Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1744: Killing at night, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After returning to the guest room, Betty went to wash up and change clothes, while Ye Tianze stayed in the living room and started talking to Kenny in New York on the phone to learn about some of what happened today.

The call was connected instantly, and Kenny’s voice came over immediately.

“Good evening, Steven, I guess you will call soon, and sure enough”

“Good afternoon, Kenny, we just came out of the Vatican Museums, so we are calling to talk about the situation in Barcelona, ​​Marseille, Belgrade and other places. How are things going?”

Ye Tian said with a smile and asked about the situation in the outside world.

“Things are going very smoothly. According to the information we got from the Spanish police, all the important leaders of the gang in Barcelona were killed today, including the gang boss.

The gang now only has a group of minions left. It doesn’t matter. They have dispersed and no one dares to show up again. The situation is the same in Belgrade, and the news also comes from the police.

The only place where there was a flaw was in Marseille, France. It is said that two important leaders of the Marseille gang managed to escape the first wave of attacks and are currently being hunted. I believe there will be results soon.

The boss of the Marseille gang was killed immediately. As long as the remaining two important leaders are killed again, this Marseille gang, which is mainly composed of North African Arabs, will cease to exist!

As of now, all this information comes from the police in three cities. It is not yet known whether it is completely accurate. Intelligence personnel from Raytheon’s European branch have begun investigation and verification to confirm one by one.”

“Okay, this is really good news, it sounds refreshing! Once Raytheon Company confirms that the results are in line with my requirements, the relevant personnel can come to Rome!”

Next, Kenny reported some other situations before ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian dialed Matisse’s phone and asked about the security situation of the company and his home, as well as the movements of the five major families of the New York Mafia.

Everything is fine in New York and nothing happened. The same goes for Betty’s parents in Boston. As for the five major Mafia families in New York, there is no movement either.

The current five major Mafia families in New York are no longer as powerful as they used to be due to repeated heavy blows from the police, and their ties with the Italian Mafia are no longer so close!

On the other hand, the mafia entrenched in Las Vegas is still very powerful because of the prosperity of the gambling industry.

But facing Ye Tian, ​​no matter whether it was the five major Mafia families in New York or the upstart Mafia in Las Vegas, they would inevitably murmur and find it difficult to muster the courage to become his enemy.

Especially the mafia in Las Vegas. Those guys only have money in their eyes and will not put themselves in a dangerous situation just to help the Italian mafia family.

Every member of the Las Vegas Mafia still remembers Ye Tian’s performance in Las Vegas at the beginning of the year and his frightening killing spree. No one wants to provoke him!

No one wants to follow in the footsteps of those idiots from the Hells Angels, unless they are mentally ill!

After listening to the briefing, Ye Tian gave Mattis a few more words, asking him to be more vigilant and alert to avoid being taken advantage of, and then ended the call.

Next, he made a few more phone calls and arranged some other things.

He had just finished the phone call, and Betty had finished washing up, changed her clothes, and came to the living room.

After a while, the two of them left the guest room, went out to meet Anderson and the others, and went to have dinner at an Italian restaurant inside the Vatican.

Accompanying them for dinner today are old friends Cardinal Kent and Leonardo.

During the dinner, Kent and Leonardo, who were sitting opposite Ye Tian, ​​were not paying attention to the Italian food on the table. They were more focused on other things.

“Steven, it’s been a full day since you arrived at the Vatican. Can we start talking about jointly exploring the treasures of the Knights Templar?”

Kent looked at Ye Tian and said, with expectation in his eyes.

Leonardo, who was sitting next to him, was the same, even more anxious, wishing that the joint exploration operation could start immediately!

However, Ye Tian gently shook his head and said with a smile:

“Be patient, Bishop Kent, Leonardo. My legal team has not arrived yet. When David and the others arrive at the Vatican, we can start negotiations and draw up a joint exploration agreement.

I can tell you here that David and the others have left New York and are heading to Europe, but they still have some other things to do. After finishing those things, they will rush to the Vatican”

“That would be great. I hope David and the others can come to the Vatican as soon as possible, and we can sit down and negotiate as soon as possible, and then launch a joint operation to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar”

Kent said with a smile and nodded. Leonardo also nodded slightly and could only continue to wait patiently.

While Ye Tian was having dinner with them, hundreds of kilometers away in Milan, David and Jason were also having dinner in a five-star hotel and discussing in low voices the acquisition of property on Vincenzo Monte Street. matters!

Farther away in Marseille, France, a burst of fierce gunfire suddenly rang out in the night sky, immediately making this already jittery city even more tense.

The eyes return to the Vatican and to this restaurant in a Renaissance-style building.

Ye Tian stood up with a glass of red wine and said to everyone present with a smile:

“Ladies and gentlemen, cheers, to this wonderful evening, to these tempting delicacies, and to the priceless top-notch antiques and artworks owned by the Vatican!”

“Cheers to this beautiful night”

Everyone at the scene responded and raised their glasses.

The next moment, Ye Tian drank the mellow wine in the cup and sat down.

Everyone else at the scene did the same, draining the wine in their respective glasses and enjoying themselves heartily.

Contrary to them, in the dark night outside, there are many people who cannot eat and sleep at night, and some people are even struggling on the edge of death.


In the blink of an eye, it’s a new day, and the sun is shining brightly, just like Ye Tian’s mood.

As soon as he woke up in the morning, he received a call from Kenny from New York, informing him of the latest situation.

“Good morning, Steven, there is news from Marseille, France. A fierce gun battle broke out in Marseille last night. The location of the exchange of fire was an underground clinic in Marseille.

It is said that the gun battle was so fierce that the rapid rain of gunfire could be heard in half of Marseille, and it ended quickly, lasting less than ten minutes before the battle was over.

By the time the Marseille police arrived at the scene, the parties involved in the exchange of fire had already withdrawn, leaving only a few bodies inside and outside the underground clinic, including the two gang leaders who had escaped during the day.

At this point, even if the Marseille gang, which is mainly composed of North African Arabs, has completely collapsed and disappeared, the remaining minions have all dispersed and will no longer be able to make any waves.

The results of last night’s shootout, as well as the results of a series of previous shootouts, have been confirmed by intelligence personnel from Raytheon’s European branch. There are no problems and they are perfect.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian’s face immediately burst into a bright smile.

“Great! Kenny, you can send a message online and ask relevant people to come to Rome. There are three huge surprises waiting for them here, and they are the kind that can be seen in the light”

“Got it, Steven, I’ll send the message right now”

Kenny responded excitedly and immediately took action.

Following Kenny, Jason also called and told Ye Tian that they would launch an operation today to acquire target properties on Vincenzo Monte Street in Milan.

When the time came to eight o’clock in the morning, Ye Tian and Betty walked out of the guest room hand in hand, met with Anderson and the others, and then walked towards the Vatican Museum under the leadership of Leonardo.

What follows is another fascinating and intoxicating artistic journey!

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