed.

In these two days, a lot of things happened, and Ye Tian made a lot of money again.

The gold and silver treasures and antique artworks discovered deep underground in the stables of Arzheny Castle and hidden by Count Beauje’s ancestors have been equally divided between Ye Tian and Count Beauje, and each has pocketed them.

As for those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics, the appraisal conclusions given by the Louvre Museum team and the antique art appraisal experts are no different from Ye Tian’s appraisal conclusion.

In comparison, Ye Tian’s identification conclusion is more authoritative, more specific, and more credible.

As for the valuation of those gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics, the valuation given by Ye Tian is more accurate and closely follows the current antique art market conditions.

Under this situation, the distribution plan naturally did not change, and it was still based on the distribution plan proposed by Ye Tian before.

However, the first party to choose became the Intrepid Exploration Company.

This made Count Beauje’s family quite unhappy, but they had no choice but to hold their noses and accept the result. However, this was just a psychological factor, and they did not suffer any losses!

Next, in the banquet hall of Arzheny Castle, Ye Tian and Count Beauje jointly held a joint press conference to officially make the treasure buried deep under the stables to the public.

At the joint press conference, they each publicly displayed several representative pieces of goldware, jewelry, diamonds, and antique artifacts, giving the most intuitive and irrefutable evidence.

Unsurprisingly, the joint press conference went viral at the time, and all the media reporters present were completely stunned!

As the news came out from Arzheni Castle, the outside world was also shocked. Everyone who heard the news was stunned!

Of course, people were so envious that their eyes turned red.

Why didn’t I have any ancestors like Count Beauje’s ancestors who left me such a huge treasure? Why didn’t I have the incredible luck of that **** Steven to discover such a treasure?

At the same joint press conference, Ye Tian and Count Beauje officially announced the discovery of the Knights Templar’s secret weapons arsenal, and publicly displayed several medieval weapons engraved with the ‘Mother Cross’.

There is also the medieval Gothic palace hidden deep underground. Through a high-definition video material, Ye Tian also introduced it and showed it to everyone.

With their introduction and display, the outside world was shocked again.

The astonishing number of medieval weapons and equipment, as well as the majestic and majestic underground palaces, shocked everyone.

Especially the French and Lyons, they did not know until this moment that there was such a hidden history in France during the Middle Ages.

After the joint press conference, Ye Tian and Count Beauje immediately divided up the medieval weapons and equipment in the secret arsenal of the Knights Templar, still based on the previous principle, one person had half!

Next, it’s time to deal with the treasures and those medieval weapons and equipment.


Ye Tian turned around and started selling off the weapons and equipment of the Knights Templar that he had received. He sold them to major museums in France and antique dealers who came after hearing the news, and exchanged them for real wealth!

He only kept the best-preserved and most essential parts, preparing to transport them back to New York to decorate his ‘Kings and Knights’ showroom in the Metropolitan City, and slowly sell them in the New York antique art market. Sale.

After dealing with medieval weapons and equipment, it’s time to deal with those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts.

Next, Ye Tian began to negotiate with the French Ministry of Culture, the Louvre, several other famous French museums, and some famous collectors to deal with the half of the treasure on the spot.

With almost no effort, the gold, silver, treasures and antiques were jointly eaten by many museums in France and a large number of invited collectors, without leaving any of them for Ye Tian.

As Ye Tian requested before, with special approval from the Elysee Palace President’s Office, these gold and silver treasures and antiques have received a 50% tax exemption.

Otherwise, how could Ye Tian handle these valuable gold and silver treasures and antiques in France, and then have them looted by the French government.

After quickly disposing of most of the things, Ye Tian and the others left Arzini Castle with ease and returned to Lyon with the remaining weapons and equipment of the Knights Templar.

When they left this famous medieval Gothic castle, there were already hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank account of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company, a huge gain.

Unlike Ye Tian’s quick-cut approach, Count Beauje did not immediately dispose of the gold, silver, treasures and antiques he received. Instead, he stored them separately in several vaults in Lyon and Geneva.

Obviously, this veteran French nobleman was a little greedy and wanted to maximize his profits and slowly dispose of those valuable gold and silver treasures and antiques.

But whether this method of handling is a blessing or a curse, there is no telling!

Now the whole world knows that Count Beauje has obtained this batch of gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts, and countless eyes are paying attention to him, including eyes that must be coveted and even greedy.

Count Boge is not like Ye Tian, ​​who possesses powerful and formidable force. How he protects this enviable huge wealth is indeed a big problem.

However, this problem has nothing to do with Ye Tian. Count Boger can only ask for his own blessings!

On the second day after returning to Lyon, the joint exploration team went to another nearby Templar fiefdom to continue exploring the Templar treasures!

Unfortunately, this exploration did not yield any surprising discoveries.

Under the attention of countless news media, Ye Tian and the others only detected a few tattered and rusty ancient weapons deep underground, and nothing else was found.

At this point, the joint exploration team’s exploration operation in Lyon has officially come to an end.

When a new day came and the sun rose again, the heavy convoy of the joint exploration team had already left Lyon and headed straight for the nearby Andre-Loire province.

Just after nine o’clock in the morning, the convoy arrived at Lacolle, a small village in the Indre-et-Loire department.

It was once a fiefdom of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar also built a strong castle there. Unfortunately, it later collapsed and was completely evacuated, leaving nothing behind.

After arriving in Lacolle, the joint exploration team immediately started work and began to explore the former fiefdom of the Knights Templar and the ruins of the castle.

Unfortunately, they returned disappointed this time and found nothing.

Also feeling very disappointed were the large number of media reporters who followed, the enthusiastic villagers of Lacol, and those who followed the joint exploration convoy in large numbers.

The joint exploration team only stayed in Racol for a few hours. After quickly exploring all target areas, they drove away from there and headed straight for the next destination.

In the next few days, the joint exploration convoy, with a large number of media reporters, countless followers with different purposes, and under the attention of countless eyes, drove throughout France in pursuit of the famous Knights Templar treasure.

Going south, they went to Provence and explored a former fiefdom of the Knights Templar and an abandoned medieval castle, but unfortunately found nothing.

After leaving Provence, the joint exploration team went to the Chateau Barbezière in the Charente province of southwest France, where many mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar are engraved.

From ancient times to the present, in the legends about the treasures of the Knights Templar, Barbezière Castle has been considered one of the most likely places to bury treasures, and is also one of the key targets of the joint exploration team.

In that ancient medieval castle, the joint exploration team did not find the Knights Templar treasure or anything else, which disappointed everyone.

But Ye Tian and the others did not go in vain. In the fields outside the castle, they found a box of gold coins buried deep in the ground in the 16th century.

After discovering the box of gold coins, Ye Tian shared the harvest equally with the owner of the land, which was quite a small contribution.

Just when they finished exploring and were about to leave Barbezière Castle, an unexpected episode happened.

The Pink Panther, who had fought against Ye Tian and the others in Paris before, appeared in the following vehicle behind them. He was sneaking around and was probably coming for the Knights Templar’s treasure!

However, as soon as they arrived, their identities were discovered by security personnel who were disguised among the crowd and notified Ye Tian and Cole.

After receiving the news, Ye Tian did not hesitate at all and immediately asked Cole to inform the French police about the jewel thieves.

Soon, a fierce small-scale battle broke out on the highway. The French police blocked the Pink Panther scum on the highway and launched an encirclement and suppression campaign.

Just when the battle started, the joint exploration convoy had already left, heading straight for Marche in Touraine! That is the next destination of the joint exploration team.

In Marche, the Knights Templar once owned a large number of fiefdoms and castles.

And according to legend, it used to be the location of the Knights Templar’s “Gold and Silver Cellar”, and it is very likely that the Knights Templar’s treasures are buried there.

However, legends are just legends after all. They are mostly exaggerated but cannot be taken seriously.

After arriving in Marche, everyone rested for the night and started exploring the next day, searching in the former fiefdoms and castles of the Knights Templar.

In these places, Ye Tian and the others did find many traces left by the Knights Templar, including two very secret chambers, but they did not even see the shadow of the Knights Templar’s treasure.

After leaving Marche in disappointment, the joint exploration team continued their exploration journey and headed straight for Agen, near Bordeaux.

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