Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1834: Knight Hall, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

In front of Ye Tian and the others, there is a section of arched corridor that slopes downward, in the shape of a trumpet mouth. It gets wider as it goes downwards, the vault of the corridor becomes higher, and the area becomes larger.

Like the first half of the corridor, there are many bronze candlesticks inserted on the walls of this corridor. The walls, steps, and ceiling are covered with moss, covering almost all areas.

But there are no dangerous traps here. It is very safe and you can enter with confidence!

Ye Tian, ​​who was the first to enter here, has thoroughly seen the place and is fully aware of all the situations!

Go down this corridor and walk through a dozen moss-covered and slippery steps before entering an underground hall.

The strong lighting lamp that Ye Tian brought into the corridor before was placed on the last step at the entrance of the hall, illuminating the place as if it were daytime and giving a very clear view.

Standing at the top of this section of the corridor, you can see part of the entrance to the hall, but the rest of the hall is unknown. You can only find out by walking down the steps and entering!

Just the situation at the entrance of the hall below shocked David and Bishop Kent and made them exclaim again and again.

With the help of the light of the lighting lamp, you can clearly see that from the entrance to the hall, there are two rows of knight’s swords inserted side by side, each sword inserted on a square marble base.

In front of those knight swords, close to the sword body, there is a full metal helmet with a mask, and in front of the marble base, there is an iron shield leaning against it.

A knight’s sword, a full-metal helmet with a visor, and a fine iron shield are the basic weapons and equipment of a medieval heavy knight, and they are very sophisticated.

After more than seven hundred years, these knights’ swords, helmets, and fine iron shields have long been covered with moss. Their original appearance has been completely covered up, and they just sleep quietly deep underground.

Their glorious years have long gone. Today, more than 700 years later, they have no chance to go to the battlefield again. They can only be displayed in the windows of many museums for people to appreciate and pay homage!

However, the moment they saw these knights’ equipment, Ye Tian and the others felt a surge of blood and excitement!

Maybe it’s an illusion, maybe it’s telepathy!

Everyone seems to have suddenly traveled to the Middle Ages. There seems to be a sound of gold and iron clashing in the ears, the sound of battles and killings, and scenes of tragic and abnormal, crazy fighting scenes of life and death seem to appear in front of us!

But this was just an illusion after all. Everyone woke up in a blink of an eye and returned to reality.

Looking down from the top of the corridor, within sight, you can see more than twenty knight’s swords inserted on marble bases, corresponding one to one, arranged in two rows, extending deep into the hall .

And the arrangement of these knight swords is very particular. They don’t just need to be arranged randomly or aligned in two!

Bishop Kent, who had just woken up, quickly saw the mystery.

“The shape in which these knights’ swords are arranged is the bottom shape of the Malta Cross. In other words, deep in the hall, there are more knight swords and helmets, as well as fine iron shields, which together form a Malta Cross. ! ”

Ye Tian nodded slightly and said with a smile:

“That’s right! Bishop Kent, along the passage marked by two rows of knight’s swords, there are more knight’s swords, more full-metal helmets, and fine iron shields!

The way they are displayed is exactly the same as what we see now. In addition to these medieval heavy cavalry weapons and equipment, there are many other treasures in the hall! ”

“I wonder who these knight equipment belong to? Steven, do you know?”

David asked next, his eyes full of curiosity.

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head, but did not give an answer.

“Don’t worry, David. When everyone enters the hall below, everyone can do it by themselves and each choose a target to find out the answer to this question. That would be interesting, wouldn’t it?”

“It is really interesting to let everyone participate in the exploration. Let’s go down quickly. I can’t wait”

“Okay, let’s go down together. I have thoroughly explored these downward steps and the hall below filled with knight swords, and I have not found any traps. You can enter with confidence!”

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out and headed towards the hall below.

Bishop Kent and David followed suit and followed immediately. Both of them were extremely excited and full of anticipation.

Further behind, there are Jason and several others.

When they reached the top of the corridor and saw the situation at the entrance of the hall below, they all exclaimed, and they were all shocked and dumbfounded.

After a while, they woke up and hurriedly walked down the steps one by one towards the entrance of the hall.

As everyone keeps walking down, more and more knight swords appear in the field of vision. Almost every step down, everyone can see several knight swords inserted on the marble base.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others had reached the bottom of the steps and stood at the entrance of the hall.

At this time, this hall, which has been sleeping deep underground for more than seven hundred years, is finally fully presented to everyone, with everything as far as the eye can see!

This is a rotunda, or a slightly crude underground palace.

It covers an area of ​​about two to three hundred square meters and is made of granite and concrete. The highest point of the vault in the center of the hall is about seven meters high!

At the entrance of the hall, there are three thick marble columns surrounded by one person on the left and right sides respectively, supporting the dome above, which looks very solid.

Compared with the basement and corridor above, this hall is not that humid. Although the walls around the hall are covered with moss, it is not as thick as in the corridor.

Standing at the entrance of the hall, it seems that you can still feel the slightest breeze. If you take off the gas mask, you may be able to smell a trace of the fishy smell brought by the sea breeze!

Obviously, this place is not completely closed. It is likely to be connected to the towering seaside cliff on the east side of the castle. As for how it is connected, it is unknown!

But at this moment, everyone still has the time to care about these things.

The situation in this hall has shocked everyone so much that their eyes are almost exhausted.

The first thing everyone sees is the Horse Cross, the symbol of the Knights Templar, composed of dozens or hundreds of knights’ swords!

Every knight’s sword here is inserted on a square marble base, with a full metal helmet with a visor and a fine iron shield in front of it!

Looking from the entrance of the hall where Ye Tian and the others were, they saw a jungle of knight swords in front of them. The scene was stern and murderous, and the scene was spectacular!

Looking at this jungle of knight swords, everyone standing at the bottom of the Horse Cross, that is, at the entrance of the hall, felt a murderous aura coming towards their faces. They were a little frightened and had chills on their backs!

Looking through the forest of swords and entering deeper into the hall, everyone saw some stone platforms with some things placed on them and some boxes of different sizes.

Unfortunately, those things and the boxes were covered with dust and covered with moss. Coupled with the distance, it was impossible to tell the reason for a while.

The marble columns located on the left and right sides of the hall divide the hall into several levels of space.

In those spaces, there are also some boxes of varying sizes, as well as several life-size marble sculptures, standing there quietly!

Besides these, there is nothing else in the hall.

As for whether there are other secret rooms here or secret passages leading to other places, it is not clear yet. We can only explore it later!

Jason and the others all walked down the steps and came to Ye Tian and the others. They all looked at everything in the hall with their eyes widened, and their eyes almost popped out!

After a brief silence, an almost crazy exclamation immediately sounded at the entrance of the hall.

“Oh my God! This is definitely the treasure of the Knights Templar. God bless us, we finally found this legendary treasure. It is really a worthwhile trip!”

“Who do these knight swords belong to? What are the things placed on the stone tables deep in the hall? What are the things in those boxes? I want to know the answers to these questions so much!”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked at the people around him, then smiled and said loudly:

“This is one of the lairs of the Knights Templar. These things in front of you can certainly be called the treasure of the Knights Templar, but I am sure that this is only a small part of the treasure of the Knights Templar!

The Treasure of the Knights Templar is listed as one of the top ten unsolved mysteries. Legends about the treasure have been circulating for more than 700 years. It would be so disappointing if these were the only treasures of the Knights Templar! ”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded slightly and agreed with Ye Tian’s words.

Everyone knows that the most important reason why the Knights Templar were banned and destroyed was that they were too rich and attracted countless coveted eyes, which led to their disaster!

As the largest creditor of almost all major countries in Europe during the Middle Ages, it would be unreasonable if the Knights Templar’s ​​treasures were only what they had in front of them, and no one would believe it!

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“Gentlemen, let’s not worry about the boxes deep in the hall, the things placed on the stone platform, and the moss-covered statues. Let’s explore these knight swords first!

As a special reminder, every knight sword here has a great origin, and there is a soul-stirring legend of medieval knights hidden behind it. The same goes for those full metal helmets and fine iron shields.

In other words, each of these medieval knight equipment is a valuable antique cultural relic. According to the joint exploration agreement, these treasures belong to our brave and fearless exploration company!

In the next exploration process, everyone must be careful not to damage these treasures that have been preserved after more than 700 years of hard work, otherwise I will feel very distressed! ”


There was a burst of laughter and everyone laughed.

Bishop Kent and the other senior Vatican priest standing next to Ye Tian all shook their heads helplessly.

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